B&B Recap: Wyatt Tells Bill He Might Leave LA, Li Calls Poppy and Luna Gold Diggers, and Eric’s Overcome to Hear he’s Going Home

Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, Li gives Poppy a verbal lashing about her date with Bill Spencer, the Forrester family celebrates Eric’s impending release from the hospital.

Tuesday’s Early B&B recap: Brooke Tells Hope to End Things with Thomas, But Hope Says He May be Her Future

In his office at the hospital, Finn hugs Steffy who feels safe in his arms. Live’s been crazy, they agree but tonight they’re acknowledging the good.

He’s lucky to be married to her.

She is the lucky one and says he works miracles, like bringing her grandfather back.

steffy hugs husband at work.

She launches into the many adjectives to describe how incredible and amazing he is and kisses him.

She talks about not imagining her life without her grandfather.

Finn tells her that Eric can go home.

Steffy’s so happy and jumps back into Finn’s arms.

finn says erric goes home tomorrow.

In Eric’s room, he’s going stir-crazy but happy RJ and Luna are visiting.

He wants to go home and see Donna and get back to life.

Luna’s phone beeps and she has to go.

eric wants to go home.

They’re all glad they found one another and RJ calls Eric a living miracle.

Finn and Steffy appear and tell him the good news.

He’s going home tomorrow. Eric’s overcome.

Steffy cries and Eric thanks Finn for saving his life.

rj with grandfather

He’s excited to go home, to feel the sun and breeze on his face and to hear the grandkids laugh around the pool.

He tears up, happy tears.

steffy finn happy news.

Poppy ducks into the design room at Forrester to find Luna but the room is empty.

She takes a call from Bill, who misses her.

She smiles and he asks her out tonight.

She wants to but hopes to spend time with Luna tonight.

bill calls poppy. B&B recaps

He invites her out tomorrow to Il Giardino.

She agrees as her sister walks in, demanding to know why Penelope’s there. 

She’s looking for Luna.

Li doesn’t like it, especially that Luna’s dating RJ, who just happens to be Steffy’s brother.

poppy annoyed by Li.

Poppy’s confused. Li accuses Luna of being a gold digger and comments that she heard Poppy talking to Bill.

She calls him another sugar daddy for her sister. Poppy doesn’t like her judging her.

Li says it’s the same pattern with men. He has to be strong, handsome and have money.

li being a jerk to poppy

Lots so she can keep selling her Hippie clothes at festivals instead of getting a real job.

Li believes Poppy’s plan is to hook up with some unsuspecting sucker so she can put down roots.

Poppy tells her sister she can’t tell her where to live. Li doesn’t want her there and won’t rest til they’re both gone.

li mean to poppy on B&B.

Poppy goes and Luna appears. “Your aunt called me a gold digger,” she complains.

They agree that Aunt Li goes too far. 

Poppy has dated men with money but there was no targeting.

luna not liking her aunt.


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B&B January comings and goings

She went where her heart led her.

She laughs that Li can’t imagine how she met Bill.

Luna’s happy her mama is seeing him tomorrow.

luna likes bill.

Wyatt arrives at the beach house and hugs Bill. Wyatt feels like he needs a change.

He might move out of the beach house or even L.A.

Bill isn’t happy about it since he loves having his sons close but if he needs to do this, he won’t stand in his way.

bill hugs wyatt B&B recap

Wyatt’s grateful he allowed him to live there. He has a lot of good memories and says he found a renter that he thinks Bill will approve of.

Bill’s grateful.

His son asks about his new woman and Bill calls Poppy beautiful and mysterious.

Wyatt’s shocked Bill met her at a music festival.

wyatt returns to B&B

Bill does a little dance and Wyatt says, “Don’t do that.”

He can’t imagine his dad in a tent. Bill says he had a good camp set up.

He says he saw her when he was walking back to it. She was magnificent, free and uninhibited.

Her eyes locked on him and it was powerful which led to an incredible night. They created magic.

bill talks of poppy's beauty

Wyatt’s glad he’s not trying to get Katie back. Maybe Poppy’s his future. Bill smiles.

Stranger things have happened.

Wyatt says it’d be amazing that Poppy showed up with this amazing gift. 

wyatt with dad


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