B&B Recap: After Having a Meltdown, Eric Makes a Declaration that Surprises Family

Thursday, Nov 30: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, RJ feels bad, Ridge and Steffy insist on respecting Eric’s wishes, and Katie and Donna urge Eric to go to the hospital.

Wednesday’s Early B&B recap: When Eric nearly collapsed, Donna called Dr. Colby.

In the office at Forrester, Donna hugs Eric and urges him not to ignore the doctor’s advice. He insists he will live his life the way he wants, both at work and snuggled up at home with her.

donna hugs eric

He refuses to go to the hospital. Katie walks in and immediately asks what happened.

katie eric donna talk death

He reminds her he’s dying. Nothing has changed.

Although he may be on the fast track to death, he’s still determined to stay there creating.

Donna says a brief stay in the hospital may help prolong his life but he refuses to be away from his collection.

This line will never be forgotten.

eric reminds katie he's dying

They urge him not to give up. He says going to the hospital would be giving up.

eric donna and katie debate treatment

He needs to stay with his passion. Katie says he can design and look for treatment options.

Eric still refuses. Turning to Donna, he tells her how grateful he is for her and begs her to let him live his last moments with her.

eric asks donna for help

It humbles him to have their support but he gets to decide what he will do.

Katie thinks his instincts could be leading him away from life-saving treatment but Eric is adamant that this is his final collection.

Taking Donna’s hand, he asks her to model his latest creation.

eric asks donna to model dress

In the little office, Ridge is frustrated and so is Steffy. They just want to help Eric.

ridge steffy talk eric stubborness

He’s being more stubborn that Stephanie but they need to let him live out his life on his terms.

rj and steffy frustrated

Brooke agrees they need to keep pretending but Ridge points out it’s getting impossible to ignore. His father nearly collapsed today.

ridge points out it may be hard to ignore illness

He thanks him son for being Eric’s hands and hugs him. RJ will do all it takes to help with every design.

Ridge is sure his father will do this until the end.

ridge and family talk eric

Brooke wonders how they can help while looking ignorant. Steffy’s not sure the charade can be maintained.

Ridge thinks they should be having quality time not wasting it with conversations like this.

Tearing up, Steffy says they need to respect her granddad’s wishes. Ridge hugs her.

steffy says they have to keep up the charade

RJ gets a text from Katie saying Eric wants him for work. They urge him to go and keep them updated.

RJ feels terrible for betraying his trust but his sister tells him he did the right thing.

rj gets text

After he takes off, Brooke says she’s proud of all RJ is doing. So is Ridge. It feels right that he’s helping Eric.

Once RJ is gone, Steffy wishes that Eric could have a thousand more shows. She just wishes they could tell him they are there for him.

Brooke repeats they need to let him do things his way…but it will eventually be too hard to pretend.

brooke doesn't know how long this can last

Ridge is sure his father will stand tall as long as he can. Steffy says he’s been very brave.

ridge talks about eric bravery

The three of them hug.

steffy ridge brooke hug

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Katie and Eric are in the showroom. He likes it since he beat Ridge in there.

eric katie in showroom

RJ arrives and Eric calls Donna out.

She comes out in her purple gown and twirls around the room, smiling at Eric.

donna models gown

He eventually stands up and says, “Beautiful. The dress is very nice too.”

donna smiling at eric

When she kisses him, he starts coughing and almost falls over.

RJ suggests a break and Eric refuses to take one until the one that lasts forever.

He holds Donna’s hand.

donna holding eric face

When he starts coughing again, they worry and Katie offers to get water while Donna grabs at him.

He flings off Donna’s arm and barks that he doesn’t want any more long faces.

Just laughter and joy.

eric coughing in showroom

He gets an idea for a funeral… or a party to celebrate his life.

No tears at his party.

Donna says people should be able to say goodbye but he says they can do that at the real funeral.

This will be the most fun he’s ever had one final, final act.

eric plans party

RJ stares in disbelief.

rj stares

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