Victor Announces He’s Folding SNA Into Newman Media, Adam Offers Billy Dirt on Tucker, and Tucker Urges Ashley to drop the Fight

Wednesday, August 23, Y&R day ahead recap: Nate gives Victor his opinion, Victoria grills Ashley about Billy, and Adam offers Billy dirt on Tucker.

Tuesday’s Y&R day ahead: Summer and Kyle agreed to a divorce, Mariah and Tessa worried about Aria, and Nick and Sally talked about having kids.

(Canadian Y&R day ahead recap for August 23, 2023 episode airs in the USA on August 24. Live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Billy walks into the jazz lounge, spotting Tucker at the bar.

After he pays off a staff member for the tip, he sits down with Tucker.

He asks him what the status is for the Jabot plan.

billy asks tucker for an update

Billy doesn’t think it’s likely that his sister is satisfied by what Jack gave her.

He thinks that the situation has not changed at all and Diane is still posing a threat to his father’s legacy.

He doubts his sister has changed her mind about it.

Tucker says she’s realized that fighting about it is pointless.

He guesses that this is really about Billy being intrigued by the idea of running Jabot on his own.

That’s slipped through his fingers and he can’t get it out of his mind.

tucker and billy discuss jabot

McCall insists that the war with Jack is not worth it and they’re dropping it.

Billy doesn’t believe it. He suggests Tucker is trying to ice him out.

“I don’t think you’re trustworthy. Look what you are willing to do to your own family,” McCall says.

Billy points out you could say the same about Ashley. This is all dangerous for Jabot and he won’t stand for that.

tucker and billy argue about jabot

Tucker thinks he sees an opening for himself in all this chaos.

He could get total control. Billy says he will do whatever it takes to balance things out again.

Finishing his drink, McCall says he’ll have to figure out how to dethrone Diane on his own.

tucker thinks billy is trying to take advantage of the situation

On his way out, Tucker bumps into Adam and taunts him about his recent failures.

Adam shoots back at him but McCall feels like everything is coming up roses for him.

tucker taunts adam

The Newman threatens to expose the emails but McCall points out that would be a mess for his new business.

adam and tucker bicker

As they bicker about whether it would be worth the risk to ruin each other, Billy interrupts and asks what’s going on.

They are cagey and Tucker walks off.

billy corners adam and tucker

Billy and Adam discuss Chelsea and Connor.

There was an opening at the school and they have already settled in at Anita’s.

When Billy says he feels for him, Adam assumes he’s digging for dirt on Tucker.

billy and adam talk connor

They start arguing about Diane and her place in the company and what a slap in the face it must be to Billy.

The Abbott accuses him of seeing everything through a web of deception.

Adam admits he has information on Tucker that could knock him down a few notches. He’d be willing to sell it to someone for a favor.

Nate meets with Victor at the ranch to discuss the business plan for SNA.

It seems to be cobbled together and incoherent. He senses there is already conflict between the three people involved.

nate thinks the plan is incoherent

Victor says that has been dealt with and is no longer an issue.

Nate thinks that Adam’s fixation of Newman Media is a red flag and he doubts he can fall in line to create a harmonious company.

Victor gets all that and asks what he thinks of Nick.

Nate says he’s level-headed and safe. That’s fine if you are established but not for a new company.

victor asks nate what he would do in charge

“If you were in charge of this company, what would you do to drive it to success?” Victor asks.

Standing up, Nate explains that the merger that made SNA was short-sighted.

Sharon’s company should be stripped to its essentials and folded into Newman Media.

nate tells victor what a mess SNA is

Victor points out that this is what Adam thinks too.

Nate knows he may not want to give him a win but is sure he will eventually do this anyway.

He asks why he’s asking him about all this.

Nick arrives before he gets an explanation.

Nate exits and Nick makes it clear to his father that he will not work alongside Nate.

nick won''t work with nate

Victor says no one is on the chopping block.

He just wanted Nate’s perspective. This rubs his son the wrong way.

Nick is sure that something is at play.

Victor says that Nate’s assessment of SNA was correct.

Nick says that Nate will stab anyone in the back to get ahead, including Victoria.

victor says no one is on the chopping block

Adam and Sharon join them and Victor announces there will be changes to their company.

He’s chosen to fold SNA into Newman Media. Adam asks why he’s really changed his mind about this.

adam asks what's changed victor's mind

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Victoria approaches Ashley at Society and congratulates her on her marriage.

She’s surprised she allowed herself to be seduced and then asks about her new company.

It all seems like quite a shift and more like a ruthless move Tucker might make.

victoria approaches ashley at society

Ashley thinks that’s a little extreme.

Victoria grills her, asking if she’s scheming to get Jabot away from Jack.

The Abbott assures her that she and Tucker are not the corporate Bonnie and Clyde.

She’s just excited to start a new venture.

ashley startled by victoria questions

Victoria is happy to hear that she’s in love but is sure her brothers aren’t so happy about it.

She admits she has a business rivalry in her own family and knows what chaos that divisiveness can cause.

victoria grills ashley

She’d hate to imagine all this chaos getting on top of Billy.

Ashley says he’s exactly where he needs to be.

When she explains that she walked away from Jabot to avoid Diane, Victoria doubts she would really leave her father’s company to be ruined.

Ashley starts getting defensive but Victoria pushes more.

The Abbott rubs her failed marriage in her face and Victoria demands to know if Billy is involved in something.

She cares about him and wants to know if he’s in trouble.

victoria won't stop grilling ashley

Ashley insists that everyone is okay, finishes her drink, and walks out.

ashley tells victoria she's moving on

Nate arrives at Victoria’s office. She worries about Billy and the trouble that could be brewing at Jabot.

Jokingly, he asks if she will worry about him like this if they ever break up.

victoria snaps at nate

She snaps that it’s not the same and he knows it. He apologizes for misstepping so soon after she’d forgiven him.

She apologizes, saying it’s been a long day and she needs to unwind.

He’d love to join her in the bath but guesses they aren’t at a stage where she’ll let him in her house.

He suggests dinner. Sounds good to her. She asks about the meeting with her father.

victoria and nate talk about unwinding

He can’t figure out what it was about.

Victor seemed interested in his opinions and even asked how he would run things.

She assumes her father has a plan that involves him.

That would mean taking him away from her and she can’t condone that.

He asks what will happen if Victor offers him the leadership of SNA. Would she block that?

She wonders if he is pushing for a promotion.

nate tells victoria about his meeting

In his suite, Tucker sends Audra a text saying that Adam is still a wild card and he wants him dealt with.

tucker sends audra text

Ashley arrives and asks what’s wrong. He’s vague.

She tells him about her conversation with Victoria and admits she feels weird about stepping away from the company.

ashley asks tucker what's wrong

He’s sensing hesitation. He thought they were going to live and let live. She knows but it’s hard. If she leaves Billy to fight Diane on his own, the company will collapse. That will mean Diane has beaten her and she can’t let her win.

ashley tells tucker she can't let diane win

Tucker reminds her that Diane won’t win.

She doesn’t need Jabot and she doesn’t need to fight an unwinnable war.

He reminds her that he’s her family too and her obsession keeps getting in the way of them.

Ashley thinks they aren’t much of a couple if they can’t talk about this.

He marvels at her strength but wishes she could focus on them and let everything else take care of itself.

tucker wishes ashley would put her energy into them

Billy meets with Jack at the Abbot estate.

He tells him that it seems like Tucker has really left the fight behind but it doesn’t seem to be the same with their sister.

He has also sensed that there was a conflict between Adam and Tucker.

jack and billy talk about adam

He explains that the Newman has dirt on McCall that he wants to trade.

Pouring them drinks, Billy adds he assumes Adam is playing a game.

He’s more concerned about Tucker and Ashley shutting the door on him.

Jack suspects that their sister may finally be moving on so they can end the war.

He wonders why this disappoints his brother.

billy says adam has dirt on tucker

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