Brooke Claims She Didn’t Call CPS, Thomas Has His Friend Walter Confirm She Did — & Plays The Voice Recording

In the Thursday, September 29, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke updates Liam on the Thomas situation, Taylor wants to get off the marriage-go-round, and Bill decides to sell the Aspen house.

We also have Wednesday’s B&B recap where Child Services questioned Douglas and took Thomas’ knife, and Ridge called Brooke demanding to know if she was involved.

Ridge and Brooke are on the phone. He tells her it’s taking everything for him not to lose it after Child Protective Services stopped by.

He knows that she’s been threatening to call them about Thomas.

brooke answers ridge B&B

“Did you do this? Did you call CPS on my son?” he asks.

She insists she didn’t.

ridge wants answers B&B

When he gets off the line, Thomas asks his dad if he really believes Brooke didn’t do it. Ridge believes his wife. His son is sure she’s lying.

Thomas points out that their former employee, Walter, went to work for a company that does a lot of work with CPS.

He could probably find out who made the call.

thomas wants to know who called cps bold beautiful

Ridge calls Walter, who soon arrives.

After some chit-chat, Ridge unpacks the situation and explains they need to see who made the call.

Walter says it would be unethical to give them confidential information like that.

He could lose his license.

They promise it will be off the record and they will protect him.

thomas friend walter bold beautiful

Reluctantly, Walter looks up the case.

It’s been closed with no findings of concern.

There is a voice recording of the phone call. He plays it. It sounds like Brooke’s voice.

Ridge flinches, paces, and mutters, “Logan.”

ridge angry logan bold

Taylor looks out the window of the cliff house.

Steffy arrives and finds her looking thoughtful.

Sitting down, Taylor explains she’s still trying to process things.

She knows Ridge loves her but she’s tired of all the back and forth and history repeating itself.

steffy not following B&B

“I did not come back to LA for this,” she says. Common sense has hit her this week.

It’s like a karmic lesson and she has a feeling she knows how this ends.

Steffy tells her Ridge’s marriage to Brooke won’t last.

Taylor doesn’t want to be a consolation prize.

Her daughter will respect her giving up but not if it’s because of Brooke.

taylor frazzled B&B

“I’ve been on this marriage-go-round for decades. I want to get off,” Taylor complains.

Her daughter says that Brooke may be Ridge’s destiny, but she’s his true love.

They recall one of Ridge’s proposals.

It was like a fairy tale but there was no happily ever after.

She’s been doing this for thirty years and is on the wrong side of it.

Bill calls Steffy and tells her he’s putting the Aspen home up for sale and wanted to give her the first opportunity.

He even offers to let her use his jet to check it out.

bill sells aspen house bold beautiful

She’ll get back to him. She wants to get back to her conversation with her mom.

Steffy’s not asking her to be a homewrecker. The home is already wrecked.

Taylor is sure it will just be tears for days and the same old ending.

Her daughter urges her not to give up right now.

Her mom doesn’t like who this is making her.

She doesn’t want to do to Brooke what she did to her. She needs to get out of LA, at least for a while.

Steffy suggests they go to Aspen. Taylor looks for excuses, but her daughter insists, repeating that she will never give up on making her reunite with Ridge.

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Liam bustles into Brooke’s and thinks he’s talking to Hope until he notices she’s not there.

He sees Brooke looking morose.

brooke thinks about cps bold beautiful

Brooke has a lot on her mind to process.

She tells him about the strain on her marriage. Her main concern is how dangerous the “crazy man” with the knife is.

Liam understands and thinks the others are just over-invested in Thomas changing into a better person.

She fills him in on CPS being called.

Liam is confused.

liam shocked CPS bold