Taylor and Ridge Kiss and He Removes His Wedding Ring As Liam is Sent to Intervene

In the Monday, February 21, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke and Hope send Liam out to talk to Ridge and Taylor and Ridge reconnect and he removes his ring.

We also have Friday’s B&B recap where Taylor and Ridge kisses and reunited at their children’s urging while Sheila offered herself to Deacon.

ridge tells kids reunited bold and beautiful

At the Cliffhouse, Ridge tells Taylor that his home is with her. They kiss. This is eventually interrupted by their children. “You kids have terrible timing,” Ridge says. This is like a dream for Steffy. She’s almost crying. Ridge tells them how incredible their mom is. He announces this is now his home.

Ridge tells everyone his eyes are open now and they have a lot of time to make up for. Steffy says they can do it together. Taylor adds it was hard to stay away but too hard for her to be there without Ridge. Her daughter tells her how amazing she is. “We all deserve this,” Taylor declares. Her kids congratulate them and leave them alone.

Taylor tells Ridge this is the moment they’ve been waiting for. “Welcome home, Ridge,” she says, wondering if this is really happening. He hopes so. The doctor wonders if they had to go through everything they did to get there. They are living proof it’s never too late to start over.

As they hug, she tells him how good it is to be in his arms. They kiss again. It’s weird because it feels like the kids are watching them. They decide to get a little privacy.

brooke floored ridge might move on bold beautiful soapsspoilers

At home, Brooke rails about Ridge being with Taylor to Liam and Hope. Thomas kept her out of the house and said her husband didn’t want to be interrupted.

She thought that he understood she was impaired when she kissed Deacon. Liam points out that in Ridge’s mind when she stopped the fight with Deacon, that was her defending him.

Brooke feels like her husband is slipping away. He hasn’t been getting her calls or texts because Thomas has his father’s phone. They are all infuriated by the way Steffy and Thomas are acting like children and pushing their parents back together.

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Brooke knows that she and Deacon crossed a line, but she came clean about it. Liam says it sounds like Ridge was ready to move on. Hope backs this up. Her mom really thought the marriage was intact and they would move on. But now she’s scared Ridge won’t come home to her.

She asks Liam to get into that house and talk to Ridge. After Liam screws up his face in thought, he nods and agrees to try. Once he heads out, Hope tries to reassure her mom but Brooke is sure Ridge’s kids are putting pressure on him. If Liam can’t get to him, she will lose the love of her life.

Hope feels partially responsible for this. Brooke insists it’s all her own fault. Hope beats herself up about insisting that Deacon should be around. “I’m so sorry mom,” she says. Brooke tells her not to feel guilty. They just need to pray that Liam can communicate.

Brooke and her daughter discuss her dismissing Ridge’s concerns about Deacon. She’s just realized how much of a mistake that was. Hope admits she was too stubborn.

Her mom admits she kept ignoring Ridge and defending Deacon. “Why did I do that?” she wonders. Her daughter hugs her.

liam reminds steffy and thomas that brooke's married to ridge bold beautiful

Liam shows up at the Cliffhouse. Steffy and Thomas have just re-entered and wonder where their parents have vanished to. They guess that Liam was sent by Brooke.

He admits it and says she’s very scared. Thomas says his dad deserves some time away from Brooke and her crying and manipulation.

It’s not like this is the first time she’s screwed up.

Steffy declares it’s over. Liam keeps asking questions. She says he won’t be going to Brooke any time soon. Liam is confused about why they are so cryptic and so scared of Ridge communicating with his wife.

Steffy says none of this would be happening if Brooke hadn’t done what she did. This is the last time she’ll be allowed to disappoint Ridge.

In the bedroom, Taylor asks Ridge what they are doing. He kisses her and she tells him she’s never stopped loving him. They kiss again and he removes his wedding ring. Taylor sighs. They kiss.

ridge remove ring B&B