Liam Stealthily Records Finn Hugging Sheila and Finn Defends the Charges Against Sheila Being Dropped

Monday, July 24 recap of B&B: RJ and Brooke start planning a party, Mike is shocked by Sheila’s news, and Bill can’t believe what he went through for nothing.

Friday’s B&B recap: Sheila was thrilled to be released and Liam watched as Finn hugged Sheila while Steffy cried in Ridge’s arms.

In the judge’s chambers at the courthouse, he says he didn’t want to make the ruling that sets Sheila free, but the laws are firm and there is no new evidence.

judge says he had no choice

Any other judge would rule the same. He’s very sorry for all of them.

In the hallway, Sheila holds Finn, telling him she can’t believe she’s been given another chance and is free.

He awkwardly puts his arm around her.

finn hugs sheila

Liam stands down the hall, gorping in disbelief at this sight.

He takes a video with his phone.

liam takes a photo of sheila and finn

A guard interrupts and asks Sheila to come with him to be processed for release.

Sheila tells Finn that she is living proof that miracles can happen and she is confident they can have a miracle too.

sheila hugging on finn

Finn returns to the others with Liam slinking in after. Finn tells his wife he had to check on a patient.

She can’t believe his mom is being released.

Carter assures Bill he will look into every possible option for putting Sheila back behind bars.

Bill can’t believe the things he had to do to get that confession. Carter tries looking away at the thought.

Liam steps up and prods Finn to say that he’s upset about Sheila being released.

bill can't believe what he had to do

At Forrester Creations, RJ and Brooke are eager for news from the hearing.

He notes she seems uncharacteristically calm. Brooke says she has a profound sense of belief.

They have lived in fear of Sheila for years. RJ says they won’t have to worry about that after today.

brooke and rj talk sheila trial

Brooke is sure she will go to prison for the rest of her life.

They still can’t believe all that Bill did to make this happen. It was all worth it in the end.

He wonders about how bad all this must have been for Steffy, especially given that Sheila is Finn’s biological mother.

He suggests they throw a little celebration. giggling Brooke agrees. They can toast to never having to worry about Sheila again.

rj and brooke plan a party

Ridge and the others arrive and Brooke notices they aren’t happy.

She and RJ are shocked when they announce the charges were dropped.

brooke and rj shocked that sheila is free

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Naomi Matsuda returns to B&B

In prison, Sheila meets with Mike. Seeing that she’s back so fast, he guesses they threw the book at her and is really sorry.

At least she’s not in it alone. He’ll be there and thinking about her every night.

sheila startled by sheila's news

When he notices she’s smiling, he wonders what’s going on. “They gave me life. they gave me my life back,” she says, announcing they dismissed the charges.

She’s been given a second chance and wanted to tell him goodbye.

sheila tells mike she's getting out

She explains that Bill’s plan wasn’t so masterly. There’s no evidence and no case.

She’s sorry and knows all that Mike did for her. Kissing him, she says she’ll never forget that.

He’s happy that she always lands on her nine toes and asks what she plans to do. She’s eager to build a relationship with her family, confident that Finn loves her deep down.

sheila thanks mike

Finn and Steffy get home. She tells herself that they need to beef up security and panics about Sheila coming after him and the kids.

His mom is still acting like she has some sort of claim to him.

steffy wants more security

He insists she doesn’t and she makes him promise to keep Sheila away.

As she rants about the injustice of this, he points out that Bill’s plan wasn’t exactly legal.

finn prodded by stefft

Steffy is starting to worry about why he’s not angrier and demands that he confirm he understands why Sheila has to stay away from their family.

She makes him promise to stay away from his mom.

When Liam gets to Spencer Publications, he looks at the video he took of the Finn and Sheila hug, Wyatt bustles in to ask if Sheila was crying and wonders why his brother isn’t ecstatic.

He’s shocked to hear she’s been released.

laim shocked finn hugged sheila

Liam says that wasn’t even the most shocking thing. He fills his brother in on seeing Finn hugging Sheila. This makes no sense to either of them. Liam assumes it’s bad and is determined to find out what’s going on.

He thinks this may mean he has to step up and protect Steffy and the kids since Finn clearly can’t.

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