Phyllis is Devastated When Carson Goes Missing, and Diane Resigns From Jabot

Monday, July 24, Y&R day ahead recap: Diane makes a shocking decision, Jack and Ashley argue, Ashley and Tucker find a wedding venue and Carson goes missing.

Friday’s Y&R day ahead: Summer accuses Audra of using Kyle and Audra thinks Summer’s being tacky, while Adam told Victor that Audra’s expendable. 

(Canadian Y&R day ahead recap for July 21, 2023 episode airs in the USA on July 24. Live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

In the boardroom at Jabot, Jack, Billy and Diane discuss Jack’s time in New York. He learned Ashley and Tucker are planing to take Ashley’s patents. The legal team suggested there were loopholes in the original merger that would allow this as long as she has just cause.

jack refuses to let diane resign

Plus, Ash is using Diane’s past to help build her case. Billy’s not surprised by Ashley and doesn’t think they should underestimate her. He still thinks Diane should resign. It’ll stop Ashley.

Diane agrees it’s a good start but Jack yells at Billy that Diane’s not going to back down from the company. He doesn’t care how much Ashley plots and plans, he’s not backing down.

Billy hears him but knows things will get ugly. He leaves the room and Diane’s sorry.

Jack says there is nothing to feel sorry for. She’s grateful he’s in her corner. He says he missed her while he was in New York and wants to go home and make up for lost time. They kiss.

billy and diane talk her resignation

Phyllis and Heather meet at the Athletic Club restaurant and Phyllis wants to know if Heather convinced Christine to drop charges against her.

She’s upset to learn Christine wouldn’t budge and feels she’s obsessed.

She points out she has a witness in Carson. Heather notes that Christine wants this on trial. Phyllis doesn’t want to take her chances. What if Carson changes his mind? She wants to put him in protective custody.

She doesn’t trust that Christine won’t coerce him into sabotaging the trial. Heather doesn’t know her bad side. The lawyer asks Phyllis to open up to her. Anything she says is covered by lawyer-client confidentiality. Phyllis admits Tucker’s got her under his thumb with no way out.

He’s the one who found Carson and convinced him to testify. Heather takes Phyllis’ hands in hers and asks how long Tucker’s been blackmailing her. Phyllis admits he found Carson before Michael did and Heather asks if Carson really is a witness. Phyllis says she already told her that. He really was a witness.

Tucker wants her to get Diane out of Jabot in return but she doesn’t want to.

Heather realizes that might be why she wants Carson in protective custody. Phyllis admits it’st rue, she doesn’t trust the man.

The case hinges on Carson so they need to keep the man safe. Phylis agrees and thinks she can string Tucker along. She thinks of Jack. Heather says she’s done a lot of damage to the family. “Have I?”

Phyllis asks, realizing it came from Daniel. She starts to cry, worried more about making it right for their kids. They need to fast-track the trial Heather says and for Tucker not to pull the plug.

Phyllis just wants to be free. Heather says to focus on making amends. Phyllis tears up again, swearing she’ll make changes if she gets the chance. 

phyllis wants carson protected

Ashley and Tucker turn up at the Chancellor manse with housewarming gifts for Devon and Abby. They discuss how Ashley and Jack haven’t worked things out but that things are falling into place for her and her future.

Abby asks if she’s referring to Tucker. Ashley admits she’s giving love another change and they want to make an announcement.

devon and tucker chancellor manse

Tucker doles out the champagne and lifts his glass, toasting to everyone being happy together. He likes that they’re doing this in his mother’s house.

Abby admits to Ashley she feels guilty being in the house that she once shared with Chance but everything feels perfect. 

drinking to marriage


Abby’s in shock when Ashley and Tucker tell them they’re getting married in a few weeks.  Ashley says they’re in love and want them to be happy for the two of them. Abby wants to be but doesn’t trust it or Tucker.

She doesn’t want her mom to get hurt. Tucker swears he won’t do that again.

Devon takes it all in. His dad never ceases to amaze him. Tucker laughs, unsure if that’s an endorsement of the wedding.

ash and tucker happy in love

Abby gives them her blessing and asks to let them throw the wedding here at the house.

They love that idea. Abby admits there’s something different about them and it appears that their love is genuine.

Devon agrees they want to support them. It’s settled. They’ll have the wedding there.

devon and abby hug at chancellor manse

They congratulate the happy couple. Once they’re gone, Abby and Devon talk about their parents. He’s going with the flow, knowing it can switch up midstream.

They’re happy to note that Tashley really does look to be in love.

They kiss and Devon realizes they’ve never discussed marriage. He figures it’s time to talk. She loves that idea and kisses him.

devon wants to talk marriage



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At home, Diane and Jack kiss and drink. It feels normal. Jack decides not to discuss Ashley but brings up Phyllis. Diane finds that ironic to discuss the other woman who hates her.

They talk about how Carson backed up Phyllis’ story.

Jack finds that story sketchy but Diane says it was a guilty conscience after hearing she was on the run still.

jack and diane talk phyllis

She finds it hard to buy, too. They’re nauseated that she may beat charges and Diane almost doesn’t care if she beats it. With Ashley and Tucker coming after her, she doesn’t need more conflict.

They discuss what happened when Summer came looking for Kyle and how bad it was.

Jack doesn’t see an easy way out for them. Diane blames her age-old battle with Phyllis and hates hurting those they love. Jack cuddles her, knowing that where there’s love, there is room for forgiveness.

diane and jack snuggle

Back at the Athletic Club, Billy appears to have overheard. “Wouldn’t that be something?” He greets Heather and asks if Phyllis has a prayer in beating her case. Phyllis says she has more.

An eyewitness. Billy wishes her luck and goes. Tucker watches from a potted plant and then follows Heather out.

Billy joins Phyllis again. She questions his motivation and hopes someone will cut her some slack the way they did with “other people.”

billy joins heather and phyllis

Billy just wants to tell her how impressed he is with Summer who handled herself really well with the confusion and sadness believing Phyllis died. Phyllis hopes God forgives her. Billy thinks she should be proud.

She is. He asks her not to break Summer’s spirit. Phyllis tells him the situation changed her and knows she has a lot to lose if she doesn’t turn things around and be the person her family loves and respects.

tucker follows heather

Billy nods, wanting to believe that she will. She wants to show him that. She asks how Jack and Kyle feel about her turning herself in. Billy says Jack’s skeptical and Diane wants her to walk the plank.

Phyllis laughs. Of course. It’d be a mild punishment.

Billy doesn’t know how Kyle felt. Heather returns. They need to talk. Billy takes off and Heather says Carson’s disappeared. Phyllis’ face falls.

billy with phyllis

Ashley returns home to Jack and Diane. She asks how New York was.

He assumes she knows. He gets a drink and tells her he knows she doesn’t care about him.

She says that’s untrue. Diane can’t take it anymore. She’s resigning, not wanting to be ammunition to hurt the company.

ashley maintains ground

She assumes that means the situation is resolved and asks if Ashley will back off. Jack says it’s fine. Ashley can take her part of the company. Diane yells, “No!”

Ashley is disgusted he’d do this but Jack says he’d do more for the woman he loves.

Tucker appears and asks what’s up. “Jack’s caving,” Ashley says but Diane disagrees. She won’t let him do this. “I’m out.”

jack doesn't think ashley cares about him

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