As Sheila Turns to Taylor to Vent About Brooke, Brooke Tries to Confess All to Ridge

In the Wednesday, January 5, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke tells Hope she doesn’t want Deacon around, Ridge worries to his children about what’s wrong with Brooke, and Sheila turns to Taylor for help. We also have Tuesday’s B&B recap where Ridge grilled Brooke about what happened with Deacon and she struggled not to drink.

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At Brooke’s place, she takes another sip of coffee and thinks about doing vodka shots with Deacon. Hope interrupts her flashbacks to waking up with him to ask where Deacon has disappeared to. Her mother is defensive and explains she is no longer comfortable having him in her house. Confused, Hope wonders what changed.

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Brooke repeats she can’t have Deacon there. Her daughter thought she put her reservations behind her and wonders if Ridge said something. “It’s me,” Brooke claims. She can’t risk alienating her husband. If Hope wants Deacon in her life, that’s her choice but she can’t have him around. Her daughter won’t push it but this doesn’t feel right after seeing how well her parents were getting along.

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Sheila drops by Taylor’s office, unannounced. “You really have no idea why I’m here?” Sheila asks the renowned psychiatrist. She never imagined that her legendary kindness would extend to someone like her. Giving her a chance is something her nemesis Brooke would never allow.

Sheila admits that she resents that Brooke has ignored all the hard work that she has done on herself. Taylor nods along as she talks about how much she has tried to change. The doctor guesses Sheila is frustrated. “I just want to start over, be a better person,” Sheila explains. She brings up New Year’s and starts asking about where Ridge was at midnight.

Taylor doesn’t know. Sheila continues to vent about Brooke and points out that Taylor has had to get used to spending holidays without Ridge. She comments on how hard it is for Brooke to be alone and how difficult it is to have no one to kiss when the clock strikes midnight… especially if you have a drinking problem.

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At the Forrester Creations office, Ridge tells Steffy and Thomas that their mother inviting Sheila to Christmas could have significant consequences. It was really hard for Steffy to let “that monster” hold her baby. Ridge warns that if you give her an inch, you will have problems. He assumes that Sheila is crazy enough to assume she is now friends with Taylor.

Thomas says it doesn’t matter how psychotic Sheila is because they are on high alert. They wonder if Taylor made the right call. Ridge wishes he’d gotten home for New Year’s. Brooke hasn’t been the same since he got back. Something is wrong. His daughter suggests he be more concerned about what Brooke will do about Deacon than why his wife is irked with him.

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Once he walks out, Steffy says their father would have less reason to worry if he wasn’t with Brooke. She wishes he would wake up and realize he’s made a mistake so he could live a drama-free life with their mom.

Back at Brooke’s, she remembers drinking again and distances herself from the vodka bottles. Ridge rushes in, eager to discuss New Year’s Eve. He apologizes for not being there to celebrate. She wishes he had been there but doesn’t blame him. When he’s not around, she loses all sense of stability. He tells her they can jet off wherever they want to celebrate, but senses something more is wrong.

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“It’s not you Ridge,” she insists. He senses things are out of synch. She repeats that this is not his fault but he realizes something has happened. Brooke wants to come to terms with what happened. Sobbing, she admits she doesn’t know how things went so wrong. She details what happened on New Year’s. After the kids left, she was getting ready for his return… but then she did something that she can’t explain. “I messed up,” she admits.