Y&R Recap: Victor Chloroforms Jordan and Calls The Police To Take Her to Prison and Ashley Agrees to go to Paris Just as Tucker Flies Out

Mon May 27, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Ashley meets her alters, Chelsea opens up to Nick, and Adam suggests Sally step in for Chelsea.

Friday’s recap: Summer had a change of heart about Claire, and Victor thwarted Michael and Cole’s attempt to take Jordan.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on May 27. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Adam and Chelsea are getting coffee at Crimson Lights and discussing their son.

He assures her their son’s doctors are working.

chelsea and adam get coffee

She feels like they are making things harder on Connor.

Nick comes in and asks about the call with Connor.

They try to be positive but he guesses there is more.

nick asks about connor

The three of them sit around a table and talk about the call and how the OCD set Connor off.

Nick is sure this is rough.

Chelsea explains they will be going for an in-person therapy session.

chelsea and adam fill nick in

Nick urges his brother to take all the time he needs and put family before business. He’s sure their son knows they are fighting for him.

Adam leaves to see Sally.

Nick asks Chelsea not to hold it together for him and she admits she’s not doing great.

nick chelsea discuss her issues

She thought she’d be tougher because she knows what her son is doing through but she’s running on fumes.

He assumes that makes it harder and urges her to let her son work through his own feelings.

They talk about Billy being away and he worries that she’s taking this on by herself.

Chelsea tells him that Adam has actually been pretty great lately. It took awhile, but he came around.

Nick never thought he’d see the day anyone called Adam “stable.”

nick listens to cheslea's issues

Her phone reminds her that she just missed a meeting with Summer. He’s sure his daughter will understand.

Nick urges her to take a break but she can’t. She needs to finish the line.

He suggests they find someone to help her.

Adam meets with Sally at the GCAC and informs her that he and Chelsea will be going to see their son for a week or two.

sally adam talk connor

She suggests that they get Connor a card game. He thinks she’s great.

He loves her and urges her to open up about what is bothering her behind her brave face.

adam asks what's bothering sally

Eventually, she admits she feels lost. He worries he’s been too distant but she assures him they are fine.

This is about her career. She’s never been so unsure about her future.

She’s realized moving into interior design was a mistake and she misses fashion. It’s in her DNA.

She afraid to go back to her. The business is fickle and she’s been forgotten.

He tells her it’s never too late to start over and will do all he can to help when he gets back.

sally tells adam she wants back in fashion

Kissing him, she says hearing that almost makes her believe it.

Adam returns to Crimson Lights and tells Chelsea he booked the jet for them.

She says Nick suggested she take a leave of absence.

adam suggests sally take over

He doesn’t think that’s a terrible idea. She doesn’t have anyone to cover.

Adam gets an idea and fills her in about the conversation he just had with Sally.

Would he let her step in?

chelsea adam talk leave

Jack and Traci ask Ashley for a stroll and notice Alan is hone.

She explains he asked him to leave because her head is spinning.

ashley checks her phone

She has a lot to process after he told her he thinks she has DID.

They fill her in on how she has been changing her mind about getting help and she wonders if they think she’s unbalanced enough to be committed.

Traci says they think she needs help.

They are terrified about her safety.

traci telsl sister about hospital

Her sister won’t go to Fairview and they agree to that but they think waiting would be a mistake.

Ashley explains that Alan thinks she suffered a trauma in Paris and needs to figure it out. She’s sorry she’s put them through so much.

As they talk about going to Paris, her head buzzes and she goes to the white room where Belle and Miss Abbott.

ashley and alters

The alters bicker and Ashley guesses they are the ones causing her blackouts.

They tell her they are protecting her and she can’t go to Paris with Alan.

The alters bicker about which of them should take charge.

Miss Abbott orders her to let her take over.

Belle urges her not to go to Paris.

ashley horrified by alters

Ashley wonders why. Traci snaps her out of it and they ask what just happened.

She explains she went to an incredibly strange place.

Alan is right and she needs to go to Paris to get answers.

Traci insists on going with her and Ashley won’t fight her on it.

She tells them to start the arrangements and decides to go and see Alan to tell him about what she just experienced.

traci insists on going with sister

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In the Newman dungeon, Victor asks Cole and Michael what they are doing there.

Jordan declares they are there to save her.

victor corners cole and michael

“Over my dead body,” says Victor.

She starts begging Cole for help and warns her blood will be on his hands it he doesn’t.

Michael and Cole explain why they are there and Jordan declares they are her angels of mercy.

cole and michael by the cell

Victor orders the two men to follow him upstairs.

Once they get there, Victor declares this is his plan.

They point out it is a crime.

He doesn’t care and orders them to leave and never speak of this again.

victor orders them to leave

They refuse.

Victor reminds them of all Jordan has done and all the times she’s escaped.

He thinks she deserves what she’s getting.

victor refuses to end this

Cole has thought about leaving her in the cage but this is wrong and they can’t stoop to it.

michael and cole refuse to back down

He points out that the staff will find her but Victor dismisses this and declares she needs to be rotting where she is.

Michael warns that it will haunt him if he lets her die in there.

Doesn’t be want to be free of the burden of keeping her there?

If she was discovered, he’d end up in prison.

michael makes pitch to victor

Victor says that will only happen if they go to the authorities.

They assure him they want to protect him and are sure the system will contain her.

michael tells victor new plan

They can put her somewhere that she can’t escape.

She’s a psycho and no one will believe anything she claims.

The lawyer adds they will have to destroy the cell and all evidence.

The only person who will suffer is Jordan.

They think he should play the hero and pretend she washed up on the riverbank and he brought her in.

Victor sighs.

victor pondering plan

Back in the dungeon, Jordan pants that she was so close to her freedom.

It’s all slipping away again.

jordan in cell

Victor, Michael, and Cole come down.

He announces that they will be handing her to the authorities.

She’s sure this is a trick.

He thinks she’s evil and they will be dropping her off the bridge.

victor has plans for jordan

Jordan tells him he’s won and he can do with her what he wishes.

When she begs him to put her out of her misery, he says, “Not yet.”

As he opens the cell, she panics and runs into Cole’s arms.

Victor chloroforms her.

jordan runs from victor

He calls the authorities and announces he found the Jordan woman on the riverbank and they are bringing her in.

Cole tells him he did the right thing.

Victor says that he and Michael betrayed him and that’s not something he will easily forget.

victro says cole michael traitors

In his suite at the GCAC, Tucker calls Audra to say that it looks like she had decided to take their trip without him.

tucker calls audra

He has been cancelling her meetings and will keep doing so.

As he has a drink, Jean Jacques calls and Tucker tells him no one at Glissade can have contact with Audra.

He informs Tucker that she’s been meeting the heads of companies they acquired.

McCall says he will handle this and books a flight to Paris.

tucker calls paris

Ashley arrives at Alan’s suite. She tells him she’s losing her mind.

ashley at alan's

They sit down and she fills him in on the blackout she just had and her encounter with the alters.

They were fighting over her and wanted to take over and stop her from going to Paris.

ashley tells alan about alters

He says the fact that they exist means something is terrible wrong.

They need to go to Paris and find out what it is.

ashley listens to alan

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