Finn Wakes Up and Sheila Clobbers Li, and Donna Tries Explaining Her Affair to Hope

In the Wednesday, June 15, 2022, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Ridge and Taylor panic about Sheila, Bridget and Quinn ask Eric about all his strenuous exercise, and Hope needs some answers.

We also have Tuesday’s B&B recap where Sheila discovered Finn is alive and Hope confronted Donna about Eric.

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Sheila finds Finn and demands to know what Li has done. “My son is alive,” she says in shock as she touches his hair. Li says his real mother stepped in and saved him.

Sheila tells Finn she didn’t kill him. “Thanks to me,” Li points out. The other woman needs an explanation for how this is possible.

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Li explains his pulse came back in the ambulance. The doctors were ready to give up on him so she took over. After pointing out that Li has let everyone think he’s dead, she says, “You’re even crazier than I am.”

Sheila thanks her for keeping him alive. Now she has the chance to make it up him. She wonders what he says when he’s conscious. Li admits he hasn’t woken up. “Take him to a hospital now,” Sheila orders. Li refuses.

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In his office at Forrester Creations, Ridge and Taylor freak out about Sheila being on the loose. He thinks they should call Steffy. Zende wanders in. They fill him in. He paces and says it’s “crazy.”

Zende runs off to see Charlie. Ridge decides they should call Li but she doesn’t pick up thanks to Sheila.

Back at Li’s, she tells Sheila that she has no say in how she cares for her son. It will only be a matter of time until she’s back where she belongs. Sheila points out Finn isn’t dead. She didn’t kill him.

Li still refuses to take him to the hospital. He had such a promising future…and then he met Steffy, the Forresters, and Sheila. She hasn’t nursed him back to life just for her to swoop in. Finn begins mumbling.

As he opens his eyes, Sheila knocks Li out. “Mama’s right here, baby,” she tells him.

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When Eric gets home, he’s baffled that Quinn is concerned enough about his activities to bring Bridget in to consult. His wife thinks he’s being a little “too active.” Eric insists all his activity at the club has energized him and made him happy.

Quinn asks if he’s doing something strenuous at the club. He insists he’s always careful and has no tightness in his chest. Bridget says they both just want him around as much as possible.

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She’s sure the visits to the club are really good for him and is glad to see his interest in fitness. “Keep it up,” she encourages.

Quinn walks Bridget out and thanks her for not saying anything about her monitoring Eric’s heart rate. She will be watching him like a hawk.

When she returns to Eric, she tells him she will always be concerned about her “loving loyal husband” and gives him an awkward hug.

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Bold and Beautiful Opinion: One Dimensional Plots and No Progress

hope questions donna BB

At the club, Donna begs Hope not to say anything about her affair with Eric. She fumbles through excuses and Hope is in disbelief. She tries to see Donna’s side, but…

Donna admits she’s daydreamed about reconnecting with Eric, but as his wife, not like this. When he needs to be happy, he turns to her. Donna just wants him to be happy and Quinn sure isn’t doing it.

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She will never feel the same about another man as she does about Eric. Deep down, she will always believe he belongs with her. She feels like she is reuniting with a long-lost friend, one who happens to be her soulmate.

Hope thinks that sounds sweet, but everyone deserves honesty and respect…even Quinn. Donna sobs. She appreciates her not calling her a homewrecker. “Do you know who my mother is?” Hope reminds her.

She still wants to talk to Eric to see how he’s feeling about figure out what’s really going on. Hope thinks everyone deserves a partner whose heart is theirs alone.