Victor Tells Nate He’ll Fire Victoria and Adam for Plotting Against Him, Billy Confronts Kyle, and Chelsea Returns

Tues Oct 31, Y&R day ahead recap: Adam tells Sally he has no regrets, Mariah urges Kyle to go out on his own, and Billy tells Chelsea his nephew is after his job.

Monday’s recap: Jack insulted Billy, and Mamie ended her partnership with Tucker while Nate tipped his cousins off about them.

(The Young and the Restless Canadian recap for Oct 31, 2023 episode airs in the USA on Nov 1. Live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Chelsea surprises Billy as he mopes in the park.

billy in the park

“I’m back baby,” she says. They kiss. This is better than video chats.

chelsea smiling at billy

She’s also back in town to deal with some issues at Marchetti between Chloe and Summer.

billy and chelsea talk work

They go to Crimson Lights and she catches him up on how well her son is doing at school. He has lots of confidences, is busy, and independent.

billy and chelsea talk connor

Billy is proud of her for doing the right thing for her kid and says she’s an amazing mother.

He’s happy she’ll be spending more time in town.

billy thinks chelsea is a great mother

After they kiss, she reminds him she has an apartment upstairs.

Chelsea and Billy go to her apartment and have sex.

billy and chelsea have sex

As they relax in bed, he tells her about the chaos at Jabot thanks to Tucker.

He gives her a recap of everything that McCall has done lately. His sister has a plan to figure out what he’s up to.

They aren’t sure how dangerous Tucker really is but Ashley is his weakness.

billy worries to chelsea about kyle

Billy admits he has a bigger problem to solve. He thinks Kyle is coming after him.

This confuses her but he thinks his nephew is gunning for him and he worries Jack will side with his son.

adam and chelsea talk jabot

He knows Jack has been dealing with it from all sides, but he’s been working hard and keeping the C suite steady.

Kyle has never paid his dues.

She worries he’s scared of feeling like a failure but Billy feels like he’s on the right path and is determined to stay on it.

They make out.

chelsea and billy kissing

In the Marchetti office, Summer tells Chloe they need to go back to the drawing board.

summer not impressed by chloe

Chloe says they’ve done that a few times already. She insists she and Chelsea have loads of experience and know what they are doing.

Summer reminds her she’s in charge and knows what she wants.

They bicker and Chloe thinks she’s having a hard time letting any power go and double guessing everything.

chloe thinks summer power mad

Summer says this is not an issue of lack of faith; she just hasn’t seen what she wants.

They need to up the ante to keep the customer’s happy. The sales have been down and they need to be targeted.

Chloe will make a point of considering sales but thinks her fears about proving herself without Kyle are clouding her judgement.

Summer says that’s not what’s happening.

summer not pleased

This is not about either of them, it’s about the line.

As they argue, Summer declares this is not working and they need to take a break. They can meet when Chelsea arrives.

chloe and summer ague confidence

When Chelsea shows up, Chloe is thrilled to see her. She immediately tells her they have big problems with Summer.

chelsea and chloe talk summer

This is turning into an epic disaster. The problem is not them but Summer.

They have to find a way to calm her down and get her to see that they know best.

chloe tells chlesea it's a disaster

Mariah joins Kyle at Society and they catch up on her baby and her new facial expressions.

mariah corners kyle in society

There have been more tests and the doctors have confirmed that Aria has significant hearing loss. They fit her for aids and will be putting them on her today.

There’s been a lot of build up to this day and it has left her nervous.

mariah talks to kyle about hearing aids

He urges her to be optimistic.

They talk about how great the audiologist is but she still has doubts. He assures her she can do this.

She asks him about his job search.

He’s enjoying a life of leisure and jokes he’s learning to make sourdough.

With a little prodding, he admits the downtime is driving him crazy. He wants his old job back.

kyle tells mariah to be optimistic

She’s confused since Billy has that job.

“That could be changing soon,” he suggests. He thinks the best thing to do is take action before his uncle can mess up.

She doesn’t like him talking so ruthlessly but he’s determined to go after what he wants.

Is his job really worth a family war? He thinks so.

mariah think kyle should go out on his own

When she suggests he try going out of his own, he furrows his brow.

Starting his own company has crossed his mind but it’s never felt right.

When he was fired from Newman, Victor suggested he go back to work with his family and he thinks he’s right.

He’s always taken the family legacy for granted and now realizes it’s part of him. He deserves his place.

kyle wants back in jabot

As she leaves, she advises him to proceed with caution.

Billy wanders in and spots his nephew.

He tells him he knows what he’s up to and they need to clear the air, once and for all.

blly confronts kyle

Adam wakes up in bed with Sally to a text from Nate asking if he’s going to show up to work today.

adam gets text from nate

He gets dressed and she wakes up. He has to go to work.

Adam hasn’t slept so soundly in a long time. Before he goes, he wants to make sure what happened is okay.

sally and adam talk last night

He’ll understand if last night doesn’t mean what he hopes it does.

She doesn’t regret it. She’ll have to let it sink in before she can figure out where things go.

Adam doesn’t regret a moment about last night and exits.

adam has no regrets

Once she gets dressed, she sits and thinks about cuddling in bed with Adam.

sally remembering adam in bed

He tells her it feels like it’s meant to be.

adam and sally in bed

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In Victor’s office at Newman, Nick and Victoria show up and confront him over the ruse about his health.

nick and victoria confront their father

She asks if he thinks she would really exploit all of this just for a job title.

“What is this all about?” he asks.

victor plays dumb

He listens as his kids explain they are willing to go along with his plan to trick Adam.

Pretending to be confused, Victor accuses them of trying to convince him that he’s losing his mind.

victor accuses kids of playing him

His son reminds him of their conversation about the drawing. Victor keeps acting baffled.

nick and victoria are confused

Nate shows up. Victor leaves with him, telling his kids he doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about.

By the elevators, Victor complains to Nate about his children and their expectations he see a doctor.

victor complains about kids to nate

Nate is still waiting to hear back from a specialist for him.

nate listens to victor

Victor says he’s the only one he can trust.

As Adam walks down the stairs of the GCAC, he bumps into his siblings and notices they look unusually miserable.

adam bumps into siblings

Nick asks if he was upstairs begging Sally for another chance.

Adam asks after their father and Nick says he seems forgetful. Adam spoke to a specialist because he’s worried.

The doctor told him to have Victor meet with him. He suggests the three of them make that happen but Victoria refuses to let him be part of this.

adam asked if he was with sally

Adam knows they don’t trust him and they need to move with caution but he is scared and won’t stand on the sidelines.

He walks out.

Victoria and Nick have coffee and mull over their father’s behavior.

victoria thinks it's another trap

Either there really is something wrong with him or he’s come up with a trap for her.

nick and victoria discuss father's doubts

Nate takes Victor to the park. Victor seems confused about why they are there.

nate and victor go to park

When they sit, Victor tells him he has moments of clarity and then it’s gone.

victor tells nate he's confused

Nate promises they can sort that out.

Victor tells him he’s alone and his children want to take everything from him.

Hastings insists Victoria would never try a coup but Victor thinks his children are cut-throat monsters of his own making.

nate assures victor his kids aren't after him

Nate is sure they would never go after their father. Victoria has accepted her new position.

His boss has doubts and suggests Adam and Victoria are trying to take him down.

“I’m going to fire their asses!” he declares.

victor says kids are a threat

Adam goes to the office looking for his father but he’s not there.

He calls Dr Skelton and asks him to meet with him and his father for drinks later.

adam calls doctor

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