GH Recap: Jagger Explains Mob Bosses Are Being Targeted, Gregory Wants to Move in with Finn, and Nina Enlists Martin in The Fight With Carly

Thur Feb 8, 2024: Today on General Hospital, Michael apologizes to Sonny, Willow urges Drew not to hold a grudge, and Chase tells Finn it’s too early to stop Gregory from living independently.

Wednesday’s GH recap: Cameron returned for Spencer’s memorial, and Heather wailed over Esme’s grave, blaming Kevin for everything.

Michael goes to see his father at his office. Sonny is surprised to see him. His son doesn’t think they can wait longer for this conversation.

sonny surprised by michael

He came to say he’s sorry and he hopes he can forgive him.

They start bickering about him keeping his mouth shut about Nina. Michael says he needed to get evidence to substantiate.

He adds that he leveraged the truth against Nina to keep her away from his family.

michael apologizes to sonny

Sonny is surprised to hear that he blackmailed her. Michael explains he made a deal with Ned to keep the peace but Lois blew it up.

The bottom line is Nina is guilty and didn’t think she’d be forgiven.

Sonny asks where he would stand with him if he forgave her. Michael won’t pursue any action against Nina.

sonny hears son's apology

He assures his father that he wants him in his life, no matter who he is with. He’s not going to let her cost him his wife or father.

michael explains what he did

Sonny thinks of the mess that Nina set in motion… His son repeats that if forgives her, that won’t affect their relationship.

Carly arrives at the Metro Court and Trish brings her over to her guest. Bryson is waiting for her. Nina watches them and wonders what Carly is up to.

carly shown to table

Carly and Bryson talk business. She hopes they can keep the relationship but he’s concerned about her bad press.

Nina’s ousting and the article about her make him doubt his brand can align with the magazine. She insists the magazine will maintain its impeccable quality and she’s sure the public will come around.

carly and bryson at table

He wonders how she will do that if her staff are taking other gigs. They have doubts in her.

She assures him the transition will be seamless. He gets a call and walks off.

Martin arrives and meets with Nina. She says he owes her. She’s considering starting her own magazine.

nian stares at carly

She needs to get the best features of Crimson and that’s where he comes in.

BLQ comes in and sneers at Nina but refuses to make a scene for Olivia’s sake and walks off.

Martin tells Nina she has a knack for alienating people.

nian meets with martin

BLQ joins Carly, who complains she’s about to lose a 2 million dollar contract.

blq offers to help carly

They turn around and spot Nina happily chatting with Bryson. BLQ assures Carly things will be okay and offers to help.

Carly says this is not her problem but BLQ has it out for Nina and wants to get creative about it.

carly listening to blq

Bryson returns as BLQ talks up Crimson. They tell him of their exciting plans.

He says he tried to make a deal with Lucy but they couldn’t come to terms. They offer to re-open that and he sits down.

bryson meets blq

Back at the bar, Nina asks Martin if there’s a way that he can get Crimson’s staff out of their non-compete clauses.

martin and nina talk contracts

He doesn’t think that’s likely. She reminds him he owes her because she could have his disbarred.

This isn’t making him inclined to help her but he will look for a loophole.

She wants her staff back and for Crimson to eat her dust.

nina wants revenge

After BLQ leads Bryson out, Carly stomps over to Nina and smugly tells her she’s tougher than the magazine industry.

carly and nina feud

After she exits, Martin tries leaving but Nina stops him, saying she’s just realized what she wants him to do.

Drew drops by the gate house with some paperwork for Michael. He’s not there but Willow is. Before he can leave, she tells him she’s glad he’s on good footing with her husband again.

drew willow talk michael

She’s still working things out with him. Drew doesn’t condone what he did but understands he was doing it for his family.

Willow would rather know the truth than be protected from it. She senses Drew hasn’t been able to put Nina behind him.

She feels partly responsible for this whole mess because she kept her sickness a secret.

He tells her not to take responsibility for Nina. She’s more worried about him carrying a grudge. It’s out of character.

He says people change and the old Drew died in Pentonville. She begs him not to let what happened change him.

drew says he's changed

Sitting down, he says that the guy she knew with a rosy outlook took a lot of work after what Victor did to him.

He went from one hell hole to another and couldn’t see the threat. He turned his back on obvious threats and won’t do that again.

Willow still believes in the power of forgiveness. “Good for you. I’m not there yet,” he says.

drew says won't happen again

They talk about how forgiving she is and how much that has helped her in her life.

He says she’s one of the strongest people he knows and she points out she’s alive because of him.

willow talks to drew

Drew assures her there is nothing he wouldn’t do for the people he loves but Nina isn’t one of them.

After he takes off, she calls Michael and asks him to stay the night tonight. The kids would like waking up to him and so would she.

willow calls michael home

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At Charlie’s, Lois interrupts Gregory and his sons as they talk sports. She leads him off to talk about the wedding while Chase asks his brother why he keeps staring at their father.

lois interrupts gregory and sons

The doctor thinks their father is a lot worse off than he’s admitting. It might be time for him to stop living on his own.

Chase wonders if he’s thinking of putting him in a facility. Finn is thinking of moving him in with him.

His brother worries their father would be worried about losing his independence.

chase and finn talk dad

He thinks they need to find a less intrusive way to keep an eye on him, like a watch.

Lois and Gregory sit across the room and go over wedding plans. She’s planning to spoil the kids and talk about how important time with family is.

gregory and lois talk family

She tells him about all the family her daughter grew up with. She admits it could be intrusive but family is family.

lois talks family with gregory

He asks what it was like living with her grandparents. She’s sure they loved it and kept them young. Someone was always there to help them out.

She runs off in her fur and rubber dress.

Back at their table, Finn and Chase debate until Gregory returns and tells them that Lois grew up in a multi-generational home.

finn says gregory can't live on his own

He’s had some scares and is starting to wonder if he should be living alone. It might make sense to live near a doctor.

Finn says they could work something out if that’s something he really wants. “I do,” says Gregory.

gregory asks to move in with finn

He points out this will mean Violet is going to start asking questions. Finn says they can tell her about his disease together.

At the PCPD, Jordan welcomes Anna back at the police chief officially. She thanks them and makes a speech about what a great honor this is.

anna welcomes back pcpd

John shows up as she declares that anyone not with them is against them.

He and Anna ho into the interrogation room and she makes it clear that the PCPD is investigating the cache of weapons.

He reminds her this is an FBI investigation but she says it’s in her jurisdiction. They can respect that or get out of her way.

anna says get out of her way

Jordan and Dante come in and Anna explains that they will also have to be informed of everything.

Before John will share anything, he asks what information she was withholding from him.

anna dante jordan john

She fills him in on what O’Neil told them and how the shooter could be right under their noses.

John explains that four people have been targeted for assassination since the weapons were stolen. The common denominator is that they were all organized crime figures.

john tells anna what he knows

There have been no turf wars so it doesn’t seem to be business. Dante isn’t happy that he doesn’t seem concerned about protecting the business or people affected.

They start to bicker. Anna knows they are all connected to Sonny but they are all committed to justice and need to stop this.

She asks to speak to Jagger alone. As Dante leaves, John reminds him what he said was classified.

Anna lectures him for that and tells him he should be warning Sonny, he means the world to a lot of people. What would Stone want him to do?

john argues with anna

When Jagger leaves, Dante and Jordan join Anna. He apologizes if he was out of line but they are talking about information that could lead to his father’s death.

anna dante jordan talk evidence

The detective explains that his father thinks the shooter could be known to him. He could be someone in his organization.

Back at Sonny’s office, he’s surprised when Jagger shows up and asks him for a minute.

jagger visits sonny

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