Brooke Warns Taylor She Won’t Let Her ‘Steal Her Husband’, While Deacon Asks Ridge to Reunite With Brooke

In the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Sheila snipes at Brooke, Taylor tells Ridge that their daughter’s home is a safe zone, and Carter and Paris make love again.

We also have Monday’s B&B recap where Sheila taunted Brooke about what happened  with Deacon, and Hope went to Deacon for help.

At the Cliffhouse, Taylor tells Ridge there are no expectations, no matter what the kids are saying. She’s sure he’s experiencing all sorts of emotions but this is home and he’s safe. They embrace. He apologizes for bringing up Brooke. She tells him it’s fine since he’s processing it. He doesn’t get how everything went wrong again. Taylor thinks she sabotaged their marriage again. They may never know what drove her to drink. She kisses his cheek and goes off to one of her paying clients, she jokes.

taylor calls her a safe zone bold and the beautiful cbs

Brooke spits that she has heard enough out of Sheila. “Truth  hurts,” Sheila retorts. Brooke kicks her out of her house and Sheila calls her cruel and unable to show an ounce of compassion. She’s now living alone and is about to lose someone she loves. Sheila taunts Brooke about what she’s done. Brooke insists she didn’t turn to Deacon. She does take full responsibility for what happened that night though. Brooke grabs Sheila’s nose and tells her to stop sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Sheila warns that she should never touch her again. She brings up the children and Brooke says she is trying to save them from Sheila’s influence. “Unlike you, I own my mistakes,” she says. Brooke doesn’t know how or why she drank but she’s ensuring it won’t happen again. Sheila laughs at how self aware she is but calls it too little too late since Ridge is back together with Taylor. She finally leaves.

sheila snaps brooke bold and the beautiful cbs

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At Il Giardino, Hope tells Deacon that he and Brooke made a mess but she asks him to go to Ridge and ask him to take Brooke back. Deacon’s surprised. “I want you to try to save their marriage.” Deacon reminds her that Ridge despises him. He could have taken him out. He says he was easy on him and he’s not sure going to him with this is a good idea. Hope begs. Brooke’s trying so hard to keep her marriage but Ridge thinks her loyalty lies with Deacon, not him. Deacon doesn’t like being the cause of their issues. It’s not why he returned to L.A. Hope knows. She wishes now that she had respected Ridge’s concerns because it did drive a wedge between them. Both of them take blame and Deacon finally agrees to talk to Ridge.

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At his condo, Carter has Paris sitting half nude after sex in his lap. He asks, “What have we done?” They agree to do it again, and again, before they kiss. He insists that they shouldn’t be doing this but when Paris asks why, he has no good reason. They kiss again, and make love once more. They talk about how incredible it was. Paris doesn’t regret it. They’re free.

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Hope jumps Liam as he comes in the door of the cabin and tells him she did something she hopes is good and helpful. She explains she asked her dad to go to Ridge on her behalf. Liam gawks. She asks if he thinks she made a mistake. He’s not sure, but reminds her that last they were in the same room, they fought.

liam surprised by hope bold beautiful

Deacon arrives at Forrester and Ridge tries to kick him out until he explains he’s there to convince him to go back to Brooke. Ridge looks stunned. Deacon thinks Ridge has already forgiven her and just doesn’t want to let it go. He heard he ran back to Taylor really fast. As much as he hates to admit it, Brooke only wants Ridge. Deacon tells him not to run back to Taylor, crying, the way he always does.

ridge shocked by deacon bold beautiful

At work, Taylor’s surprised to see Brooke. She asks her not to come to her office unannounced. Brooke is sure she knows why she’s there. Taylor does. Brooke warns that she will never let her “steal my husband away.” Brooke’s reminded of Taylor kissing her husband once. Taylor nods.

taylor snipes at brooke bold beautiful

She reminds Brooke of why they’re there right now. Brooke isn’t there for therapy, but Taylor calls what she has a dysfunctional. She reminds her that she told her grandson not to tell anyone about the kiss. Brooke would benefit from therapy. Brooke counters that she’d also benefit if Taylor kept her hands off her husband. She thinks Taylor took advantage of Ridge, who she thinks would have come back to her that night because Taylor didn’t give him a second before she pounced. She thinks Taylor will get hurt because Brooke loves Ridge and won’t let him go.

brooke snaps at taylor about husband bold beautiful