Y&R Recap: After Tucker Informs the Abbotts of Her Threats, Ashley Becomes More Unhinged and Lashes Out as They Try to Get Her Help

Wed April 10, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Ashley’s family confront her, Audra vents to Sally about Tucker, and Audra tells Tucker again they don’t need to get married.

Tuesday’s recap: Mrs Abbott Plots to Destroy Tucker and Have Audra Take the Fall, and Cole Kisses Victoria After a Family Night Out

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on April 10. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

At the Abbott estate, the family tell Ashley they are just trying to help. Tucker joins them and Ashley assumes this is some kind of intervention.

abbotts confront ashley Y&R recaps soapsspoilers April 10

The Abbotts say what he is doing there has nothing to do with them.

Tucker guesses he’s there for the same reason. He says they are all worried about her.

billy and tucker at door

In her mind, Ash worries to Ashley that this is bad.

Tucker tells Ashley that her family loves her and she should listen to what they have to say. Jack is shocked.

Ashley is holding them all accountable for this ambush. Diane and Jack says this isn’t an ambush.

Ashley complains about Diane and she’s choking on all the concern.

ashley complains about intervention

Tucker asks if she remembers coming to him and offering to get back together and then abruptly changing her mind.

He asks about her recent conversations with Audra.

He says that she was talking about herself in the third person and mentioned she planned to do him harm.

Ashley thinks they should he ashamed and asks them to stop treating her like a wounded bird.

tucker explains he can back up all his claims

McCall explains he can back up all he’s said. There is security footage and texts.

She prompts him to show it all to her family.

He reads what she said to Audra and she tells him he shouldn’t dare to interrogate her in her home.

Her family want an explanation and Ashley claims she just got silly because she had some drinks on an empty stomach.

jack diane listen to accusations

Tucker offers to leave but says he’s taking the threats seriously.

Ash, cuffed to the cot in Ashley’s brain, continues trying to wriggle free before Mrs Abbott can hurt Tucker.

ash worries to ashley

Ashley says Audra has been slandering her.

ashley asks to sort this out in private

She admits that she’s not handling this well and suggests that she and Tucker leave to hash this out privately and go their separate ways.

Ash keeps trying to wake Ashley up before Mrs Abbott goes too far.

ash panics

Her family tell her she doesn’t need to say anything to her.

She claims she wants to give her marriage another chance.

Tucker refuses to go anywhere with her and announces that he’s proposed to Audra.

Whatever they had is in the past and that’s for the best.

He thought they should know what the situation was and he hopes she gets the help she needs.

tucker says they need to put this in the past

Jack says they don’t need him to tell them anything and Diane asks him to do them all a favor and leave.

After he does, Jack tells his sister they are all on her side and beg her to let them in.

jack urges sister to open up

Billy says that it says something that Tucker is on the same page as them.

Ashley sneers but her sister points out that the threats she has been making are worrying.

billy and other share concerns

Ashley claims that she’s just been joking about everything and they have been twisting it.

She accuses her sister of wanting to make her a character in her next novel and starts howling.

Traci is terrified for her. She hates betraying her but she needed the family to support her.

She can’t handle this herself.

traci tells ashley how concerned they are

This is serious.

Ashley lashes out at her for her betrayal and doubts she can ever forgive her.

“Do you think I’m nuts?” she asks her.

ashley asks if traci thinks she's nuts

Ash keeps yelping at Ashley to wake up.

Sitting down, Ashley tells her family that she has never felt so alone.

ashley listens to family

Her siblings tell her that they are a team for her and will make sure she gets the help she needs.

She tells them all the memories this is bringing back of Fairview.

The way they look at her makes her feel like she’s broken.

Jack wishes he could take her pain away but they aren’t equipped to do that.

jack tells sister they want to help

They can’t ignore her having blackouts and it needs to be dealt with before it gets worse.

Pursing her lips, she says he shouldn’t be pointing fingers.

None of them should be judging her and they are looking for trouble where there isn’t any.

Her siblings urge her to get help.

“You want judgment? There’s plenty of that to go around,” she says.

ashley threatens judgment

She starts reminding Diane of faking her death and having a breakdown.

Diane got help and therapy saved her.

diane barks at ashley

If this is the result of therapy, Ashley says, she’s going to have to pass on it.

She says she sees through her.

Jack defends his wife and his sister starts accusing him of resenting her for being their father’s favorite.

Billy knows she’s pushing buttons but they are all there for her.

billy knows ashley lashing out

Ashley is sure he just feels good because she’s on a lower peg than him now.

He knows she’s just taking swipes at them and asks her to admit she needs help.

She moves on to Traci. Diane leaps in to defend her.

Ashley declares that she is done with this.

When she heads for the door, they bar the way.

Since she won’t seek help, Jack says they will have to bring it to her.

jack bars exit

Ash screams at Ashley to wake up before Mrs Abbott takes them all down.

ash begs ashley to wake up

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Sally joins Audra at the jazz lounge.

Sally guesses she needs to vent.

audra and sally drink at jazz lounge

Audra admits she’s an emotional mess and doesn’t know what to do.

Usually, she’s ahead of the curve.

Spectra guesses that Tucker has weaseled his way back in.

sally listens to audra vent

“He asked ne to marry him,” Charles explains.

She turned him down and doesn’t want to marry anyone.

They have magic and marriage might ruin them.

They’re not a normal couple so why bend to it. Sally points out that Tucker is a romantic and the marrying type.

Audra made it clear that they can still be a power couple without all the paperwork.

He was disappointed but didn’t pushback.

audra usually has more control

CBSThat’s stunning to Sally, who didn’t think he was that easy.

Audra worries that Ashley is still on his mind.

Her friend asks if she’s just looking for an excuse to turn him down.

They talk about Ashley’s mental issues.

She thought they were a ploy but something is actually off.

Clearly, Ashley has been spinning out since Paris and recaps all that has happened with her odd behavior and shifts in character.

audra doesn't know what to think

It has been back and forth and mixed messages.

Sally knows none of that sounds normal.

Audra explains how she’s now talking about herself in the third person. That gives Sally goosebumps.

She assumes he’s focused on Ashley because he can see she needs serious help. It must be breaking her family’s heart.

The redhead wonders if Audra is jealous of Ashley.

She claims she’s not but she wonders if the proposal is more about Ashley than her.

sally and audra talk ashley act

Spectra doesn’t see the connection but Audra thinks it could have just been a symbolic manipulation.

She can understand that he feels responsible for Ashley’s mental health and blames himself for her falling apart.

Sally had no idea he had it in him to feel bad.

It’s nothing like what she’s heard about him.

sally didn't know tucker cared

Tucker strolls in. Audra asks where he was.

He claims he was scheming in his secret lair.

Sally says it was nice to meet him and takes off.

tucker meets sally

He needs a drink.

He explains he went to the Abbott house and did his best to explain the situation with Ashley.

It appeared like they were in the middle of an intervention.

He thinks she needs professional help and the sooner the better.

Audra says he must have found himself an outside in the way.

She was stuck venting to a friend. He assumes that was about him.

audra and tucker talk proposal again

She went on and on about how infuriating he can be and how bad his timing is.

“I’m a catch,” he says, drinking.

They chat about her chat with Sally and he assumes her friend urges her a little closer to saying yes.

He claims it really hurt when she said no because he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

She agrees to that but not to marriage.

Shrugging, he agrees to that and they toast.

tucker says the guilt is gone

She repeats she wants everything with him and this is what works.

When she asks what happened at the Abbotts, he declares it’s done.

His guilt is lifted and now it’s up to the Abbotts.

She tells him he did nothing wrong.

audra tucker talk future

Looking in her eyes, he says he’s letting it go.

From this day on, his focus will all be on this unmarried woman he is in love with.

They kiss.

tucker tells audra she's his focus

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