After Recounting Her Story in Tears, Phyllis is Shocked With the Judge’s Sentence & Mariah Lectures Daniel for Judging His Mom

Tuesday, August 8, Y&R day ahead recap: Summer tells Chance she’s feeling liberated, Lucy surprises Daniel, and Phyllis takes Christine’s offer.

Friday’s Y&R day ahead: Summer realized Phyllis will never change and agreed with Daniel that she belongs in prison, as Phyllis accepted Christine’s deal.

(Canadian Y&R day ahead recap for August 8, 2023 episode airs in the USA on August 9. Live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Daniel goes to his suite and is startled to find Lucy there.

She admits that her mom is a little worried about her given the Phyllis situation.

She teases him about his big eyes and goofy smile.

lucy surprises daniel in suite

He teases she has the same smile.

She claims she makes it cool. Lucy just wants to brighten his day.

Her father assures her he’s okay. She asks about the trial and he tells her that Heather is a great attorney but Phyllis gets in her own way.

He’s worried that Summer will lose more after already losing so much.

daniel worries about summer to lucy

Daniel and Lucy run into Mariah in the park.

She admits she came to town to check on her father.

Mariah thinks that’s sweet.

mariah meets lucy

He admits that it’s a weird time for him.

He’s trying to be a better father and man because it’s what the women around him deserve.

daniel and lucy run into mariah

He’s working on being the kind of person who steps up rather than steps back.

He doesn’t have the energy to watch the people he cares about ruin themselves anymore.

Mariah accuses him of being judgmental.

daniel wants to be a better man

He explains who Mariah is connected to and she admits that she’s not a fan of Summer.

They talk about perfectionists expecting perfection from other people. If Daniel wanted therapy, he’d be talking to Sharon.

Mariah talks about how unique her baby is and how she will do what she needs to do and it will all be on her own timeline.

People change when they want to, but it can take a long time and be difficult. You have to give the people you love the space to do that.

mariah tells daniel he's judgy

Mariah hopes everything works out with Phyllis.

She’s new to the mom thing but knows how special moms are and hopes Aria feels the same way about her one day.

Once she and the baby take off, Lucy asks her father to take her to see Phyllis.

He thinks they need to hold off.

daniel tells lucy to hold off

Summer bumps into Chance by the entrance. He senses she’s a big ball of nerves.

After reminding her that he is trustworthy and they are friends, she admits she’d like to talk but doesn’t know how to explain it.

All she can say is that everything has changed.

chance bumps into summer

They head to the club and she explains that after the latest fight with her mom, her eyes are finally open.

It’s like she’s had a personal earthquake and everything has shifted.

It’s like being on a rollercoaster and realizing there is no turning back.

chance listens to summer's metaphors

She’s letting go of her mom but she’s in charge of her own fate and she can’t change her.

There’s also no going back with Kyle. That means she has to move forward so she has weird energy since she’s letting go of all this crap.

summer tells chance she feels liberated

She’s feeling liberated and like she could do something dangerous.

She has all this energy she needs to get out and asks him to come with her.

He’s sure a roller-coaster is what she needs but he needs to finish some reports this afternoon.

he promises not to tell anyone how scared he gets.

The cop takes a raincheck and offers to show her how brave he is another time.

Summer rides a roller-coaster and screams.

summer screams on rollercoaster

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At Crimson Lights, Heather tries to stop her client, but Phyllis insists on going ahead.

She tells Christine that she will agree to her deal as long as she can guarantee in writing that there will be no prosecuting of Daniel and Summer.

heather sighs as phyllis asks christine for deal

The DA agrees so Phyllis asks if they can see a judge today.

christine makes deal with phyllis

Phyllis, Heather, and Christine meet with Judge Franklin in her quarters.

Phyllis explains she’s going against counsel’s advice and knows what she’s doing.

She pleads guilty to all charges and just wants this to be over.

phyllis gives judge new plea

She asks the judge to let her explain why she is there. The judge allows it.

Phyllis explains that Stark did terrible things. She teamed up with him to get revenge on Diane.

She tears up about how Diane was given a free press for doing what she did.

“I have neve been given a free pass,” Phyllis says, before relating that there was an “undercurrent” of threat from Stark as they worked together.

It may seem crazy, but his idea seemed like the answer. After they got married, it all went into overdrive.

phyllis tells her story at the hearing

She concedes that setting up Diane was totally in her intentions but she was just trying to protect her family.

When she attended her own memorial, she saw how upset her kids were and felt bad for doing that to them.

She couldn’t bare that and wanted out but Jeremy wouldn’t allow it.

Stark threatened her children and took out a life insurance policy and wanted them to live as a couple.

When she refused, he attacked her, and she defended herself. Carson watched it through the window. It haunts her.

Crying, Phyllis says she wakes up at night feeling his hands on her neck, but she took his life and takes responsibility.

She asks the judge to see that she was a terrified victim. Sobbing, she begs for mercy.

phyllis crying to the judge

The judge prompts Christine to speak. The DA appreciates Phyllis’ remorse, but laws were broken and they can’t forget that.

She doesn’t feel any differently about the sentencing recommendation.

christine wants the full punishment

Heather gets up to speak about the “great character” of her client and suggests that Christine’s history with Phyllis is shading her desire for punishment.

Christine is offended and points out there is no evidence substantiating any of Phyllis’ claims.

She insists her position is based on facts and Heather is out of line.

heather trashes christine to judge

The judge asks Phyllis what she thinks would be an appropriate sentence.

Phyllis feels like she’s paid a price. She’s lost respect and trust and has seen what her actions have done.

She’d like the chance to make amends and be a better mother and person.

phyllis thinks she's paid enough

She begs for the opportunity to change.

Christine wants to add something but the judge shuts her down and rises, announcing they will have her decision shortly.

judge listens to phyllis' story

Phyllis and Heather get ice tea at Society.

The lawyer isn’t crazy about her choice but is impressed by it.

Phyllis wishes she’d tell her daughter. Heather is sure that Summer will come around.

heather admires phyllis

Her client doubts the same is true for Daniel.

Her kids have always been the best part of her and she just wants to do right by them.

The lawyer is sure she knows she screwed up but is now back to her sense.

She saw the same thing with Daniel. He went down and dark hole but came back and she’s proven she’s capable of doing the right thing. That must feel good.

heather tells phyllis that daniel went through the same thing

Phyllis says she can’t forget how it feels.

Heather gets a text that the judge is ready.

Phyllis is sure her kids will know she did whatever it takes.

phyllis tells heather wants to do right

Chance bumps into Christine at the club and she tells him Phyllis just accepted the guilty plea and they went to see the judge.

They hope she won’t get off.

chance and christine talk paul

She adds that Paul sent her a voicemail and wants to talk about their future.

His tone didn’t sound positive and she needs to make time to see him in Lisbon.

The cop asks how she wants this to end.

The DA wants Phyllis to pay for her crimes for once, but she also wants what’s best for her kids.

She gets a text that judge has made her decision.

christine and chance talk sentencing

Back in the judge’s chambers, she says she’s heard her story but the fact is that she committed many crimes and went to great lengths to do so before killing a man.

He was a dangerous criminal and it is reasonable to believe she may have feared for her life.

Only Carson has confirmed her story in his written statement.

judge sentences phyllis to community service

She rejects Christine’s recommendation and sentences Phyllis to six months of community service and a year of probation.

If she violates that, she will see her again and not be so forgiving, Phyllis is free to go.

Shaking her head, Christine tells Phyllis she’s been given a gift and tells her not to squander it. “I won’t,” Phyllis says.

christine tells phyllis she lucked out

Heather tells her client it’s over.

“Not yet,” says Phyllis.

phyllis gets off

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