Sally Unleashes Her Anger on Nick, Summer Agrees to Help Chance, and Phyllis Offers to Come Back if Michael Works His Magic

Monday, June 26, 2023, Y&R day ahead episode recap: Adam checks in with Sharon, Summer admits to Chance that her mom came to her first, and Nick and Adam lash out at each other.

Friday’s Y&R day ahead recap: Diane’s lie to Kyle and Summer backfired and Kyle asked Summer for a separation as Chance asked Abby and Devon to move into Chancellor mansion.

(The Canadian Y&R day ahead recap for June 27, 2023 episode airs in the USA June 26. Recaps live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

At Sharon’s, she’s on the phone with Faith, assuring her she doesn’t need to check on her.

She jumps when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Adam.

Sharon on a call with faith

She gets off the line and he apologizes for startling her. “What kind of jerk visits a crime victim’s house at this time of night without calling first?” she asks.

She adds that those were Faith’s words. He wanted to see how she was doing.

Sharon assures him she’s okay staying alone. She wouldn’t let Cameron break her when he was alive and won’t now that he’s dead. She did what was necessary and would do it again in a heartbeat.

They sit and she tells him the pain of losing a baby never goes away. “It’s nice I have that to look forward to,” he says.

She assumes he’s avoiding facing this and losing Sally too. The therapist tells him that he and Sally need to talk about their loss.

Sharon urges him to find a way to forgive himself. “What am I supposed to do now?” he asks.

Taking a drink of water, he tells her that Sally hates him. He’s poured his heart out to her but he’s a loser in the blame game and they are going their separate ways.

sharon says sally and adam need each other

She asks what he was thinking when he chose Sally over the baby.

Adam wanted them both but he made a choice with the information he had. It was a choice for Sally, not him.

Having had enough, Adam decides to leave and abruptly walks out.

Nick takes Sally to her room at the GCAC. She gets annoyed by all his hovering. She can’t pretend that things are okay.

sally doesn't want to be coddled

She tells him he’s been nothing but sweet. He offers to give her space and his invitation to move in with him doesn’t have an expiration date.

She’s not in the right frame of mind for good things right now. He offers to take the worst she can throw at him.

Sally doesn’t think he can handle seeing her with the mask off. He reminds her that he’s dealt with his father for years.

If she starts screaming, she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to stop. Nick promises to be there.

nick coddles sally

Sally can’t get over losing Ava. She was going to be her everything and now she has to spend the rest of her life forgetting.

She wants everyone who has told her she will be okay to die.

sally spills out anger

Lashing out at him, she points out she was so stressed out because he shut her out and wouldn’t answer her calls. As she cries about him not being there when she needed him, he holds her.

sally sobs in nick's arms

He’s sorry for how everything turned out.

She’s exhausted. Kissing her, he helps her over to the bed and she rests in his arms.

nick and sally kiss before going to bed

Sally tells him he’s had a rough couple of days and doesn’t have to stay. He’s not going anywhere until she falls asleep.

Nick goes down to the bar. Sharon calls to say she’s okay and he doesn’t need to worry about her.

He offers to come over and explains he’s been forced into a leave of absence at work.

sharon on a call with nick

She’s sure he will find a productive way to spend his time on R&R. He asks her to call if she needs him.

When he gets off the line, Adam wanders in.

They start arguing. Nick doesn’t know what he’s thinking and accuses him of going to see Sharon to get some direction in his life.

They bicker about Sally and Adam points out that he shoved her aside for Sharon.

adam wants to see sally

“You got to be the hero and I’m the one who took all the blame,” Adam complains.

Nick says no one asked for what happened that night but is glad he was there. His brother keeps ranting about him coming out of this smelling like a rose while his whole life falls apart.

He gets stuck doing the unspeakable. Nick says it’s up to Sally. Wherever things go is up to her.

He says that she’s decided there is nothing between her and Adam so he should respect that and stay away from her.

Adam walks off.

Back in her room, Sally wakes up and notices she’s alone. She gets out the little box with Ava’s booties and footprints in and holds them.

sally looks at baby things again and cries

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In his suite, Michael makes a call to arrange for chocolates and wine.

michael gets prepared to woo lauren.

As he takes off his pants, expecting Lauren as the door open.

“Somebody better do something about the heat in here. It’s hot and getting hotter,” he says as he flexes.

He’s shocked to turn around and see Phyllis standing there.

michael muscular

He thought she was supposed to be on the run but she’s stationary and Lauren could be there any moment.

Phyllis wants to explain.

Michael thinks she has no idea what she’s done to him.

phyllis sees her bff michael

He has half a mind to walk out.

She asks for help. Cursing, he hugs her and admits it’s good to see her.

He points out that she’s not better than Diane now. She wishes he would take that back.

michael hugs phyllis

At least faking to be dead taught her what people really think about her. Phyllis tells him what she’s been going through.

He already heard about it on the police radio.

She justifies killing Stark and claims she’s survived for everyone who loves her and doesn’t feel bad about it.

They can talk about his grievances or how he can help her.

Phyllis needs legal advice and refuses to run anymore.

“Did I lose you to Diane? Are you going to choose Diane over me?” she asks.

phyllis goes to michael first time

She can’t wait to hug her friends and show them how she loves them. “Good luck with that,” Michael says.

Phyllis begs him to take her case. He admits that Summer already asked him and he accepted.

Her daughter has her chaos gene and is headed for big trouble.

michael calls summer fearless

She insists that her daughter will be fine. He explains that Summer wanted to bribe the EMT.

Phyllis plans to get in touch with him and insists it wouldn’t be perjury.

Michael asks her to let him come up with the plans.

He’s sure the EMT must have more useful information and strengthen their case. However, even with Victor’s help, they haven’t been able to find him.

Phyllis would rather keep Victor out of this. The lawyer will represent her if she turns herself in.

phyllis sad

She doesn’t like being on the run and urges him to make her an offer she can’t refuse. He offers to put all the messiness behind her so she can get on with her life.

Phyllis says she can’t turn herself in yet but this was a good talk. He tells her not to take too long.

“I’m going to see you again, aren’t I?” he asks. She tells him if he works his magic, she will be back with bells on.

After she puts on her disguise, she walks out.

On the Crimson Lights patio, Summer tells Chance that her marriage might be ending because of the lies she told about her mom.

summer thinks christine will rejoice in arresting her

She’s pretty sure she’s dead to her husband for keeping her mom’s being alive a secret and keeping Diane in jail.

Summer tells him that she is the one who her mom reached out.

This doesn’t surprise him. She’s hoping he’ll tell her she’s not a bad person.

Instead, the cop says it’s become clear how far she’d go to protect her mother.

He explains that Christine wants to bring charges against her when they charge Phyllis.

When he claims there’s nothing personal about it, she laughs about him saying that with a straight face.

He admits they have not found her mom and have no choice but to prosecute her.

chance learns the truth about summer

They talk about how they can no longer be friends after this.

He points out that she’ll be stuck in limbo until her mom comes back. Once that happens, she can move on with her life.

Summer realizes he’s right and agrees they need to find her mom. She will help because that’s what friends do.

chance and summer at crimson lights talk her separation.

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