B&B Recap: Deacon and Finn Follow a Lead on Sheila’s Whereabouts to a Woman in a Run Down Building

Friday, April 26, 2024: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, Finn and Deacon embark on a quest to get to the truth, the Forrester family comes together to support RJ.

Thursday’s Early B&B recap: Ridge Updates Brooke on How Thomas is Doing as Hope Defends Deacon to Steffy

Finn sits at home and flashes back to Deacon filling him in on who Sugar is, that she was released from prison and how she’s a mirror image of Sheila, with “ten toes.”

Steffy asks if he wants breakfast and he’s distant. He’ll grab some later he says when he comes to.

She asks what’s going on with him.

He vaguely says he has “more questions than answers.”

She assumes it’s about work and kisses him, finding him loyal to his patients.

steffy in go go boots

They profess their love for one another and she kisses him and goes to Forrester.

As soon as she’s out the door, Deacon texts with an urgent message to meet at Il Giardino. 

steffy loves finn


At home, Deacon tells himself he’ll find Sheila.

deacon sharpe

Later, Finn turns up.

He says as far fetched as this stuff with Sugar is, he agrees to help Deacon search for Sheila.

Deacon’s glad. Time can’t be wasted.

They go over what they know already, recapping.

finn is in on finding sheila carter

Finn doesn’t get how he’d find Sheila anyway.

Deacon says Sheila’s password for her credit card is on her laptop.

They’ll find a clue that leads them to her.

deacon finds sheila's laptop

They jump online and see her purchases.

There’s one for a convenience store in a rough neighborhood and don’t think it’s a place she’d frequent.

They rush out to check it out.

sheila credit card purchases

At Forrester Creations CEO office, Ridge and Carter get to work.

The contracts were finalized when he was overseas.

He talks about how productive his trip was and how well Thomas and Douglas are.

carter has a secret from ridge

They talk about Hope For The Future being in good shape.

RIdge thinks RJ and Zende are a good team.

ridge forrester

They can handle anything together. Carter nods, though he knows better.

They wonder where Brooke is and he dwells on RJ and Zende needing to work well togehter.

Carter says, “If you say so.” Ridge teases Carter.

“You know what? Get out, ye of little faith.” Carter chuckles.

ridge talks about thomas

Steffy turns up and hugs her dad as Carter leaves the room.

Ridge asks if Deacon’s still telling tall stories.

Steffy updates him on the latest and the “ten toes.”

Ridge thinks this is messed up even for Deacon who he doesn’t think is playing with a full deck as it is.

Steffy thinks if Deacon keeps at it, Finn will crack. She vows not to let it happen. 

ridge thinks steffy looks good

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New comings and goings

Brooke finds Luna in the design office of Forrester. She shoots her a look. “You know?” Luna assumes.

Brooke asks if she’s okay, wrapping her arms around her son’s girlfriend, surprising Luna. Brooke’s upset for her and RJ and the situation. 

brooke hugs luna

“Your mother and the mints? I’m shocked at Zende.” She’s there to make sure Luna’s okay. Woman to woman, this is a safe place.

Luna tears up and says she’s grateful. Brooke says she was taken advantage of a long time ago. Luna thinks it’s horrible but says it’s not like that with Zende.

Brooke says no but he knew she was serious with RJ. “He thought he could just sleep with you?”

Luna sniffles and Brooke says nobody else knows about this.

She talks up how much RJ loves Luna and Luna details what happened that night and how it turned “into a nightmare.”

secret was killing luna

Luna loves her life and never wanted to cause pain.

Brooke knows her as sweet, kind and honest. She’s always there for her. 

brooke comforts luna

Deacon and Finn arrive in the alley outside Barnes Mart.

They ask an employee if she’s seen Sheila, giving her Deacon’s phone to see the photo.

random person

She hasn’t seen anything and takes off inside.

A man behind the dumpster asks to see the photo.

He sees everyone who comes in and out of this place.

The man wants some cash so Deacon pulls some out and hands it over and produces the photo. The man recognizes her.

clint howard homeless person on bold and beautiful recaps

She walked into “that building right over there, and that’s when the screaming started.”

It didn’t stop but he did nothing about it.

You have to mind your business on the street. It’s survival.

The screaming eventually stopped.

Deacon hopes they’re not too late.

deacon gives the man money

Inside the building, is dilapitated, fiiled with refuse.

A mattress on the floor covers a person and a messed up manicure is the only thing that shows on what looks to be a woman’s hand.

sheila hands on mattress

B&B spoilers next week!

“Hear a lot of weird things around here,” the homeless dude tells Deacon and Finn in the alley.

homeless dude on B&B

Deacon busts into the dilapidated building by using a Karate move, kicking the door in.

Flashlights on, they do a search and see the mattress.

deacon karate chops into the buiding

At Il Giardino, Ivy Forrester (Ashleigh Brewer) sits across from Liam Spencer. “It’s so nice seeing you, Liam.”

ivy forrester with liam

Liam says it’s been too long as Steffy walks in the door.

ivy kisses liam on Bold

Ivy says she thinks about Liam a lot and leans over and kisses him.

steffy shocked ivy's back

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