Finn Defends Sheila to Steffy, Brooke Asks Ridge if He’s Trying To Hurt Her & Deacon asks if Brooke Still Remembers Their Passion

In the Wednesday, December 2, 2021, full episode recap of CBS’ Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke confronts Ridge, Finn defends Sheila and Deacon asks Brooke if she still feels a connection to him. We also have Wednesday’s B&B recap where Ridge confronted Brooke about her feelings for Deacon.

At home, Ridge tells Brooke he’s not attacking or accusing her of anything. He loves her. She say she loves him. “The way you look at that man and let him do what he wants…” She says that man has a name. He knows that and he’s trying to get back in her life and using her daughter to do it.

Ridge asks her to tell him she doesn’t have feelings for this guy and that there’s no way she could. Brooke already told her that she doesn’t. Ridge says he’s gotten to Hope and is working on her to get her forgiveness, acceptance and she’ll see he’s a new and better man. He sees it’s working and wonders if pain and heartache comes next.

“I don’t want that for any of us.” She asks why he keeps trying to bring up her having sex with Deacon. “Are you really trying to hurt me?” Ridge say no but this guy causes pain to everyone he touches. Brooke reminds him he was with Taylor when she was with Deacon. “For the love of God, let’s just stop dredging all this up, okay?”

Ridge says he’ll protect this family, whatever it takes. He gets a text and Brooke urges him to go deal with it. He professes his love and she smiles. He kisses her before going.

brooke ridge argue deacon bold and beautiful

At the hotel, Deacon drinks a beer and whines that he can’t be with his daughter. Sheila’s jealous. She can’t even get near her son. If “Miss High and Mighty” would let her see her son… she rants and  Deacon stops her and begins a rant on Ridge who thinks he has a strange hold on Brooke. “How do I make that happen with that rottweiler?”

She hates that Steffy’s running her out of town. “Just like her father is to me,” Deacon agrees. Still, they’re not joining forces, he maintains.

sheila rants deacon bold beautiful

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At Forrester Creations, Steffy and Finn kiss. She asks how things are going with his mom. Finn says she’s the same and his dad’s still reaching out. Finn’s struggling with the fact that his dad’s his biological dad. Can he trust him again? Steffy cringes, knowing that when trust is lost, it’s hard to get it back.

The truth and Sheila carter are hardly synonymous, Steffy says. Finn tries to say he’s not defending her but maybe this one time she’s…” Steffy gets  that he’s trying to manage a difficult time in his life. Finn can’t let her take advantage of the situation.

She wonders why Sheila didn’t tell him when they met at the restaurant. Finn defends Sheila. Maybe she thought it should come from Jack?

steffy asks about sheila bold beautiful

At Il Giardino, Paris and Carter look at their menus and she asks if his original lunch date was with Katie. He smiles and doesn’t want to discuss it. He wants to help her balance her check book. Later, he admits he was going to lunch with Katie. Paris couldn’t help but think there was something brewing between them.

Carter says she’s great but she’s Bill Spencer’s ex. She had to cancel to jump on a call to her kid. He keeps picking women who truly aren’t available and wonders why he’s doing that. He guesses he’s just not good in relationships.

He laughs and thinks she must be bummed she’s lunching with him. She’s glad. Carter talks about messing up with Zoe and Paris reminds him that her sis screwed up as well. She calls him considerate, “and you’re not too hard to look at, either.” Someday soon he’ll fall madly in love and he will too and they’ll keep falling back and forth madly in love and…she goes on like this.

carter paris non date bold beautiful

Back at Ridge and Brooke’s, once Ridge’s out the door, Brooke flashes to Deacon talking to her about loving her and desiring her and her feeling the same thing for him, which happened some time ago. Deacon turns up at the open door and she asks what he’s doing there. He wanted to thank her for defending him. Brooke didn’t want her to leave.

She’s trying to be supportive of their daughter. Deacon says this is crazy. Everything he dreamed of in prison is coming true. Part of his dream was seeing her, too. He hates that his being there complicates things for her and brings difficult memories. He thinks she knows that they had good memories, too. “The attraction was nuts, this chemical thing they tried to fight until they couldn’t anymore.” He speaks of the connection and passion and asks if she remembers too. He hates that they hurt Bridget but wants to know if she hasn’t forgotten.

deacon flashback brooke love bold beautiful

Sheila masks up and visits Finn in the hospital. She removes her mask and he tells her she can’t be there. She wanted to check up on him, and was worried about him.

sheila masked bold beautiful