Y&R Day Ahead Recap: Ashland Reneges on His Deal With Victoria, While Victor And Billy Go At It

Canadian Y&R day ahead recap from the Friday, April 16, 2021 episode, which airs in the USA Monday, April 19. On today’s episode, Billy and Victor call each other names, Sutton and Naya take a meeting with Amanda, Mariah has morning sickness and Abby tries to put up a brave front.

At CrimsonLights, Victoria mentions to Nikki that Ashland hasn’t sent the purchase agreement yet for Cyaxares. Nikki likes the flower in her daughter’s lapel. Nikki wrongly assumes it’s from Victor. “It’s from Billy,” she says. Nikki’s smile turns into a frown. Nikki hopes this doesn’t mean she’s interested in taking things further with him. Victoria gets a text that Locke wants to meet to discuss details. Neither woman understand what that’s all about. Victoria is intrigued by the man and wonders why he is being so unconventional with her. Nikki thinks he’s shady and she shouldn’t bother with him, but Victoria thinks her father has something to do with this. Nikki is surprised she’d think her father would pull his strings that way. Nikki thinks this is more about Dad going toe-to-toe with her. Nikki thought she and her father got past their tug of war. Victoria reminds her mama that Victor pit her against Adam so if he’s going to play rough, “So be it.”

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victoria dumb young restless

At ChanceComm, Billy tells Lily he sent flowers to Victoria for getting Cyaxares. He wants to stay on good terms. Lily snarks that she hopes it wasn’t red roses. They discuss whether or not Victoria is still going to make a play for him.

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At Society, Abby and Nina talk about all the cute baby items they want to buy. Jack interrupts to congratulate Abby on the surrogacy. The ladies squee and Jack calls it an amazing journey. Abby goes to take a call from Chance. Nina’s happy to be getting to know Abby. She knows it’s not the same as having your spouse with you. They discuss Chance’s super-secret career and how hard it is not knowing what he’s up to or if he’s safe. Jack discusses Kyle and Summer’s engagement. He hopes he was a good role model. Nina teases Jack about all the marriages he’s had. Abby returns, excited that she was able to talk to Chance. She’s sorry that he had to disconnect before he could talk to her. Elena turns up and sees Devon and Amanda are reunited. She watches and Lola appears. Elena shares what happened and they discuss Nate and how he thinks they’ve missed their chance. Elena wonders why they couldn’t reunite like Amanda and Nate. She looks over and Nate spots her. They all sit together and he tells her about Moses’ internship. She leaves and Lola gets nosy. Why can’t he reunite with Elena? He clearly cares for her. He admits he does. He just doesn’t want the drama that goes with it. He had that with Carolyn, but she died suddenly.

jack visits nina young restless

At home, Mariah holds her head, feeling sick. Tessa offers her saltines or ice chips. Mariah was under the impression that she’d wake up and feel a teensy bit sick and that it’d pass. Mariah is tired and sensitive. She sniffs the air and looks around. “What’s that smell?” She sniffs her hand and realizes it’s her hand cream. She runs off to throw up in the washroom. She returns after a shower and says she can’t use any products. Reality is starting to hit. Tessa gets a flower and sings a sweet love song to Mariah, making her smile.

mariah morning sickness young restless

At home, Devon and Amanda discuss her new criminal case.

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Victor is cordial to Lily at the club while Krystal, the host in the green dress, fixes him a coffee. Billy taunts Victor. Victor reminds Billy he was kicked to the curb by Ashland. Shouldn’t he be upset? Billy is glad that Victoria won’t weaponize it the way he and Adam would have. “Don’t be too sure, Billy Boy.” Billy calls Victor an enabler. Victor thinks he’s playing with fire and calls Billy a gambler. Billy knows that. He’s honest about it. Victor laughs his pants off about that. Billy thinks he’ll be arrested for aiding and abetting a criminal. Victor ignores him and says this is far from over. Later, Victor gets a text from Ashland to up his offer so they can do business together. Nearby, Devon finds Abby and learns Chance called. Abby acts thrilled to death but Devon knows she’s not. She admits she’s not feeling good about it. She was overjoyed and is crashing. That call will hold her for a long time. She is now worried about his safety even more. She tears up at all the uncertainty. Devon tries to comfort her and it works wonders. She passes Amanda on her way out. Amanda gets a text from Imani. “This will only end badly for you.” She sees Devon and tells him.

abby cries young restless

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At Society, Amanda meets with her grandfather and mother. She doesn’t want anyone to know what the meeting is about and admits Devon knows what’s going on and she trusts him but she hasn’t confided in anyone else. Neither have they. She wants to build a smart defense. She assumes Richard learned someone at Newman was making donations for zoning or municipal favors to benefit the company. They don’t know about that. Richard was threatening to expose the person and his brakes were tampered with because of it. It’s a way to create reasonable doubt. Naya thinks it’s politically motivated. Why would someone go to extreme lengths to cover up a white collared crime? There must be more to the story. An arrangement between her grandfather and whomever and wanted to blackmail the person. Naya says it’d give the killer a stronger motive. It’d portray her father as greedy instead of a whistleblower. Amanda says her father had a massive student loan debt. Sutton says Victor Newman isn’t a man she will want as an enemy. Amanda has gone up against worse. Victor’s history with commercial bribery can help them. He pled guilty in 2004 to this. Sutton invites her to his house this weekend. She’s in.

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