Gwen Drops a Bombshell on Abby While Chad Goes to Kate for Help

Wednesday, January 13, 2020

On today’s full episode recap of Days of our Lives, Julie has an idea of who stole the babies, Bonnie tells Justin about the lady with twins she ran into, and Chad goes to Kate for help with Gwen.

At the mansion, Abigail asks Gwen why she’s still there. Gwen says to ask her husband. Abby demands answers from Chad, who explains that the kids love her and he wanted them to have a chance to say goodbye. Abs is angry that he didn’t consult her first. She says she’s going out for a while and when she returns, Gwen had better be gone. Gwen thinks Chad had better come up with something better than her saying goodbye to the kids. She mocks Abigail’s time in the “loony bin” and mocks him for being stupid. Chad says he and Abby have been through too much to let a con artist like Gwen break them up. Gwen shrugs. He’d better find a way to make her stay permanent. Chad calls her disgusting and takes off.

Julie arrives home with gifts for the babies. She goes on about her excitement over the babies until Jennifer tells her they’ve gone missing. Julie freaks out and rushes to be with her grandson. Abigail turns up later and complains about Gwen. They compare notes on the terrible things Gwen’s been doing. Everyone’s shocked at the manipulations Gwen’s been keeping busy doing. Jack is shocked that Chad hasn’t kicked her out of the house. Abs explains he thought the kids should say goodbye. Jenn promises that the kids will survive. Gwen needs to “hit the road” and the sooner, the better. Abby tells them about finding the letter to Jack from Kate and apologizes for reading it aloud. Jennifer understands that Gwen was gaslighting her the whole time. Abby goes home to take care of Gwen.

Lani dreams that Eli has brought their babies home. She wakes up and cries to Eli that she can’t go through this again after David. “This is my worst fear.” She sobs in her hands and Eli hugs her close. They talk about who might have taken them and what motive they might have. Someone desperate or hospital personnel? Or somebody who wants revenge for being put in prison. Lani yells at someone on a call about finding her babies. Julie arrives and asks what she can do to help. She decides to make them soup and vows to make the perp’s life a living hell. “And you know, I can do it.” Julie comes up with an idea of who took the kids. Gabi! They ponder that. Julie calls Will to get to the bottom of this and learns that Arianna spent the night with Gabi. Julie’s glad things are going smoothly and gives her love to all before disconnecting. Julie tells Lani and Eli that Will saw her this morning when she dropped Arianna off. She’s in Arizona still. Eli and Lani realize Gabi would never do this. She has her own child. Julie finishes their soup and promises that everything will be fine before she goes. Lani wishes it was Gabi. At least then they know she wouldn’t harm them.

Bon Bon runs into Justin at the pub. She’s looking forward to having dinner with him tonight. He’s quiet, so she assumes she’s being pushy. He invites her to sit. “A little me goes a long way,” she says. Justin asks her to join him for breakfast. She wonders why he looks like someone just died. He’s reading a sad article in the Spectator about Eli and Lani’s twins’ abduction. Bonnie looks upset. She remembers the twin babies she saw at the park and Justin finds that curious. Bonnie tells Justin the story and learns the babies were black twins, and the mother was black. He makes a call to Eli.

Chad finds Kate at the square. He screwed up and needs help. She tells him about hiding the truth about Jake and apologizes. Chad says it’s fine. He asks if Jake bought her a bracelet for Christmas and learns it’s true, but that she didn’t book a room at Salem Inn for New Years’ Eve. She didn’t so Chad told her about that night with Gwen’s manipulations. “I was loaded. I killed a bottle of champagne.” Kate rolls her eyes. She hopes he didn’t have sex with Gwen. Chad says he’s disgusted that he did, though he doesn’t recall. Kate urges him to be honest with Abby and suffer the consequences. If Gwen gets to her first, his marriage could be over.

Gwen’s annoyed when Jake finds her home. He thinks she’s considering her next move and lets her know that he and Kate went public. She can’t hurt him anymore. Gwen doesn’t care. He’s run out of his usefulness. Gwen thought Chad was a jealous idiot but now he can see she pretended to be Abby’s friend while she fed her that garbage about him. He knows she’s been ruining everyone’s life since she got there. He knows about the room booked by her at Salem Inn and asks what she’s up to. Gwen has plans to stay there but Jake thinks she’s overplayed her hand. He tells her to get out. Jake goes and Abigail returns home. She asks if Gwen knew about Kate’s letter to her dad the night she read it. Gwen admits she set Abby up and drops another bomb. She didn’t sleep in the chair New Year’s Eve. “I slept with your husband.”

At some undisclosed location, Dr. Raynor is flustered and upset that she can’t calm the twins down after feeding and changing them.

Julie returns home and gets hugs from Jennifer after she cries over Lani and Eli’s plight.

A spoiler for the next full episode of Days of our Lives: Gwen is cryptic with Kate.