Ashley Admits She’s Falling in Love with Tucker, Christine & Phyllis Argue About Her Innocence, and Billy and Diane Prepare to Fight Ashley

Wednesday, July 19, Y&R day ahead recap: Tucker goads Phyllis and Diane, Phyllis refuses to use Summer in her feud, and Ashley admits she doesn’t want to use the wedding as a weapon.

Tuesday’s Y&R day ahead: Summer Slaps Kyle After He Admits to Sex With Audra as Tucker Pointedly Reminds Phyllis of Their Deal

(Canadian Y&R day ahead recap for July 19, 2023 episode airs in the USA on July 20. Live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Diane bumps into Ashley at the Abbott estate.

They try to be civil by remarking on each other’s clothes.

diane tries to be polite

Ashley gloats about Phyllis being back and not likely to face any prison time. After what she did, she’s sure that must make Diane’s blood boil.

She gloats about Phyllis already being out on bail with no ankle monitor.

The redhead could even show up there and will likely face no punishment. Diane is sure that Christine will take her crimes seriously.

ashley goads diane

Ashley reminds her that she tries to strangle Phyllis the last time they were alone together and Diane claims she’s learned to live and let live.

She’s sure Ashley could be happier if she did the same.

Ashley would love to be able to forget about her but she’s in her home.

Jenkins urges her not to take Tucker’s love for granted and takes off.

diane urges ashley to move on

At Society, Tucker prods Phyllis for details about her plan to undermine Diane.

She thinks he’s being rude. He suggests that winning back Jack and Kyle could be the key.

tucker wants details about phyllis' plan

Tucker reminds her of how they forgave Diane. He suggests they go for symmetry and make Diane’s head explode. She asks for a second to work this out.

He reminds her of how much she owes him and she insists she won’t cop out on him. When he suggests they get Summer involved, she shoots that down.

He’s just suggesting that reuniting Kyle and Summer could help win Jack over.

phyllis needs a moment to plan

Phyllis repeats he can count on her and he repeats his threat to send Carson away and reminds her that Christine wants her to burn.

She understands that he’s pulling the strings and adds that she will do what he’s asked but her daughter will play no part in it.

He just needs to be patient. Maybe he can chant that Phyllis has got this.

phyllis tells tucker she's got this

When she asks about his plan to bring Jabot down, he shuts her down. Diane walks in and glares at them. They beam up at her.

He’s hoping for a catfight but Diane says that won’t happen. She sits and welcomes Phyllis back, saying she looks fabulous.

Diane says they were both victims of Stark and that’s why she’s not gunning for her and wants to move on.

phyllis and diane hold hands

“Are you for real?” asks Phyllis. Diane can understand the skepticism.

Tucker is getting frustrated, bangs on the table, and barks at Diane to tell Phyllis how she really feels.

tucker demands diane come clean

Diane tells him to stay out of this, assuming he wants Phyllis as an ally in his war against her. She’s sure Phyllis has more pressing issues to face.

Phyllis thanks Diane for her compassion and empathy. “Is that the best you got?” Tucker asks her.

She claims it’s the best for now and walks off.

Diane says they have a truce. He congratulates her on her performance.

diane argues with tucker

After she crosses the room, he follows and gloats about how Phyllis beat her in their little fight today. She tells him to go to hell.

“I’ve been there. It’s overrated,” he says.

tucker tells diane she's lost teh first round

Sitting alone, Diane flashes back to her fight with Phyllis before her fake death and how much she wanted to strangle her.

diane phyllis flashback

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Christine is sitting in the dining room of the GCAC and recalling Phyllis past crimes and their fight over Danny.

christine flashback

She gets a call about Phyllis’ release and how it’s being covered in the press.

As she claims she has this under control, Phyllis shows up.

chistine runs into phyllis

The redhead assumes she will do all she can to put her away.

Christine claims she will prosecute the case fairly.

They bicker about Christine’s bias against her and the DA says the evidence will dictate Phyllis’ face. The evidence boils down to one man’s weak testimony.

christine and phyllis argue about the evidence

Pointing out that Phyllis waited weeks before coming forward, she wonders if there is something else she needs to confess.

Phyllis claims she was in the hands on a mad man who brainwashed her and she came back because of her conscience.

The DA remains convinced that she wouldn’t have returned if she wasn’t confident she could get off.

phyllis claims she has a conscience

Something is off and she’s determined to find out what. She’ll see her in court.

christine will see phyllis in court

Back at the Abbott estate, Brian in New York calls Ashley and she’s shocked when he tells her what Jack did.

Soon after, Billy arrives and they catch up on all the family news. He wonders why she has called him over.

billy meets with ashely at the house

She doesn’t like people seeing her as the enemy when Diane is.

She asks why their brother snuck off to New York.

ashley catches up with billy

He claims to know nothing about it and they argue about her plans to leave Jabot and what she plans to take with her.

Billy says they will respond in kind to any aggressive move. Is there something she wants to warn him about?

ashley and billy talk jabot

She’s not saying anything. As he leaves, Tucker arrives. Billy will never get used to him having a key to the house.

McCall asks what he’s missed. “Trouble,” she says, filling him on Jack’s trip to New York. Tucker has already started digging through her contracts and set lawyers at work on them.

tucker asks ashley about wedding

He changes the topic to their wedding and reminds her they are supposed to do it sooner rather than later. She doesn’t think now is the time.

He thinks there is no better way for them to separate from her family company than them getting married. They discuss the painfully underwhelming confrontations between Phyllis and Diane. He almost thought they were going to hug it out but he assumes it was all performance.

He thinks Phyllis will come through in time and changes the topic back to the wedding. She can’t deal with that now. He doesn’t buy that.

She explains she doesn’t want to use their wedding as a weapon anymore. He wonders if that means that marrying him for real has become more important to her.

ashley doesn't want to talk wedding

Ashley admits that getting married for real is important because she’s falling in love with him. He can’t tell if this is sincere.

She doesn’t want to trivialize their wedding and mess with their karma. She wants good vibes only. That makes him laugh. If this is legit, he couldn’t be happier. She kisses him.

ashley admits she has feelings for tucker

Billy goes into Society and finds Diane sitting alone. They talk about Phyllis’ release and she assures him she has it under control.

He tells her that Ashley has been grilling him about Jack’s trip to New York.

If she’s serious about not stepping back from Jabot, they may need her help. She’s not going anywhere and no one will hurt their family business without a fight.

billy and diane talk ashley issues

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