B&B Recap: As Deacon Weeps for Sheila, Liam Tells Steffy Finn Has Betrayed Her by Attending the Memorial

Wednesday, April 3, 2024: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, Hope decides to attend the memorial, Steffy is appalled Finn is attending, and Deacon worries no one else will come.

Tuesday’s Early B&B recap: Deacon invited Hope and Finn to Sheila’s memorial, Steffy told her husband not to go, and Beth missed her family.

Liam shows up at Hope’s office to ask if she’s decided to attend the memorial service.

He knows she was conflicted about it.

liam asks if hope is going to memorial

She’s not sure she wants to tell him. She talked to her mom, who was also invited but isn’t going.

After listening to her mom’s objections, she decided to go.

It’s not to pay tribute to Sheila but support her dad.

hope surprised by liam

She admits that she’s not looking forward to this but Finn may be there.

She’s sure Steffy wouldn’t be okay with him attending.

Liam can see that since Sheila shot him.

liam and hope discuss the memorial

At the cliff house, Finn is thinking about Deacon inviting him to the memorial service.

steffy asks what's up with finn

His wife approaches and he informs her that he’s decided to attend.

Steffy backs up and takes a breath.

She doesn’t know how he can even consider this when she tried to kill them.

steffy appalled that finn is going

He doesn’t want to go but feels the need.

He’s not defending Sheila but can’t deny his primal connection. It’s there.

Steffy reminds him his mom is gone and he should let her go.

Finn doesn’t want to disappoint her.

Dealing with this has been a challenge for them.

finn tells steffy he needs to go

His wife asks if he thinks this going to provide some kind of resolution.

That’s all he’s got. She says he can go but she won’t,

When he tries to hug her, she holds him back, explaining she doesn’t understand this and tells him not to be surprised if he and Deacon are the only mourners.

steffy doesn't understand

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Liam goes to see Steffy in her office. He’s there to check on Hope.

liam visits steffy at office

She’s sure he’s fine and her brother is better off without her.

They agree they are better off that way.

Steffy tells him things have been tricky with Finn but she didn’t let her get in the middle of her marriage when she was alive and won’t now.

He brings up the memorial and assumes Finn won’t attend.

She confirms he is going. He asks if she’s okay with that.

steffy and liam talk memorial

Steffy knows that this is hard for her husband and she is trying to be understanding.

This seems like a complete betrayal to Liam and he hopes she pushed back. She made it clear that she’s not thrilled.

He says that something is wrong with him if his priorities are misaligned.

He had no connection to Sheila until she crashed his wedding.

His loyalties should be with his wife.

liam tells steffy this is a betrayal

At Il Giardino, Deacon looks at the giant photo of Sheila and then solemnly touches her coffin.

deacon at memorial

Hollis shows up and his boss tells him he feels like he’s going to be paying tribute to Sheila all by his lonesome.

deacon thinks he will be alone

Hollis says it’s about the quality of the people. Deacon knows everyone hated Sheila but thinks it’s sad that it’s just the two of them.

Hope shows up and Hollis makes himself scarce.

Deacon can hardly believe it and hugs his daughter, telling her this means the world to him.

hope shows up at memorial

They speculate on whether Finn will come and she adds that Finn shouldn’t let Steffy dictate how he feels.

hope venting about steffy to deacon

She sits and he talks to the coffin, wondering why Sheila through it all away just as they were building something.

deacon talking to coffin

Finn shows up. Hope leaps up to him, explaining she’s there to support her dad.

She’s sorry for his loss too.

Deacon stares at the sky.

hope and finn at memorial

Finn walks over to the casket and doesn’t know how to feel.

Deacon reminds him that she gave him life and loved him more than anything in this world.

It means so much that he’s there.

finn at coffin with hope and deacon

The doctor asks how he’s holding up.

Deacon is taking it day by day.

Despite what most of the world thinks, Sheila wasn’t all bad.

Finn can see he knew her better than anyone so he asks him to clarify what happened.

Deacon explains she’d turned her life around and they had a stable life.

This doesn’t make any sense to Finn.

Hope assumes that Sheila just snapped. She was always defying logic.

finn needs an explanation

Hope thinks the real tragedy is all the pain she caused, even when she’s left.

Deacon tells Finn his mom believed that no one cared about her.

But he’s sure she’s looking down at them and smiling because they are there.

deacon and finn at memorial

Sheila did defy logic. There will never be anyone like her again.

Tearing up, Deacon can’t believe they have to say goodbye.

deacon tearing up at memorial B&B

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