Hope Confronts Donna About Her Affair with Eric, and Sheila Discovers Finn is Alive

In the Tuesday, June 14, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Taylor and Ridge are shocked to learn Sheila is in the loose, Quinn calls Bridget for advice, and Hope demands some answers.

We also have Monday’s B&B recap where Sheila burst into Li’s place demanding to see Finn and Hope got an eyeful of Donna and Eric.

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Chief Baker visits Ridge and Taylor at Forrester Creations to inform them that Sheila has escaped. They are horrified. The cop says she could be anywhere. They can’t believe it.

Baker was hoping they could help. Maybe they know where she might have gone. They remind him that Sheila has no friends and killed the only family she had.

Once the cop leaves, they wonder how this could have happened. Taylor is just grateful that Steffy and the kids are far away.

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Li is shocked when she opens her door and Sheila is standing there, demanding to see Finn. As she looks around, Sheila tells her this is quite the hiding place.

She explains she escaped with the help of a friend. Sheila demands to see her son so she can say goodbye. They rehash the “accident” and Sheila keeps asking what happened to Finn’s ashes.

They argue bitterly about their status as his mothers. Sheila is still haunted by what happened. She didn’t even know he was there until it was too late. Li can’t believe she is justifying attempting to murder Steffy.

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Sheila continues justifying it. Steffy even took Brooke’s side against her just to hurt her. This is all Steffy’s fault. Li thinks she’s insane. “You have no idea what this has done to me,” Sheila says.

Li hopes she remains haunted and orders her out but Sheila won’t budge. She hears a beep and demands to know what it was.

Li lectures Sheila for ruining her life and tells her she won’t ruin anything else for her. Sheila still refuses to leave. When she hears another beep, she throws Li out of the way and runs into the room where Finn is in bed.

“Finn? You’re alive?” she says, shocked. All this time, her son has been alive.

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At home, Quinn panics when Eric’s heart rate is spiking on his tracker. She tells Carter this seems to be involving more than pickle-ball. Carter tells her she’s going to need a heart monitor herself if she gets upset like this whenever his heart spikes.

She decides that Bridget is the one who can tell her when she should be concerned. She calls her over. Carter wonders if Eric knows how lucky he is to have taken her back.

Bridget arrives and Carter takes off. Quinn fills the doctor in about Eric’s spiking heart rate. After asking her to keep this quiet, Bridget explains various ways his heart could be excited.

It sounds like his heart is getting stronger not weaker. She’ll have to talk to him about his new exercise routine and thanks her for caring so much about her dad.

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Bold and Beautiful Opinion: One Dimensional Plots and No Progress

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At the club, Hope looks in on Eric and Donna through an open door. Donna assures Eric she’s happy with how things are and just wants to spend as much time as possible with him.

eric and donna meet BB

He tells her how much he looks forward to their time together. She hates it when he leaves and goes through withdrawal. When they agree to meet again, Hope runs off.

After Eric walks out, Hope storms in and demands some answers about what she just saw. Donna claims she’s “sort of” having an affair. Hope reminds her he’s married to Quinn.

This is all unbelievable to Hope. She thinks a marriage should be respected, even one to Quinn. Donna begs her not to tell her. She loves Eric. What they share is sweet and pure.

“Please don’t judge us!” Donna says, begging her not to say anything about this. Hope shakes her head in disbelief.

When Eric gets home, he finds his wife and daughter together. He wonders why they are together. Quinn admits she reached out to Bridget because she was worried he is overdoing it at the club.