Y&R Recap: Tensions Rise as Billy Thinks Lily Looks Petty, Chelsea & Adam Spiral & Lily’s Tired of Playing Nice

Thurs April 18, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Chelsea and Adam share a difference of opinion about Connor, Christine receives a blast from the past and Lily vows to make Daniel pay for his betrayal.

Wednesday’s recap: Drunk Nikki Shows Up on Jack’s Doorstep, Jordan Demands Passage to France and Ashley’s Lied To 

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on April 18. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

GCAC bar

 At the GCAC, Chelsea tells Billy she needs to cancel their date to do a video meeting with Connor’s doctor.

She’s desperate to know what’s going on and misses him.

She complains that she’s doing the call with Adam.

chelses worries

Adam strolls up to bitch about these so-called doctors and what they’re doing to their son. Chelsea sighs and Billy remarks that these are respected and accredited doctors working on his son.

Adam calls the video call between him and Chelsea. “He’s not going to be on the call, right?”

Chelsea says he won’t. Billy takes off back to work with a kiss for Chelsea.

Once he’s gone, she asks her ex to drop the attitude and the resistance. He promises to do his best.

adam attitude


Outside at Society, Phylis tries to calm down Summer on the phone.

She’s certain Harrison will be found.

She sees Daniel inside and asks if Summer has told him. She hasn’t and Phyllis promises to let her do it. “I won’t do something crazy, I promise.”

Inside, Danny sits with Daniel at a table and is told that Christine can’t make his tour.

phyllis watches daniel

Phyllis turns up and finds the news deliciously satisfying. She says, “Cricket’s waffling, yet again!” She laughs to herself.

He explains the reason behind it is work and can’t believe he’s putting his career on hold “for the bug.”

He says it’s none of her business but he didn’t cancel anything. She bets that Cricket chooses her career over him. The talk turns to Daniel losing his job and his parents agree that it shouldn’t have happened.

Danny gets a text and has to run. Phyllis mocks him for “the queen bug” dragging him away.

He goes and Daniel reminds his mom she said she moved on. Was she lying? She smiles.

phyllis immature with danny


Lily’s Office, Chancellor-Winters

Nate and Devon take a meeting with Lily in her office.

She informs them that Daniel’s suing the company to keep control of the games on Omegasphere.

Their legal team says they own it all but Heather’s trying to find a loophole.

Lily’s confident they’ll win.

lily confident she'll win the case Y&R recaps

Nate is concerned that it’ll get into the press and considers giving Daniel what he wants.

Isn’t taking his job enough? Lily claims she’s not punishing him.

He was fired for the sake of unity and morale.

nate and devon meeting with lily chancellor winters soapsspoilers

Nate’s not defending her ex but asks her to think of the spin Heather will put out there.

It’ll sound like she fired them out of spite.

Billy strolls in and agrees with Nate.

“Makes you look petty,” he says and it’ll open up people to distrust her leadership.

billy thinks lily will look petty

She wonders how she became the bad guy.

She reminds Billy that Daniel cheated on her.

Nate and Billy are merely pointing out possible outcomes.

Lily says Daniel brought an idea and artwork to the table. They brought the team, coders, tables, and office space.

They funded it all. It’ll undermine the work they’ve done.

It’s too expensive to rebuild. Nate thinks they’ll be fine but Lily denies it.

billy thinks lily should give daniel what he wants

They’ve no games in development and would be stagnant for months.

Billy thinks it’ll be better than being painted as a scorned co-CEO who would rather chase her enemies than run the company.

Devon’s quiet and Lily asks for his opinion.

He agrees with her, making Billy wonder if he’s agreeing with her because Billy’s against it. 

devon agrees with lily

Devon’s not trying to contradict him. Billy thinks that if he didn’t drop by, he wouldn’t even know that this meeting was going on.

Devon counters that he doesn’t need to be a part of every conversation that happens. Lily and Nate ask them to stop arguing. They agree to take it to the board. Billy likes it but Natae doesn’t.

They go ahead with it and Billy leaves. Nate’s sorry that Billy overheard them.

nate brings something to the table Y&R

Devon says it’s fine and he’s glad he gave his honest opinion. Nate swans off and Lily asks if Billy was right, did he contradict him on purpose? They rehash things and he denies it.

Devon’s not sure she had cause to fire him. She says she wanted him to step down but that didn’t happen so she did what she had to do.

They can try to trash her in court but Daniel’s not getting away with anything.

She’s tired of playing nice. She stomps off.

lily tired of playing nice

Adam’s apartment 

Adam takes Chelsea back to his apartment.

She again pressures him to stay calm. They call Dr. Hammond (Nancy De Mayo).

They ask her how their son is and what his days look like.

chelsea and adam meet with hammond

Hammond says his OCD therapist and trauma therapist are working in tandem.

Adam cops an attitude and asks why he needs a trauma therapist.

Dr. Majors learned that evidence of comorbidity showed up.

He’s got OCD and trauma was a response to a traumatic incident.

Dr. Hammond, Connor's doc.

Adam’s stuck on the word trauma and asks what they did.

Hammond gives them a lesson in OCD.

Adam realizes so far they don’t know where it stems from. So far, he carries a lot of guilt.

He believes things that happened to and between his parents are his fault. Chelsea looks hurt and says, “No.”

He’s been questioning why he was even born.

adam whines Y&R recaps

It’s the OCD’s intrusive thoughts.

Adam sighs and asks what their plan is.

They’ll treat each order separately and simultaneously.

Hammond asks them not to try to find blame which is unhealthy and unproductive. Chelsea asks how they help him.

She tells them about his journalling and how successful it is. It’s the first step. ERP (Exposure Response Prevention).

Adam questions how that works without them around.

chelsea takes blame

Chelsea says if it helps, they let him do it. Adam still doesn’t trust that these doctors even know what they do.

Chelsea blames herself. She starts to cry, saying how can she not?

Adam reminds her he thought his father was dead and then he just showed up.

He was held hostage at gunpoint. They argue who is to blame, torturing themselves in the process.

She wonders how they didn’t see he was doing so poorly.

chelsea cries

Adam wonders if the treatment will lead their son to hate them. Chelsea doubts that. If it did, they’d work through it.

This will give him the tools to live his life.

They can’t make this about their insecurities, Chelsea says to Adam. They need to do what it takes.

Adam worries he’ll never want to see them again. She snaps at Adam talking about his own trauma and they can’t make it about them.

chelsea yells at adam

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Christopher Cousins to Y&R


Connor’s on the park bench at his treatment facility, writing in his journal. He stops and starts counting, 62, 63, 64, 65…

connor uses journal


Back at Society, Daniel asks what’s going on with his mother.

She says she’s got a lot going on.

Nate and Chance appear and she watches them.

She thinks they know about the lawsuit.

phyllis at society

He’s sorry she may lose her job now.

Phyllis shrugs it off, glad he’s moving on to new pastures.

She wonders what Chance and Nate are talking about.

phyllis denies wanting to eavesdrop

Daniel knows she’d eavesdrop if he wasn’t there.

She gets up and goes to their table and brings up how shocked she is that Lily fired Daniel and Heather over something so petty.

nate listens to phyllis

In fact, he can’t believe they’d condone this.

Nate says it’s not her business and Chance calls it above his pay grade.

She’ll ask Billy what he thinks.

Maybe he’ll give her an answer as to what’s going on.

phyllis talks to chance

GCAC bar

Back at GCAC, Danny greets Christine with a kiss.

He gifts her a t-shirt from the tour.

She can wear it, front row.

daniel kisses cricket

He’ll go straight to her when he finishes his show.

He begs and tells her how much fun they’ll have but she made her decision. She’s not going.

This isn’t the end for them. She can come some weekends. He likes that.

They agree to make the time they have together count and start to kiss. 

danny has a gift for cricket

Crimson Lights

Billy and Chelsea meet to discuss Connor and how you can’t tell what’s going on in someone’s head. She fills him in on the diagnosis. Billy’s sorry. She repeats what Adam said and Billy says Adam needs to find a way to process without dumping his panic on to her. 

chelsea tells billy about the ocd and trauma

Adam’s apartment 

At his apartment, Adam calls Sharon. “Can you help me before I make things worse?”

adam on a call

There’s a PSA at the end of the show.

Judah Mackey (Connor Newman) says all kids have worries which is part of growing up. Melissa Claire Egan (Chelsea Lawson) says worries and anxiety can turn into something more.

Mark Grossman (Adam Newman) says, “When that happens it’s time to get help.” Melissa says to talk to your doctor. Treatment looks different for every child. They share onoursleeves as a place to visit for more information.

psa from Y&R

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