After Eavesdropping, Brooke Tells a Miffed Hope She’ll Chaperone Her in Rome and Wyatt Riles Up Liam’s Paranoia

In the Friday, June 9, 2023, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Hope loves Thomas’ new design, Wyatt isn’t helpful as Liam panics, and Brooke tells Ridge she’s going to Rome.

We also have Thursday’s B&B recap where Hope rejected Liam’s demands not to take Thomas to Rome, and Thomas was perplexed when his parents suggested Hope has the hots for him.

In the Forrester Creations office, Brooke starts talking to Ridge about their schedule in Rome. She’s determined to be there and insists she’s an important part of the company.

ridge and brooke in the forrester ceo office

He knows that but says there will be no fun and games. This is all strictly business.

They talk about how much they want to believe that things will be okay between their children.

In Thomas’ office, he shows her his latest office. She looks at him and says she loves him. She can imagine the audience gasping when they see it.

hope talks about a pretend new line garbage clothing

He says they’re sure to love it if they see her wearing it. She could wear a garbage bag and people would love it.

brooke eavesdrops as hope and thomas joke around

As they laugh and joke about this, Brooke listens at the door, flashing back to confronting her daughter about her feelings for the designer, and looks disapproving.

When she pokes in, Thomas takes off.

Hope tells her mom all about the gorgeous new design. Brooke thinks he sure has his father’s talent. She announces she’s planning to go to Rome to watch her success.

brooke wants to be there for hope in italy

Besides, it would be good for her to be there to keep an eye on her and Thomas. they both force smiles and nods.

Hope doesn’t want a chaperone. Her mom reminds her she admitted to having feelings for Thomas.

Hope is hurt that she doesn’t think she can control herself. She’ll have no trouble staying true to her wedding vows.

brooke wants to keep an eye on hope in italy

Her mom continues to worry that she will get involved with the “inappropriate man.” She thinks any inappropriate feelings could lead to danger.

She points out that she’s Thomas’ muse. This is just like in Roman mythology and they are going to the place where all that started.

She wishes Thomas didn’t have to go to the world’s romantic capital with her.

Hope doesn’t want to hear all this again and reminds her mom that she’s not her. It’s like no one believes what she says when she claims everything is fine.

Brooke tells her again she doesn’t want her to repeat her mistakes and then walks out. Hope flops in a chair and stares.

As she sorts her desk, she finds a card from Douglas saying how great it is to see his parents together. She has a vision of Rome and more flashes of her close moments with Thomas.

hope looks at douglas' picture

When she starts having a sex fantasy abut him, she yelps, No! and has to grab the wall.

hope all hot and bothered thinking of sex with thomas

Thomas goes to see his father and babbles about bringing a new dress to the launch. His father is happy to see him so excited but he’s worried because the last time this happened, there was trouble.

thomas feeling inspired and energetic

Thomas assures him there is nothing to worry about. The more Ridge hears this, the more he believes it.

They both agree the idea of Hope having feelings for him is silly. Ridge says that Hope doesn’t follow her heart like her mom.

Thomas is happy to hear that Brooke is coming along to see how well he works with her daughter.

Brooke joins them and they talk about her joining them for the trip. Thomas thinks it’s a great idea.

brooke tells thomas going to rome with him

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At Spencer Publications, Liam rants to his brother about Thomas jetting off to Rome with his wife.

liam hates saying the name thomas

Wyatt assumes that’s to launch the new line and his brother worries about all the energy that will be involved and what that could lead to.

His brother points out that this was inevitable. He tries telling him this will be fine.

wyatt at spencer publications

Liam reminds him that he was traumatized by them going to San Francisco for an afternoon. His brother points out they are now going to one of the most romantic city in the world. That’s not helping.

Wyatt gushes about Rome and this riles up his brother some more. He understands why he’s worried and he’s glad he’s not in his shoes. But maybe he could just tell Hope about his concerns again.

wyatt su ggests liam talk to hope once more to express concerns.

He suggests that Thomas just attend by video conference. Liam thinks that’s a good idea so Hope will never go for it.

Liam is all out of ideas for preventing this. If he doesn’t stop this, trouble is right around the corner.

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