Tucker Blows up at Audra, Heather Tells Christine She’s Getting the Judge To Kick Her off the Case & Summer Demands the Truth From Phyllis

Friday, August 7, Y&R day ahead recap: Adam intervenes in Sharon and Phyllis’ cattiness, Tucker has a fit and tells Audura to fix the mess she made, and Heather calls Christine out for coercing her client while Summer wants her mother to tell the whole truth.

Friday’s Y&R day ahead: With Adam’s evidence, Phyllis blackmails Tucker for covering up statutory rape, Nikki threatens Nate & Christine makes Phyllis an offer.

(Canadian Y&R day ahead recap for August 4, 2023 episode airs in the USA on August 7. Live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Victoria comes home early from her trip and tells Nate that nothing else held her interest.

They start kissing. After sex, they lay in bed and he tells her that her mama took him to lunch for a frank conversation about his intentions involving Victoria. “Oh God,” Victoria says.

He details what was said and what their relationship is about.

nate tells victoria about his talk with nikki

Ashland is brought up. She tells him after failed attempts, she feels she is in a stable, and good place. Nate doesn’t want to pressure her and likes spending time with her and working together.

Neither wants to rush things. They kiss. 

At Society, Adam watches as Sharon and Phyllis chat.

Sharon tells Phyllis she wanted the truth. There it is. Phyllis clarifies that she wants assurances that she’s contrite about blowing up her life?

Sharon wants something good to come of Kirsten’s company. She thought she’d appreciate that.

phyllis vs sharon

Phyllis says why because she’s poison? “Well, actions do have consequences.” Phyllis laughs and adds, “Karma’s a bitch.” Sharon’s not trying to be harmful.

They’ve gotten to a place of peaceful coexistence and thought this was a good opportunity for Phyllis to change, learn something and to grow up.

adam intervenes

Phyllis wants all those things. She hopes she can stay out of prison.

Adam intervenes and Phyllis tells him Sharon’s worried that her bad juju will affect plans with the merge.

Sharon merely wanted her to do some introspection. Adam is glad they’re rehashing this now but asks Sharon to focus on the positive.

adam reminds phyllis of restless style times

He doubts Phyllis needs to worry about Karma. She’s in a better place.

When Phyllis nods, Sharon wonders if he knows something she doesn’t.

They deny it. Phyllis wants to make this work.

Sharon believes her right now but things change. “I know you.” She asks Red not to screw this up. sharon warns phyllisRed thinks she can make it work. They had fun at Restless Style.

Adam recalls when it turned into a gossip rag and he was the topic.

Sharon blames Billy and Adam blames Phyllis, too. Sharon asks them to all agree things won’t end up the same.

phyllis vows to be good

Summer finds Daniel at the park and she insists Chrisitne’s making noise. Daniel denies it.

Christine was serious about her offer. Summer’s clueless until he tells her that Christine may not prosecute her if their mom pleads guilty to all charges.

Summer’s shocked and asks if she’ll go along with it.

daniel worried about summer

He doubts it but calls it the right thing to do. Summer argues that it’ll involve prison time.

She blames Stark for everything.

They argue about whether or not Phyllis wants to protect herself more than Summer. Summer insists her brother doesn’t understand their bond. She tells him to back off and walks away.

summer again defending phyllis

In her room at Athletic Club, Audra answers the door to Tucker who is in a foul mood.

He can’t believe someone as capable as her can make such a monumental mistake.

She’s confused, thinking he’s on about Ashley but he tells her she left something linking him to that singer issue.

She knew the damage it could do to him if it got out. “Which it has!”

audra claims did nothing wrong

He asks if she’s incompetent or tried to screw him over. She has no idea what he’s talking about so he details about how the singer went to jail for statutory rape. She recalls.

He asks if she also recalls he left her to take care of everything.

She did. He tells her that she left emails that he never received that went to his junk email.

Audra doesn’t see why it matters. Didn’t he wipe the system when he sold the company?

He did but the junk mail server remained and Adam Newman found them.

tucker rails at audra

He screams at her and lets her know Adam’s using it as leverage over him. Does this sound familiar? “Singer. Problem remedy. Hands clean.”

He tells her to take care of it and thinks Adam may take things further. Audra asks him not to overreact and Tucker laughs bitterly and again says it’s up to her to get Adam to back off.

Her future at that company depends on it. He tells her to manage Adam and make it go away. 

tucker pissed at audra


At Crimson Lights, Tessa and Mariah tell Sharon that they found the perfect babysitter.

Not just that but Mariah’s leaving Jabot and coming to work with her. Sharon’s so pleased.

tessa and mariah good news

Tessa finds it exciting that they’ll be working together. Sharon wants her to start right now.

They hug happily and Mariah wonders how it’ll work with Phyllis. Sharon has her eye on her.

Mariah asks about her relationship with Chance and Sharon smiles as she says she’s enjoying her time with him.

tessa happy for wife

Tucker’s sitting in Phyllis’ room when she returns home. He tells her that she and Adam got the better of him. He’s impressed. He fiddles with his ear and says he had nothing to do with the cover up.

It was the PR team in place at the time and he fired them all when he discovered that. Phyllis says he also got rid of the evidence. Most of it.

phyllis spots tucker in home

He calls it good business. “Gotta protect the company.” Phyllis says he had to protect himself. Tucker wants to make her an offer. If Adam gets rid of the evidence, he’ll give her Carson.

No games. When he goes to leave, he runs into Summer. They cover the reason for him being there. Tucker claims he’s checking on how the case is going. Summer asks if he’s pressuring her. Phyllis turns the discussion around and Summer brings up Christine’s deal. Phylis won’t blindly accept any deal “from the bug.”

She can’t bargain her life away without protecting Summer. Summer insists she doesn’t need to be protected. She wants her mom to come clean about everything, including Carson.

summer asks why tucker there



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At Society, Daniel tells Heather about Christine’s offer for Phyllis. Heather isn’t happy about that. It’s called coercion and she won’t allow it. It’s her job to protect Phyllis and tells him to leave this alone since Summer doesn’t want his protection.

He goes and Christine turns up later. Heather tells the lawyer that she circumvented counsel and went directly to her client ad tried to leverage her into pleading guilty.

It’s coercion. Christine says Phyllis was trying to intimidate her.

heather wants christine off the case

Heather asks if there are witnesses. Christine knows she has an obligation to Daniel. Does she want Phyllis on the stand? She has a long history. Heather knows but didn’t think she’d wage a personal vendetta against Phyllis. Christine thinks she just sounds desperate, now.

She wants an apology but Heather doesn’t want her to invoke their connection to try to get her to back down.

Christine says she doesn’t owe Phyllis anything and Heather counters that she doesn’t need to take advantage of a situation to settle an old score. She thinks this is bordering on prosecutorial misconduct and she’s going to the judge with a motion to have her removed from the case.

Christine wants an apology

Audra arrives at Adam’s condo and they discuss the cover up. She wants to make a deal, thinking it’s in both of their best interests to keep this quiet. Adam says they both covered it up.

She thinks it is what anyone would do to protect their business. Adam says there’s no proof and if it came out, they’d never recover from it. Adam has a counteroffer.

He wants Newman Media.

audra talks cover up

In the lounge at GCAC, Tucker sees Nate and Victoria and tells them Adam’s preparing to make a move to acquire Newman Media. Victoria shrugs.

They’ll deal with it. Tucker reminds them Audra Charles is there and asks if she’s up to the task.

tucker warns victoria about audra

They scoff at him for trying to throw her under the bus, but they know it’s not beneath him. They go and Daniel appears and tells him to stay away from his mother.

daniel warns tucker



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