Y&R Recap: Nikki Returns as Cole and Michael Scheme to Get Jordan to Prison, and Alan Talks to Ashley About Her DID

Thurs May 23, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Victoria and Claire discuss Cole’s suspicions, Cole goes to Michael for help, Tucker returns Ashley to her family.

Wednesday’s recap: Ashley collapsed in Tucker’s arms and Cole called Michael about Jordan.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on May 23. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

At Society, Cole thinks back to discovering Jordan in the dungeon until Michael shows up and snaps him out of it.

cole thinks of finding jordan

Cole has to hire him before he can explain anything. Michael thinks that may be overkill but Cole suggests they make it official.

Giving him a buck, Cole puts him on retainer and asks what he knows of Jordan’s death.

Cole informs him that she is alive and Victor is keeping her in a dungeon.

michael and cole talk jordan

“Damn damn damn damn,” says the attorney. Cole explains that Victor has been acting suspiciously.

He followed him and managed to find the cell in the cellar.

Jordan practically thought he was a hallucination and begged him to get her out.

Cole can understand Victor’s motivation but this is not the answer and can’t continue. She should be in a proper prison.

cole tells michael about jordan cell

He doesn’t want to get Victor in trouble and that’s why he’s come to him.

Michael wonders why that man always has to play God. The legal ramifications of this could be huge.

Cole doubts anyone would believe what Jordan says.

The lawyer says Victor is stubborn and they will have to do the dirty work of getting Jordan into a cell without him knowing.

michael horrified by what victor did

They’re sure Victor will explode when he finds out they’ve gone behind his back.

Michael can understand what he did but this was incredibly ill-conceived.

micahel laughing about plan

They don’t want anyone else to suffer because of Jordan and Cole thinks he has an idea for getting Jordan into a real cell.

In the dungeon, Jordan pulls a wire out of her mattress and uses it to try and open the lock.

jordan finds wire

Upstairs, Victor notices teh secret dungeon entrance is open, thinks about it, and heads down.

victor notices dungeon open

He finds her trying to escape and is surprised that this is the first time. He tells her attempting escape is futile.

victor taunting jordan as she tries to escape

Victor guesses she had a visitor. She reminds him everyone thinks she’s gone.

Jordan urges him to get on with it and just bring her some poison.

jordan begs for poison

He refuses to make it that easy and adds he has no sense of decency when it comes to her.

Victor orders her to get on the floor and eat the Brussels sprouts before he wanders off.

victor orders jordan eat sprouts

She curses him and vows to come after him and his whole family.

Nikki arrives upstairs and calls for Victor. There’s no answer.

nikki returns home

Victoria and Claire return to the tack house and talk about how perfect everything is. Claire has noticed that something seemed off with Cole and there was tension with Victor.

victoria and claire happy with everything Y&R

Her mother has noticed that too. She admits that there is suspicion that Victor was involved in Jordan’s demise.

Whenever Cole tries to look into it, Victor shuts him down.

claire and victoria talk victor Y&R

Nikki shows up and tells them how great she’s feeling. The first few days in detox were rough but failure is not an option.

She feels such a sense of freedom from alcohol and Jordan.

nikki happy to be home

She hasn’t seen Victor anywhere and can’t wait to surprise him.

They sit around and catch up, talking about Claire’s horse-riding lessons. Nikki would love to help teach her.

victoria claire discuss riding

Victor shows up and is thrilled when Nikki answers the door. Hugging her, he tells her how wonderful she looks.

nikki opens door to victor

She tells him how much progress she made. She’s on out-patient care and committed to sobriety.

Nothing can threaten that now that they are free of Jordan.

victor thrilled to see nikki again

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In the jazz lounge, Tucker tries to help Ashley off the floor but she bats him away and asks what they are doing there.

tucker helps ashley up Y&R

He gets her to sit down and explains that she passed out. She bats him away again and tells him he’s exaggerating.

When he asks what happened, she refuses to explain herself. He insists on taking her home.

ashley gripping chair

She doesn’t want him inserting himself in her life but he insists she needs to be home with her family.

He’s sure that she knows she’s in trouble and is scared. He would be too. It’s okay to ask for help.

She agrees to let him take her to her family.

ashley and tucker in the lounge

At the Abbott estate, Jack, Traci, and Alan discuss what else could have happened to Ashley in Paris that made her change.

alan jack traci talk ashley shift

There is some unaccounted time.

They try to piece things together and Traci wonders if the traumatic event happened after her sister discovered that her memories were wrong.

That’s when she started having extreme mood swings. Traci starts beating herself up for leaving her alone in a strange country.

alan and traci talk ashley trauma

Alan says they need to connect to the real Ashley because she’s the only one who can tell them what caused the DID.

They talk about how to deal with this. The underlying trauma needs to be discovered and she’ll need therapy in a controlled setting.

Her siblings doubt she will agree to go back to Fairview given her history.

traci and jack talk to alan about treatment

Alan assures them there are options and they can get her through this. He asks them to let him know if she reaches out.

As he is about to exit, Tucker and Ashley arrive.

tucker brings ashley home

They usher her in. Ashley claims she is fine but Tucker explains that she blacked out and collapsed at the lounge. She was trying to convince him
to give their relationship another chance.

Ashley can’t remember. Jack accuses Tucker of trying to insinuate himself into her life.

McCall urges her to be honest with herself and her family.

tucker tells abbotts what happened

She assumes he’s telling teh truth but can’t remember anything. She’s afraid to even ask what day it is.

Tucker is sure she’s herself right now and Alan asks to speak to her alone.

As Tucker goes, Ashley thanks him and he tells her to take care.

ashley doesn't know what day it is

Once he’s gone, Ashley tells her siblings it’s all in pieces. Traci holds her and her sister tells her how sorry she is.

Alan gets the siblings to set out and tries asking her what she remembers.

ashley and alan talk memories

The alter in her head tells her she’s weak. She grips her head and yells at them to stop.

Alan tells her they seem to be dealing with several personas and explains how DID works. She says that can’t be what’s happening to her.

He points out she’s been having memory loss and very different personalities.

Ashley says she hasn’t experienced any major trauma recently. He thinks she may have blocked it out.

ashley can't remember anything

When he suggests that they explore this, she refuses to go away for treatment. He promises to be with her.

But they need to find the trauma first and suggests she come back to Paris with him so they can find the truth.

alan probes ashley

Out in the garden, Jack and Traci are thankful that they have their sister back.

traci jack talk tucker bringing ash back

Traci points out they have Tucker to thanks for that but he refuses to accept that and is sure she’s better off if she never sees that man again.

They hope their sister is ready to get healthy again. Finding out she’s not in control might be too much to cope with.

Traci hopes that the Ashley who came home is their sister. He prays that she’s right.

jack refuses to give tucker credit

Tucker drinks at the bar in the GCAC and recalls Ashley promising that he has pain coming his way and his encounters with her alters.

He gets a call from a colleague in Paris about meetings with Audra. “Is Audra in Paris?” he asks.

tucker drinking alone

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