Brooke Tells Hope They’re Under Attack From Steffy and Taylor and to Get Douglas Home, But Thomas Refuses to Let Douglas Leave Before The Family Dinner

In the Wednesday, August 24, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke gets under Hope’s skin enough so she calls and asks to come get Douglas, due to a family dinner, Thomas refuses to let Douglas leave just yet, while Deacon asks Sheila to get lost.

We also have Monday’s B&B recap where Thomas asked Douglas overnight and Brooke argued with Taylor about Ridge and Thomas.

Deacon wakes up groaning. Sheila made him breakfast in bed. He doesn’t like that he and Sheila are really roomies. She tells him it’s time to get up and keeps calling him “Big Boy.”

She made him breakfast but he just wants silence. He pours alcohol into his coffee and tells her she needs to leave. Why is she playing house when she should be leaving town?

deacon not happy sheila roomies Bold beautiful

Sheila’s trying to make things easier for him. She didn’t go through the excruciating pain of cutting off her own toe to make a mistake that’ll land her in prison. Deacon tells her that as far as he’s concerned, he never saw her. It’d be best if she left. Sheila glares.

“I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere.” She talks about losing it with Steffy when she shot her and Finn.

Deacon tells her she’s lost it, and he’s clear he means she’s mentally ill. She can’t believe he’s calling her a lunatic, “Some crazy woman. It’s not true.”

He’s sarcastic when he tells her she’s right. A sane woman cuts her toe off and hobbles over to his house. If she wants to be free, she needs to disappear for good this time.

She refuses and reminds him of her blackmail. He tattles and she’ll tell the cops he let her stay with him. 

sheila crazy says deacon bold beautiful

At the cliffhouse, Steffy asks Finn to “make mad passionate love to her.”

They make out and he lifts her up. Later they kiss when  Taylor interrupts. She apologizes.

She’ll go back upstairs but they tell her not to.

They discuss how important it is for Doulgas to visit Thomas. Taylor asks Finn if he felt he was in danger with Sheila. He tells the women that he used Sheila’s emotions against her and got his strength up when she wasn’t watching.

He’s glad to be married to a talented and beautiful woman like Steffy. They kiss and talk turns again to getting Doulgas back.

taylor interrupts steffy finn kiss bold beautiful

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Douglas wants to watch the Dodger game at Eric’s manse. Thomas sends him off and Ridge listens as Eric asks how long he and Douglas are planning on staying. Thomas would want to stay for a while. “This is a Forrester house,” Eric booms.

They talk about how Thomas doesn’t want to hurt Hope. 

At the cabin, Brooke’s surprised to see Douglas isn’t home.

She pressures Hope to call Thomas. “It’s time for Douglas to come home.”

Hope doesn’t want to do that but Brooke is baffled why she doesn’t want to know when her son is coming home. Brooke reminds her, “We are under attack by Stefffy and Taylor.”

brooke says under attack bold beautiful

Hope calls Thomas to see how the kid is. He’s fine. Hope asks if she can swing by to get him after her errands.

Thomas tells her that Eric was considering having an early family dinner. Douglas wants to stay. “I’ll give you a call in a little bit,” he says and disconnects.

She looks stumped. Brooke doesn’t like it.

She can’t believe Thomas wouldn’t let her pick the kid up.

hope calls thomas bold beautiful

Back at Eric’s, Ridge states that they need to reconnect as Forresters. Eric and Thomas agree. Thomas is happy to see his granddad happy. Eric calls Donna a “real treasure.”

Douglas returns and is told that there’s a family dinner. He can’t wait to see Kelly and Hayes. Just then, Steffy, Taylor, Finn, Kelly and Hayes arrive.

The kids run off to play and Eric can’t believe they’re seeing Finn. “Your last name right be Finnegan but you’re this close to being a Forrester right now,” Eric tells his son-in-law.

Later, Taylor gets Ridge a drink. He’s happy to be with family.

It makes him feel good. He tells her she also makes him feel good. Meanwhile, Eric thinks Finn’s love for Steffy is showing. Finn watches his wife with Thomas and Eric reels over how it must have felt for Finn being separated from her.

Ridge gives a speech about the miracle of Finn being alive. He calls Finn a Forrester. Everyone cheers. Steffy remembers meeting Finn and says what this turned into, she could never have dreamed of.

He’s amazing, his love, strength. She was devastated that he was gone but they’re together again. Their family is together. 

party forrester house bold beautiful