Ridge and Taylor Kiss as Quinn Tells Carter She’s Determined to be Faithful & Eric Romps with Donna

In the Wednesday, May, 4, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Quinn talks to Carter about her relationship, Brooke reminds Liam of where he should be, and Liam urges Steffy to show her grief.

We also have Tuesday’s B&B recap where Eric cheated on Quinn with Donna and Liam spent the night at Steffy’s.

At the cliff house, Steffy sobs to Liam and tells him she has to hold it together for the kids. But she’s not okay. Her husband is dead and a monster stole their future. That’s not okay with her.

Liam knows she feels like she has to be strong for everyone else, but now is their turn to be strong for her. He promises to be there for her and the kids. Things will be tough but so is she.

He tells her that being tough is not like being a robot. She doesn’t need to be hiding her grief. He cries all the time.

Liam leaps up when Ridge and Taylor walk in with food. Taylor comments that Kelly will need her dad like she never has before. Steffy will need him too.

After Liam leaves, Taylor holds her daughter. Steffy is tired so they send her to bed with hugs. Once she’s gone, Taylor tells Ridge she’s glad they are in this together and showing their kids how reliable they are.

Ridge says they are proving they can rely on each other. Taylor hates that she’s missed out on so much. He couldn’t be more grateful that she is there now.

When he calls her “Doc”, it reminds her of happier times, but she doesn’t think they will see times like that for a while. As she gets distraught about how the tragedy will affect Steffy, he tries to calm her.

ridge taylor together, brooke lonely bold beautiful

Ridge reminds her that Steffy has her strength and they will both be there for her. “I need you to be,” she says. He promises he isn’t going anywhere and they hug.

Ridge kisses her.

In the cabin, Brooke tells Hope not to listen to Thomas and question the strength of her marriage. Hope still doesn’t like that Liam spent the night at Steffy’s.

She understands that Kelly is feeling vulnerable and Liam can’t say no to her. Brooke says that’s nice to a point but Beth needs him too.

liam says steffy doing ok bold beautiful

Liam arrives and Brooke tells him he can put his focus back on his home since Steffy is out of the hospital. Hope gets between them and makes excuses for her husband. She encourages him to let Kelly stay the night there.

Liam says Kelly needs to be with her mom. He doesn’t know how much time he will have to spend over there.

brooke tells liam focus on his own life bold and beautiful

Brooke asks how Ridge is doing. Liam says he’s worried. As a family, they are really pulling together. That doesn’t surprise Brooke… but it breaks her heart knowing that he’s not coming home.

brooke wishes ridge come home to her bold beautiful

Brooke goes home to mope. She stares at the door and wishes Ridge would come back.

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At Forrester Creations, Quinn tells Carter that she’s glad Eric is enjoying pickle-ball at the club. “At least he’s being more active,” she says, but she wishes he was around more.

She insists she doesn’t feel neglected, but she used to be the thing that excited him the most but now she’s not so sure. Quinn likes that they are still friends and can talk.

Carter says that what they had was more than physical. She confirms it. She could always just be herself with him. He showed her what she deserves and has to offer.

Eric may be the most eloquent man she knows, but he doesn’t know how to express his feelings for her. She’s discovered that they really need to work at their relationship. She’s not used to that.

Quinn also isn’t used to being patient. But she has to have complete faith in her husband’s lover for her. Carter says that Eric wouldn’t spend so much time away from her if he knew how she felt.

She reminds him they almost ran away together. He’s grateful for everything they had, but sneaking around was not the relationship he wanted. Neither of them ever want to be unfaithful again.

“Eric doesn’t need to worry. I will be as faithful to him as he has always been to me,” she says.

Donna and Eric are romping in bed. He tells her she makes him feel lighter and then reminds her he’s a married man. She never thought she would be able to see him like this again.

Eric tells her she makes him happier than he has a right to be. Donna says joy is what life is all about. He’s always been what’s excited her and now she can be that for him. They make out.

sexy donna with old eric bold and beautiful

Later, as they start dressing, he tells her that he cares about Quinn and she would be devastated if she knew what they were doing. Donna can’t be jealous as long as he continues to share himself with her.

When she sits on his lap, he tells her she brings positivity and caring into his life. That’s exactly what he needs. Donna tells “Honey Bear” he is and always will be the great love of her life.