B&B Recap: Finn Stays For Sheila and Deacon’s Wedding

Friday, May 24, 2024: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, Deacon and Sheila’s wedding day continues and everyone’s talking about it.

Thursday’s Early B&B recap: Sheila is Thrilled and Finn is Confused When He Accidentally Stumbles Into Her Wedding on a Pizza Run

String quartet music plays as Sheila hugs Finn happily.

finn hugs his mama sheila

He’s confused as she tells him she has been waiting for him to come to her wedding.

Deacon, Hope and Tom watch them embrace, surprised. 

Finn tadmits that he’s only there to pick up pizza.

Deacon asks him to stay while he waits.

Sheila thinks it’s meant to be.

Deacon calls Tom a superhero for helping them find Sheila.

It’s why he’s officiating. Tom thinks they’re going overboard but that’s not how Deacon sees it.

deacon gets a surprise at the wedding on bold and beautiful

Turns out he’s a licensed wedding officiant.

Tom says he’s worn many hats in his life.

Finn’s told Hope’s the maid of honor and is asked to stick around.

Finn agrees to it and Tom starts the wedding.

He thinks fate brought him there just as fate brought them together.

tom believes in redemption

He saw Deacon’s compassion in saving Sheila’s life.

Tom calls him and Finn amazing men.

He sees the passion and love for Deacon and Finn.

He’s spoken to Deacon about her past and thinks they all know the power of redemption and second chances.

tom officiates sheila and deacon's wedding on b&b

Deacon talks about being given second chances to be out of prison, have the restaurant, and be with his daughter and Sheila.

He loves her and will make the most of this second chance with her.

Tom’s touched. Sheila tells Deacon that today she’s marrying him, and she has Hope as her maid of honor and her son to share in the bliss.

Her heart hasn’t been so full.

deacon marries sheila

She calls Deacon her strength and guide.

He makes her a better person and completes her.

She only ever wanted to be loved and he gives her that daily. She loves him.

Their eyes shine as she speaks.

sheila gets married

At the Cliffhouse, Liam comes from the girls’ room.

They’re making sock puppets of the parents he says before he shows Steffy his.

liam and his puppet

Kelly’s working on the hair for her mama.

They share a laugh. It’s helping Steffy not to think about Deacon and Sheila’s wedding.

She heard it was at the beach. Liam thinks it’s nice Finn drove all the way down to Il Giardino for pizza.

Steffy laughs at how particular Kelly is about her pizza.

She’s grateful he won’t run into Sheila there at least. Doesn’t matter.

Steffy thinks she knows 100% that Finn wouldn’t go near the wedding.

As they chatter on about this, they start to notice the time. What’s taking Finn so long? steffy laughs at the puppet



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Brooke hugs Eric at the mansion. He’s looking better and better.

That makes him wonder what he looked like before.

They discuss Deacon and Sheila’s wedding.

Eric wonders what Deacon’s thinking and compares it to him marrying Sheila.

brooke hugs eric B&B recaps

Ridge and Brooke reminds him he didn’t know back then what a sociopath Sheila was back then.

Ridge barks that Deacon knows all about her. Eric wonders how Hope’s dealing with it.

Brooke tells him she loves her dad and is at the wedding supporting her though they tried to talk her out of it.

“She thinks there’s a change in Sheila,” Brooke says, due to Deacon’s love of the woman.

Ridge calls it ridiculous. Dangerous, infact. Eric agrees.

brooke with eric

Brooke counters their argument. Hope isn’t buying into it.

She’s supporting her dad. Ridge thinks she should walk away from it.

Brooke knows a part of Finn wants to be there but Ridge is positive Finn would never go near it. Eric agrees 100%.

Brooke says his loyalty will be to Steffy. Always.

ridge being positive finn won't see sheila today

Back at Il Giardino, Sheila and Deacon happily say their vows. They say their I dos. Deacon gives Finn the rings to give to Tom and he calls them a symbol of eternity.

tom marries sheila and deacon sheacon

Deacon slips the ring on Sheila’s finger and promises she won’t walk alone from this day forward. “All nine toes of you.”

They have a chuckle and Sheila places a ring on Deacon’s finger. She promises the same thing, that he won’t walk alone.

“You’ll always be walking beside me with my nine toes.”

Tom pronounces them husband and wife.

They kiss and everyone claps.

sheacon marries

Finn looks like he has mixed feelings.

finn at the wedding

Steffy sits at home texting Finn, asking where he is. 

steffy asks where finn is


B&B spoilers for next week!

Poppy tells Bill she has loved him since she first saw him.

Bill tells Poppy, “Let’s do it now.”

Poppy laughs happily.

poppy and bill in love

In the Forrester CEO office, Brooke tells Steffy that this has nothing to do with the company.

hope blamed for finn going to wedding

Steffy calls it a business decision.

“Hope For The Future needs to come to an end. Today.”

steffy lashes out

Hope stares on in disbelief. 

hope is shocked

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