Billy’s Suspicions of Kyle Are Raised When His Nephew Drops Out of His Fight for Jabot, and Tucker Gives Kyle as Assignment After a Bitter Battle with Ashley

Thurs Nov 2, Y&R day ahead recap: Kyle backs down on his fight with Billy, Billy tells Jack he’s sure this is fake, and Nick guesses Sally is sorting out her feelings for Adam.

Wednesday’s recap: Miserable, Christine flashed back to love, heartbreak, and regret, and Danny considered what might be in a tribute to Lauralee Bell.

(The Young and the Restless Canadian recap for Nov 2, 2023 episode airs in the USA on Nov 3. Live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Sally corners Nick in the foyer of the GCAC. They awkwardly talk about financial reports for her new business.

sally and nick talk business in foyer

She couldn’t have done this without his support. He always knew she could accomplish whatever she put her mind to.

Spectra asks about Victor and says Adam mentioned something about his health.

Nick isn’t thrilled to hear she’s been discussing this with his brother.

nick hears sally talking about victor

They go to his suite so they won’t have to talk about his family in public.

sally and nick discuss victor

He was hoping that Adam would be more discrete about it and assumes he was looking for sympathy.

nick complains about his brother

She promises not to say anything to anyone. He’s only angry at his dad.

Sally assures him she doesn’t think his brother is exploiting this.

sally tells nick adam not out for himself

Nick admits that he’s scared as hell for his dad. He hates all the uncertainty.

She suggested the siblings should work together but he thinks her faith is misplaced.

sally and nick discuss adam concerns

He’s surprised his brother brought this up to her. It makes him think that she must be on close terms with him again.

She won’t say but he assumes she’s decided to figure out what her relationship with Adam really means.

nick guesses sally back with adam

Adam stops by his father’s office and tells him he has some ideas to run by him.

adam is confused by father

Nate listens at the door as Victor starts talking about streamlining Kirsten. Adam notices this is off.

victor asks about kirsten

Hastings enters and takes Adam into the hallway.

By the elevators, they discuss how Victor seems to be deteriorating.

nate and adam talk victor deteriorating

Adam has spoken to a specialist but his siblings have dismissed his attempts to deal with this.

Nate offers to talk to Victoria but Adam doesn’t think there’s anything he can say. He will take care of his father on his own.

adam and nate talk dad by elevator

Once Adam leaves on the elevator, Nate turns and sees Victor standing behind him.

They go into the office and Victor asks who he was just talking to.

victor asks who he was talking to

They talk about Victor’s lapse. “What’s happening to me?” he wonders.

nate tells victor he slipped

Sitting down, Nate explains that Adam has spoken to a specialist about him. Victor assumes this is part of a plot to get him out.

Nate suggests that he could use some distance from all of this and urges him to take a leave of absence.

nate urges victor talk leave

Victor flatly refuses but Nate suggests it prevent Adam from taking any further moves against him and removing him permanently.

The Newman is more concerned about how he can beat this. Nate thinks they need to get testing done immediately before things get worse.

victor refuses to take leave

He offers to get him voluntary treatment for a few days or weeks. They can claim he’s taking an extended business trip.

Adam arrives at the GCAC as Sally is walking out with Nick. He stops his brother and tells him their dad had another moment.

adam interrupts nick and sally

He thinks they need to deal with this immediately.

Nick refuses to trust that he has their father’s best interests at heart.

nick doubts adam

Adam knows he probably hates his guts but he does care about their father.

They rehash him meddling with Victor’s meds in the past. Adam explains he’s arranged for a doctor to observe their father.

His brother doesn’t like this plan but Adam asks him to observe it all first hand. Nick agrees.

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Ashley finds Tucker mopily drinking at Society.

ashley tries to be civil with tucker

She tries to make some small talk. He explains he’s started annulment proceedings.

She says they had fun in the five minutes they were married and she thinks it’s a waste they have to act like strangers.

tucker can't trust ashley

Can’t there be some commonality between them? He can’t see that happening.

She reminds him they share a grandchild.

McCall doesn’t trust her or her motives anymore. Now the shoe is on the other foot and she has to convince him they have a future.

ashley lectures tucker about being nasty

Ashley says his behavior in Paris was atrocious but maybe they can be civil or friendly.

He jokes they can get manicures. She won’t get on her knees to beg.

Tucker says that would be a waste of time. He believes in her powers of persuasion but not her motives.

He’s sure she just wants to know what he is plotting against her family.

She pushes him on that but he claims he wants nothing.

ashley doubts tucker loved her

The Abbott doesn’t buy it.

He suggests he may just like watching her squirm, just like she did to him.

The man who changed for her stayed behind in Paris and he won’t justify himself to her.

She’s starting to wonder if he ever really loved her. He accuses her of wrecking it.

tucker won't admit he's plotting

Waving his hands, he says he may want payback or he may just let the whole thing go.

She’s amazed by how angry he is. He claims he just likes seeing her irritated.

They bicker about manipulating each other. He wonders if she ever loved him and if this was all about revenge.

Ashley claims she loved him with her whole heart. “Give me a break,” he says.

They were supposed to be partners. She accuses him of trying to force her to give up her family.

How he treated her was wrong, bad, and awful. He says there is no way back.

ash asks if tucker ever loved her

“Did you ever really love me?” she asks again. He commends her on how she is faking all this.

He’ll never be anything but suspicious of her. Paying for his drink, he tells her she’s pushed him away completely.

tucker walking out on ashley

She takes his non-answer about loving her as his answer.

After he walks out, she tears up. Outside, he stops and breaks into tears.

tucker weeping

At the Abbott estate, Kyle asks Billy if he has an issue with him.

billy confronts kyle about job

Billy knows he’s coming after his job and his nephew admits it.

Billy doesn’t care if Kyle thinks he deserves the job; it’s his job and he’s not going anywhere.

His nephew is sure he will mess it up. He claims he deserves better than the token COO position.

kyle and billy argue about jabot

Billy thinks he’s being a spoiled brat but that doesn’t mean much to Kyle.

His uncle suggests he enjoys what this is doing to Jack.

They bicker about Summer getting the company and Billy repeats that he’s spoiled.

kyle argues with billy about being spoiled

Sitting, Kyle concedes it and tells him he wins.

kyle says he's done with jabot

His uncle isn’t convinced he’s just dropping his fight but Kyle feels embarrassed. He’s determined not to be a spoiled brat anymore.

Kyle won’t force the issue or return to Jabot.

Jack walks in and asks what’s going on.

jack walking in on billy and kyle

They admit they were having a frank discussion. Kyle admits he hasn’t been fair to them so he’s moving in an alternative direction.

kyle rejects offer again

He apologizes for putting his father in a bad position and for being selfish. His father wishes he’d reconsider the COO offer but his son wants something more meaningful.

jack surprised kyle backing off

Kyle claims this will be about becoming a better person. He’s had a wakeup call.

His father wishes he could give him a hint of what he has planned. Kyle won’t say anything but thanks Billy for making him see things clearly.

jack glad kyle has seen light

Once Kyle walks out, Jack asks his brother how that happened. Billy doubts his son was being sincere.

jack and billy talk kyle shift

Pouring himself some water, Billy recaps his confrontation with Kyle for his brother. The abrupt turnaround doesn’t ring true.

billy recapping with water

Ashley joins them and asks if they’ve heard from Tucker.

They haven’t. They sit and fill her in on the latest with Kyle and his abrupt turnaround.

ashley gets filled in by brothers

She tells them Tucker no longer trusts her. Billy realizes that Kyle is the closest to Tucker because of Audra.

They argue about Kyle’s motivations and interests. Billy suggests that if Tucker is coming after Jabot, he could be using Kyle.

billy suspects kyle in cahoots

Tucker has a drink in his suite. Kyle shows up after receiving his text.

tucker has assignment for kyle

McCall tells him it’s time for him to prove himself.

After Kyle says he won’t let him down, he looks worried.

kyle gets task from tucker

Next week on Y&R!

“Ever since Aria got fitted for her hearing aids we’ve been waiting on pins and needles for them to come in,” says Mariah.

Teriah talk about aira's ears

“And now that they’re here and Aria can have them put in…” adds Tessa.

“We’re terrified,” concludes Mariah.

“The time has come to tell you all the truth,” Victor announces to his family.

victor ca ls family meeting

While sitting with Christine, Nina gets a call from the hospital. “Yes, I’m his mother. How bad is it?” she asks.

nina bad news about chance

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