Trina Confronts Spencer About His Feelings, Jeff Arrives in Port Charles, and Curtis’ Test Results Are Surprising

General Hospital recap for Monday, November 14, 2022. In today’s GH episode, Finn tells Alexis his life is a mess, Curtis gets his genetic test results, and Ava panics to Nikolas about Esme’s return.

We also have Friday’s GH recap where Joss hid Dex in her bed, the Feds searched for Anna, and Cyrus warned that Olivia Jerome wants to take Anna out.

Curtis and Marshall step off the elevator at General Hospital and meet Marshall. They are ready for the genetic testing results.

Jordan pops up and asks to speak to the doctor in private.

Once they get into Portia’s office, the doctor accuses her of sticking her nose into her business again. Jordan informs her that Esme has been spotted.

She’s notified Trina and wanted to loop her in. The doctor assumes there’s more.

Jordan has no idea what she’s choosing to tell Curtis but it’s clear she hasn’t told him that Trina may be his daughter. “So someone else ought to?” Portia asks.

Curtis gets the test results. His father offers to leave him alone with them, but Curtis insists it’s a family affair.

They sit down and talk about Jordan and Portia putting on a show of getting along.

Marshall laughs that that’s the best he can hope for.

His son tells him that he wouldn’t want to get the results without him, no matter what they are.

They head into Portia’s office and Jordan immediately exits. She fills them in on the Esme situation and then Curtis explains the genetic counsellor has been delayed but he can’t wait any longer.

jordan and portia done arguing general hospital soapsspoilers

He hands her the tests to explain them.

She looks them over and paces before explaining that Curtis has none of the genes that promote schizophrenia. He’s in the clear.

The doctor points out that this is very strange. She explains the genes were only discovered a few years ago and Marshall has never been tested for them.

After she takes off, Curtis senses something is wrong with his father.

Marshall chokes up and says he’s just happy. He was scared of what he might have left with him.

His son tells him he needs to stick around for the good times and gives him a hug.

curtis is happy with his dad GH

Finn attends an addicts anonymous meeting. This is his second time in a few days, and he wonders if he’s there to avoid something else.

When the meeting ends, Alexis joins him, and they talk about how busy they have been. He mentions how much his dad talks about her.

alexis prods finn GH

She asks him what he was trying to avoid discussing during the meeting. The doctor says things are just messy and he’s not ready to discuss them.

She reminds him of what happens when you hold back. He explains that his dead wife was having an affair and he doesn’t know what to do with that.

“Have you talked about this with Elizabeth?” she asks. He doesn’t think that would be productive.

finn vents alexis GH

She pushes him to talk to Liz before the silences does all the talking.

When they step into the hall, they bump into Jordan. She’s looking for Liz and wants an update on her since she was checked in last night.

The commissioner won’t explain what happened.

Portia tracks Jordan down and informs her that there is no danger of Curis developing schizophrenia. The commissioner points out that doesn’t answer who Trina’s father is.

Jeff shows up looking for his daughter.

Carly barges into Liz’s place and demands to know what happened with Esme. Liz explains she bumped into her, was knocked unconscious and then Esme took off.

carly questions liz GH

Liz admits she’s doubts Esme is running around attacking people with a hook.

She notices that Liz is sorting through a box of stuff and starts asking about it, sensing it’s very personal.

When Liz is about to burn her photos of her parents, Carly tells her that her feelings about them might change one day, and she will regret this.

Carly has never seen her like this.

Liz claims she re-evaluating her relationships with everyone she hasn’t given birth to.

liz annoyed GH

Once she’s shown Carly the door, she burns the photos.

Outside, Carly looks in and then looks at the photo of Liz’s parents she swiped.

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Dex wakes up in Joss’ bed in her dorm room as her RA bangs on the door. Joss arrives outside and stops her. She’s there because of the bed bugs report.

Joss claims that was just a rumor and she has none. The RA takes off, relieved.

Adam pops up and asks Joss what she’s hiding in her room. When she claims she’s not hiding anything, they hear a thud in her room.

joss lies to adam she has a cat general hospital soapsspoilers

She claims she has a stray cat in her room and is looking for a home for it.

Once he’s gone, she hurries in and finds Dex on the floor. After making sure his wound hasn’t opened, she checks his pulse.

dex passes out after gunshot wound general hospital soapsspoilers

She wakes him and notices he has a fever. Joss wants to take him to the ER but he refuses.

Realizing he needs antibiotics, she decides to get some for him.

He tells her he owes her. She plans to collect.

When she steps out of the door, she bumps straight into her mom.

Esme wakes up in the tower and notices that the windows are being boarded up.

Nikolas (temporarily played by Adam Huss) strolls in and says he’s trying to bar her escape and muffle the screams.

nikolas locks esme in general hospital adam huss

He brought her breakfast. She’s sure Liz will tell the cops she saw them together.

He insists no one will come looking for her and if she tries to escape again, he will have her shipped to the family’s Greek island.

She tells him this will blow up in his face, but he doubts it.

After he heads downstairs and sends Dimitrios up to look after the tower, Ava shows up to discuss his “boarder.” She’s talking about Victor and brings up him telling her that Esme is roaming the town.

ava worries nikolas GH

The cops are after her, so they need to find her first.

He says Esme has had months to pull the trigger on them. She’s sure that if she hasn’t yet, she still will.

Nikolas promises he won’t let Esme hurt her. “If only you kept your promises as easy as you make them,” she says, exiting.

Liz shows up moments later.

liz goes to see nikolas GH

Back in the tower, Esme begs Dimitrios to let her out for Nikolas’ sake.

He urges her to trust Nikolas to look after her. When she’s left alone, she hears something.

Spencer is surprised when Trina stops by Pentonville to see him. She hopes she hasn’t come too late.

spence talks deception general hospital soapsspoilers

He apologizes that prison has stunted his conversation skills. She tells him his friends are waiting for him back home, including her.

She wants to know if there is something left to salvage between them.

When he asks why now, she explains it was impossible before because he wasn’t honest with her.

She reminds him of the letter he refused to give her. What was he trying to tell her?

He admits that he was lying to her face for months. He’s always known she’s innocent.

She accuses him of keeping her in the dark, but he insists that deceiving her was the best way to protect her. That’s not something he will apologize for.

trina says spence hurt her general hospital soapsspoilers

Trina won’t fault his motives, but she would have felt better with his support. It hurt that he thought so little of her when she thought so much of him.

He tells her how much he hated seeing her suffer. It’s been hell for her to see him in prison.

Spencer didn’t know she cared. “It was clear how I felt about you! If you returned my feelings, you never said so!” she says.

They argue about this. She mentions she went to a comic convention with Rory.
Leaping up, he tells her she deserves a good guy and ends the meeting.

Before the guard takes out, she tells Spencer she’s grateful for what he did. He leaves her sobbing.