GH Recap: Tracy Declares the Q Mansion Looks Like Coney Island, and Gets BLQ’s News, and Dante Needs to Hold the WSB Accountable

Mon Dec 11, 2023: Today on General Hospital, Dex tells Joss about his childhood, Olivia asks why Tracy is back, and Curtis tells Marshall he could walk again.

Friday’s GH recap: Anna and Valentin had an emotional fight over Charlotte, and Tracy was appalled when she returned home.

Everyone claps as Chase and Violet finish their performance at Finn’s.

She asks to sing at the wedding and starts grilling BLQ for details.

chase and violet perform

She suggests that there should be two brides and grooms.

Liz and Finn shake their heads.

violet asks about wedding

They distract her by getting her to put a star on the tree.

Everyone hugs and congratulates the engaged couple as they shuffle out.

Violet calls out at them to tell her the wedding date as soon as they decide.

chase finn and violet

Finn tells his daughter it’s past her bedtime.

She asks Gregory to tuck her in and they walk off.

They sit and stare at the tree, discussing what it represents.

When she looks at it, she can see how happy his dad is to have everyone together.

liz finn look tree

He points out this could be his dad’s last Christmas.

The doctor thought he’d get used to this, but he hasn’t.

She thinks his dad is trying to soak up all the joy he can.

Finn wants them all to have a good holiday and not dwell on what they are about to lose.

He asks her to call him on it if he starts to backslide.

If he needs any more light in his life, she adds, he just needs to look at the tree.

liz and finn discuss his father

In her room, Gregory reads Violet a story and they talk about the tree and how special it is.

gregory reads to violet

They made it beautiful.

He says it takes kindness to make a home for a less-than-perfect tree.

When she starts talking about the wedding, he reminds her it’s time to sleep.

violet gregory talk wedding

As he gets up, she asks why he uses a cane now and tells him it’s okay to need help.

When he walks out, Liz insists on driving him home.

Gregory tells them what a good day this was and how proud he is of his son.

gregory thanks finn

Once they leave, Finn sadly looks at the tree.

finn looks at tree

Finn looks in on his daughter and wishes her sweet dreams.

finn kisses violet

At home, Marshall watches Curtis reading online. His son tells him that if he gets his wish this year, he’ll never wish for one again.

marshall sees curtis reading

Curtis explains how he could be walking in a matter of weeks.

It’s an experimental procedure so there are no guarantees. But what if it all went right?

curtis tells marshall about procedure

Marshall is surprised to hear Portia will let him be a guinea pig.

His son wonders if he has a problem with him pursuing this.

marshall asks if portia is okay with this

His dad will support whatever he decides to do. If it gives him hope, it’s worth a shot.

Curtis says it could start around January or February.

curtis says portia signed off

He shows his dad information about the procedure and his father assures him the whole family will be there to back him up and repay him for all he’s done for them.

Curtis admits he’s scared. His father tells him you can’t be brave if you’re not afraid of something.

curtis marshall with computer

At Dex’s, place, he and Joss finish off their sushi. As they make plans, she suggests they get him a tree.

dex tells joss no tree

He says no, that’s okay. It’s a lot of work and Christmas is for kids.

He didn’t have the kind of childhood where it was magical. They followed all the traditions but it was a show.

dex says christmas for kids

She’d like to hear about this if he’s willing to share. Dex explains his dad cheated on his mom all the time and didn’t hide it.

His mom stayed because she wasn’t strong enough to leave. His brothers grew up to be like his dad and used to beat him up.

joss dex talk christmas

She’s confused. He adds that he was never close to his mom either. His brothers were just jerks.

By the time he was 12, he just wanted out and enlisted the day he graduated high school.

Knowing all this makes her love him more.

joss loves dex more

Dex tells her that the tree was a sign of the start of holiday fighting. He always resented all that, but he went out and made a life he’s
grateful for…especially since she’s in it.

Joss hopes she can show him how special Christmas can be.

joss wants to show dex christmas

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At the penthouse, Dante and Sam discuss their Christmas plans. He’s not concerned about his dad since he lives down the hall.

dante and sam talk christimas

She bought lots of cookies from Aiden.

As he changes, she notices he still has the key. He says if he had, it would be long gone.

sam and dante make plans

Sitting, he fills her in on the report that was taken as well as Forsythe’s body being confiscated and the arson report disappearing.

dante sam talk forysthe

He assumes the WSB doesn’t know about the key and won’t let Anna know about it until he looks into it.

Sam worries that he could be putting himself in danger but he assumes the WSB doesn’t know about the locker for the key.

sam and dante talk anna

She worries that no one has his back. He assures her that he will be careful. The WSB has been abusing their power and he feels like they need to be held accountable.

dante tells sam he needs to do this

Sonny is startled when Nina arrives at the their penthouse with bags and bags of stuff. She declares that she’s going all out for their first Christmas.

nian brings bags home

She starts showing off gifts she’s bought for people. He wonders what she got for Wiley and Amelia.

nina shows sonny gifts

She doesn’t want to overwhelm them with gifts. He assumes there’s more to it so she admits she’s trying not to provoke Michael.

sonny asks if there's more

He’s sorry that there’s tension. She insists she’s trying to keep the drama at a minimum.

When he offers to talk to his son, she stops him.

nina and sonny talk gifts

She says that Michael agreed to bring the kids over already and that’s a big step.

When she asks if he wants a hint about what he’s getting, he says having her as a wife is all he needs. They kiss.

sonny kisses nina

At the Quartermaine estate, Lois and Olivia are congratulating themselves for decorating.

Tracy walks in, appalled, and declares that it looks like Coney Island.

tracy returns

Leo wanders in and says that Christmas is ruined. He tells Tracy she doesn’t like fun.

leo says tracy no fun

Tracy claims that she likes fun and even had some at the luau. They talk about animals and then he says the house looks pretty and jogs off.

She complains there is too much garland and ornaments. If Ned was in his right mind, they never would have been given free reign.

They tell her that her son is back to normal. She’s not impressed that no one bothered to tell her.

liv and lois tell tracy ned normal

Tracy says she could have gone to her grave not knowing her son recovered his sense. They ask what prompted her sudden return.

She tells them that Luke’s affairs are very complicated but Bobbie has been a great help. Tracy came back to get some paperwork proving she has power of attorney.

tracy explains why back

They assume there is more. Liv suggests she came back to be with her family over the holidays.

olivia thinks tracy came back for family

Tracy pulls out some gifts for Leo and they bicker until BLQ and Chase arrive.

blq chase arrive at qs

When they announce they are getting married, Tracy wonders what took them so long. Chase wanted her to know he wasn’t marrying her for her money.

blq chase announce engagement

Tracy tells him to sign a prenup. The cop wants to face his future with BLQ by his side. Tracy wishes them a lifetime of happiness.
BLQ hugs her.

blq hugs tracy

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