After he and Taylor Return, Ridge Stares at a Photo of Brooke, While Katie and Carter Make Out

In the Friday, October 21, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke anxiously waits for word from Ridge, Steffy and Thomas are thrilled to have their parents back, and Katie and Carter talk about their feelings for each other.

We also have Thursday’s B&B recap where Shauna told Carter to forget Quinn, and Sheila tried to convince Deacon that Brooke is not for him.

Thomas loudly announces his arrival at Steffy’s to make sure he’s not interrupting her making out with her husband.

steffy talks thmas dating B&B

She instantly starts quizzing him about his dating life.

He doesn’t have one. Outside of work he is only focusing on his son.

He leaps over the coffee table when they hear their parents approaching.

They are thrilled to see them back together and there is lots of hugging.

hugging forresters B&B

Steffy says this is amazing.

She suggests they have a barbecue when the kids get home.

Taylor says everything feels right in the world.

They are back together and their kids are finally off their back.

This is all she ever wanted for all of them.

taylor ridge happy home bold

As they sit around, they recall how this reunion happened. Taylor admits she didn’t believe Ridge really wanted a reunion at first and ran… but he didn’t let he get away and vowed to be with her for always.

They laugh and kiss as Thomas flashes back to calling CPS using the voice app to make him sound like Brooke.

His parents notice he’s zoned out.

thomas holds teddy bold beautiful

When Ridge stands back for a second, he notices some paperwork with Brooke’s face on it and stops to stare at it.

He returns to the others.

ridge looks brooke photo BOLD

Taylor goes on about how she never thought this was possible but true love has won in the end.

“We did it,” she tells Ridge. They kiss. There is more hugging. Thomas looks devious.

ridge taylor kiss home bold beautiful

At Brooke’s, she tells her daughter that Taylor and Ridge are flying back from Aspen together.

Throwing her arms around, Brooke is still desperate for an explanation about what’s going on.

brooke says flying together B&B

Hope suggests if he’s coming over to talk, he might explain. Her mom worries her marriage could really be over.

Brooke thanks her for being there since it’s stopping her from going absolutely crazy.

They rehash the kiss in Monaco and Brooke says they were working things until Taylor and her kids drove a wedge into her marriage.

She hates to admit it, but maybe it worked.

They may love each other but that doesn’t mean they will be together. Hope reminds her she’s his wife and that’s valid.

hope says ridge coming over bold and beautiful cbs soapsspoilers

“I just want my husband back!” says an exasperated Brooke.

They are connected on the deepest level and Taylor and her children have never been able to accept it.

She refuses to accept that their love story is over.


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At Forrester Creations, Justin tells Katie that he’s noticed there is a lot of positive energy in the place now.

He tells her about all the great work Carter has been doing.

justin inspired B&B

She likes seeing him so positive. When he leaves to get some paperwork, she remembers kissing Carter.

He interrupts.

Katie admits she was daydreaming. He asks what about.

She says he would be on her mind if he was there or not.

The topic flips to Brooke and her latest heartbreak before Justin returns.

She signs off on some paperwork.

katie signs with carter justin bold

Before Justin leaves, he says he was sorry to hear about Brooke and Ridge. Once he’s gone, Carter tells Katie what a loving sister she is.

He tells her she gave him quite the ego boost the other day when she said he looked like a trout.

They laugh. He had no idea she felt this way about him.

Now he’s free to start something else and she’s not with Bill.

They used to spend a lot of time discussing their exes but luckily don’t have to anymore.

carter free to be with katie bold

She admits Bill will always be in her life because they share a son. Even with all Quinn’s success and talent, he clearly shook her to her core.

“Was the chemistry that hot?” she asks. She’s made it clear she’s not pursuing things will Bill.

Carter has always noticed how incredible, strong, beautiful, and sexy she is. They make out.

carter makes out katie office bold