Y&R Recap: Disguised as a Man, Jordan Stalks Claire, Tucker Prevents Audra From Pummeling Ashley & Adam Apologizes to Victoria

Mon April 1, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Adam tells his father and Victoria about Connor’s OCD, Claire has a run-in with Summer, and Diane thinks she and Kyle should switch jobs.

Friday’s recap: Nick comforted Adam, Victor wanted to whisk Nikki away, and Tucker told Jack Ashley’s is falling apart.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on April 1. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

At the Abbott estate, Jack vents to Traci about Tucker claiming that he’s concerned about Ashley.

He thinks she;s been acting erratically.

jack tells traci about tucker's concerns Y&R

Jack is sure he is just trying to stir up trouble.

He asks her to join him and Diane at the club.

She needs to catch up on some reading.

traci and jack complain about tucker

Once he takes off, she flashes back to their last argument with their sister.

Ashley pops up and hopes the concerned look on her face has nothing to do with her.

ashley thinks tucker lying

She insists she’s over Tucker and doesn’t need any hovering.

Traci says he’s concerned about her and thinks her behavior has been erratic.

Ashley tells her not to believe his garbage. Her sister notes she’s been a bit “moody.”

This makes Ashley irate. She likes the idea of making Tucker think she’s crazy.

ashley and traci talk tucker suggestions

This worries her sister but Ashley insists she has a plan and it is all going as intended.

That makes Traci even more worried. Cocky Ashley says she has Tucker just where she wants him.

He thinks she’s fragile and vulnerable and that makes him vulnerable.

Then she can take away his heart and his empire and leave him bankrupt.

ashley says she has tucker where she wants him

Traci isn’t sure about any of this but her sister is sure it will work and storms out.

Tucker corners Audra at the jazz club. He tells her that she is right to be angry at him over Ashley.

audra gives tucker two minutes Y&R

Whether she is having a breakdown or not is not his concern.

Audra is. She’s everything.

She wonders if he’s just telling her what she wants to hear.

He repeats she’s all he wants and he told Jack to look after his sister.

tucker tells audra she was right

He’s not going to play hero to her.

The only person he’d want to play hero to is Audra.

She doesn’t need saving.

Tucker blurts out that he is desperate not to lose her.

audra thinks this is a line

He’s been a fool not to make her the priority he should have.

He won’t blame her if she walks away.

Tearing up, he tells her he’s so lucky to have her in his life.

She’s his best friend and he’s sorry.

tucker cries to audra

She asks him to look into her eyes.

He does and tells her he loves her.

They touch hands and kiss. She loves him too.

tucker and audra kiss

Up in the dining room, Jack vents to Diane about what Tucker told him.

He admits that his sister has been acting out of character… but he believes her when she claims nothing is wrong.

jack vents to diane

They talk about the tension with Kyle and the resentment he has.

She worries that he won’t be able to work through that and won’t sacrifice her relationship with him just for a job.

Diane suggests they reverse roles.

That sounds drastic to Jack.

diane and jack have cocktails

Switching jobs wouldn’t solve the problem.

He refuses to consider it and thinks she’s where she deserves to be.

When Audra and Tucker get to his suite, they find Ashley waiting for them.

ash surprises tucker audra

He threatens to have her arrested.

She says they have business and he tells her to go.

As she goes, she says she’s doing this for them.

“There is no us,” he says, insisting he is out.

The Abbott asks to speak to him privately.

Audra tells her to have some self respect and stop throwing herself at Tucker over and over again.

audraa order ashley out

Ashley asks him to out a muzzle on her and McCall has to hold Audra back from taking the Abbott to fist city.

tucker breaks up brawling ladies

He tells Ashley to go.

Once she does, Tucker asks Audra if she believes him now.

In the hallway, Ashley stumbles and gets disoriented, unsure of what’s going on.

ashley wonders what's happening to her

“What am I doing here? What’s happening to me?” she wonders.

As she goes down the stairs, she avoids Jack and Diane and keeps wondering what’s happening.

At the ranch, Victor is yelling into his phone about how outrageous it is that Jordan has escaped again.

adam visits victor about son

Adam wanders in and wonders how it’s even possible that woman is still a threat.

“I’m going to find her. Put an end to her,” growls Victor.

victor determined to get jordan

Adam explains that he is heading to the east coast with Chelsea and Connor.

His son has OCD and they are doing all they can to get him through it.

Victor didn’t know kids got that. Adam explains there is no cure but there is treatment.

Chelsea has found the best place for it and Victor says he will give them anything they need.

adam fills his father in

That means a lot to Adam. Victor knows what it’s like to have a suffering child.

It breaks his heart to hear about all of this but urges him to trust himself and keep doing what he has been.

Adam worries that this could be his fault.

He’s always a screw-up and hasn’t given his son a stable childhood.

His father tells him he had a son he couldn’t be around but he’s proud of the man that boy has become.

victor hears claire gone

Victoria rushes in, looking for her daughter.

She asks her dad to call security.

Adam says he could barely get through security.

His sister says that’s just because they don’t like him.

victoria worries abotu claire

When Victor leaves the siblings alone, Adam apologizes to Victoria for not accepting Claire the way he’s expected everyone to accept him.

This doesn’t sound like him to her.

He explains that Connor has OCD.

They are all scared and she’s sorry for all they are going through. She thinks it’s smart to be proactive.

Victor returns and explains that security says Claire went out for coffee.

adam apologizes to victoria

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Jordan checks into a motel, declaring it’s time the Newmans had their reckoning.

jordan vowing revenge

Claire is at Crimson Lights drinking mocha latte when Michael shows up.

claire celebrating with mocha

She’s celebrating being out on her own. He doubts her family would allow that with Jordan on the loose.

She explains she slipped out. But Jordan doesn’t scare her.

The lawyer is still worried she’s out unprotected. She can’t live her life worried and wants to live like a normal person.

michael surprised to see claire

Laughing, he says she’s a strong woman like her mother.

Lauren walks in with pecan muffins. Her husband makes the introductions.

lauren michael chat with claire

Claire says Michael took a chance on her and helped get her free.

She tells them how kind the Newmans have been.

Claire is thinking of finding some work with kids.

Michael and Lauren exit as Summer arrives.

Claire asks her to sit but she’s awkward and claims she’s just on a quick coffee breaks.

summer can't trust claire

Her cousin guesses she learned what she did.

Summer admits it and can’t wrap her head around it.

Claire claims she’s not that person anymore and will spend the rest of her life making up for it.

claire getting trashed by summer

Summer doesn’t see how she thinks she will ever be qualified to work with children.

Claire tells her she is working through things in therapy and trying to build a real life for herself.

claire tells summer she's trying

Maybe because of the terrible things she did and were done to her, she will be able to deal with kids.

She did what she was told but takes responsibility for it and hopes Summer can see that and trust her.

Maybe one day they could have a real relationship as cousins.

summer apprehensive about claire

Chance comes in and gets an introduction.

chance introduced to claire

Claire gets a text from her mom and says she has to get back.

As she exits, disguised Jordan watches her.

jordan in disguise

Chance tells Summer her cousin seems nice.

She says she was plotting with her crazy aunt to destroy the family.

She fills him in on the murder attempt at the cabin.

Her family got her treatment instead of jail time.

chance surprised to hear about claire

Chance assumes they have faith the treatment is working.

Summer isn’t sure what to believe.

It’s hard to go from being homicidal to normal in a couple of months.

summer fills chance in on claire

When Claire gets back to the ranch, her mom is relieved to see she’s safe and tells her not to go out again until Jordan is in custody.

victoria happy claire back

Victor tells her to let someone know and take someone from the security team with her if she goes out.

victor tells claire not to sneak out

Claire refuses to be afraid.

They know she wants to be independent but can’t take off like that.

Michael arrives and announces there is a potential lead on Jordan.

Someone bought a ticket under the name Eve Howard.

michael has lead on jordan

Victor suspects that’s a ruse.

victor thinks its a ruse

Michael leaves to follow up on this.

Adam thanks his father for the jet and Victor and Victoria ask him to give Connor hugs from them.

adam takes off

Victor reminds his son he and Chelsea are the parents the boy needs.

After Adam exits, Claire asks what that was all about. Victor explains Connor has OCD.

Claire talks about kids she saw at the hospital and how scared they were.

Her mom is sure Connor will be lucky if he finds people as empathetic as her.

claire sorry to hear about connor

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