Michael Forces Martin to Confirm Nina Tipped Off the SEC, and Sasha Tells Maxie and Cody She’s Leaving

Mon Oct 16 GH recap: Cody makes a confession to Sasha, Lucy and Maxie ask Blaze to be the face of Deception, and Sam checks on Carly.

Friday’s GH recap: Dex and Joss discovered Mason nabbed Ava, Cyrus was freed, and Michael learned Nina tipped off the SEC.

At the gatehouse, Willow hangs out with the kids and notices Michael is distracted by his phone. She puts the kids to bed.

michael thinking of call

Willow is sorry they had to leave the island so early. He promises they will go back soon again.

willow michael talk island

He remembers how happy he was going there as a kid. Michael has to get to a meeting. Some information fell into his lap and he has to confirm it. It could be a real game changer.

michael and willow talk game changer

After he leaves, Wiley returns and Willow has to explain what a honeymoon is to him.

They have pudding and talk about how they love their family.

willow and kids

Sam bumps into Carly at Kelly’s and asks after Drew.

She tells her how much Scout is missing him.

sam asks how carly is

The PI came by to check on her.

Dante told her about the elopement and is sure it can’t be easy on her.

Carly concedes she’s not okay, but then again she is.

Her life will be better when Drew is out and Sonny marrying Nina stinks.

carly not okay

They chat about Sasha and all she went through.

Gladys is lucky she was only run out of town.

As Sam leaves, Carly assures her that she loves Drew and is devoted to him.

They hug.

sam asks how carly is

At the Metro Court, Maxie and Lucy pitch their plan to Blaze to be the new face of Deception. The singer is flattered.

lucy and maxie pitch deception

Blaze points out the last face of Deception got a lot of negative publicity.

They tell her it’s time for them to go in a new direction and she’s a perfect fit.

She thanks them and says they’ve given her a lot to think about.

Her manager will contact them. She leaves to catch a flight.

maxie lucy offer blaze job

Maxie asks Lucy is they should have given Sasha some warning before offering her job to someone else.

Lucy says she’ll still be a shareholder but the company needs a new face.

That will benefit her too.

lucy and maxie talk business

Martin joins them and Maxie runs off to call her mom.

martin interrupts lucy and maxie

They talk about the settlement of the lawsuit and she can’t move on from the bitter pill she’s had to swallow.

She’ll never forgive Tracy.

He suggests they go to his suite from some R&R.

Michael calls and demands to meet him immediately.

martin and lucy talk deception

After the lawyer leaves, Maxie returns.

They get back to talking about Sasha’s replacement and Maxie reminds her that Tracy will have to weigh in.

Lucy refuses to bow to her.

Maxie thinks she needs to stop acting like this is a done deal.

They need to tell Sasha.

lucy and maxie talk replacement

Martin meets with Michael at his office.

He doesn’t appreciate being summoned.

Michael tells him he made a terrible mistake by turning Carly and Drew over to the SEC.

martin in michael's office

The lawyer says he doesn’t owe him anything and points out his mom and Drew were actually guilty.

Michael knows it wasn’t his idea.

His client was using him to inflict damage on his family.

martin confronted by michael

Closing the door, he offers him the chance to save himself and make amends.

Martin can’t break his client’s trust.

Michael threatens to turn this over to Sonny.

He offers to keep him out of this if he will confirm Nina was behind this.

michael confronts michael

Grudgingly, he admits it.

Michael records this and dismisses him.

michael listens to recording

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In Puerto Rico, Nina, sonny and Kristina talk about what a perfect day it was.

Nina is sorry Michael, Willow and Wiley had to leave so abruptly.

sonny nina and kristina after wedding

Kristina asks her day what pushed him to elope?

He didn’t see the point of a big wedding.

Nina agreed to it in less than a minute.

kristina and nina talk eloping

Kristina admires how he never gave up on Michael.

Nina thinks that Willow’s decision is a turning point for all of them and they owe that to him.

When the newlyweds are left alone, she thanks him for sharing the island with her.

He says they will share everything now.

nina and sonny on honeymoon

He admires her bracelet. She recalls Willow giving it to her.

They see a shooting star and she tells him she already has all she could ever want.

He says she’s changed his life in ways he’s only beginning to understand.

nina and sonny star

Kristina is startled when Blaze suddenly shows up on the island.

blaze surprises kristina

Blaze explains her grandma lives there so she comes a lot.

She adds that fate must have brought them together.

kristina and blaze on island

Cody stops by Sasha’s and notices she’s packing.

She’s planning to leave town.

He wonders why she’s walking away from her life right after getting it back.

cody as sasha door

She explains it’s too painful for her to live in Port Charles.

There are bad memories everywhere she looks and she needs to start somewhere new.

Sasha is moving to Austin, where she knows no one.

He doubts she’ll meet the kind of friends she’s made there.

sasha moving to austin

She’s feeling lost there and lists all the people who have ruined her life.

She keeps putting her trust in all the wrong people.

He thinks she’s being too hard on herself.

People make mistakes.

He’s made lots of stupid ones.

cody asks sasha why leaving

Sasha makes excuses for him and wishes he would see herself the way she does.

He confesses that his biological dad is in Port Charles and he convinced him he’s not his son.

sasha tells cody about mistakes

She’s confused. He thinks he’s been an idiot. Mac is his father.

She’s more confused.

He explains that he covered it up to try and get Taub’s fortune.

He didn’t just lie because of the money.

Cody didn’t think a grifter like him deserves a dad like Mac.

cody tells sasha he's a grifter

She tells him anyone would be proud to have him as a son and reminds him of all he did for her.

He refuses to accept that he was brave. She was.

Sasha says she was just desperate to get her life back together.

Now that she has her life back, she needs to start from scratch.

sasha hears about cody's father

Maxie shows up, startled to discover Sasha is leaving town.

Cody abruptly leaves and Sasha tells her friend how many unhappy memories she has there.

Maxie knows how she feels.

She felt the same when Nathan died. Sasha refuses to be talked out of this.

sasha tells maxie she's leaving

Maxie tells her to do what’s best for her.

Sasha doesn’t know what that is. All she knows is she has to get away.

Maxie will support her but Deception won’t be the same without her.

When Sasha asks why she stopped by, Maxie says she missed her friend.

maxie and sasha talk leaving

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