Finn and Cam Catch Liz Destroying a Drawing and Realize She’s Been Stalking Herself, While Bobbie Throws a Drink at Nina

General Hospital recap for Friday, May 20, 2022. In today’s GH episode, Jordan remembers Portia’s comment about Trina’s father, Marshall is rushed to the hospital after being stabbed, and Bobbie throws a drink at Nina.

We also have Thursday’s GH recap where Liz pushed Finn away and then escaped, and Violet started to figure out what was really happening.

carly bobbie talk tests general hospital abc

At The Savoy, Sonny urges Nina not to worry while Bobbie and Carly sit across the room glaring at them. Bobbie is determined to storm over and give them a piece of her mind.

Carly talks her mother out of that. Bobbie thinks they should leave but her daughter refuses.

Sonny tells Nina they are just two people trying to wipe out their troubles. She’s sure lots of people have opinions about them since The Invader article came out. Nina worries about the trouble she causes him.

sonny nina talk feud general hospital abc

He’s been suffering from her bad choices and thinks she should go. Sonny tells her not to do that on his account. Having her around is not trouble.

portia with taggert general hospital abc

Portia joins Taggert and they worry about Trina’s upcoming trial. He blames Jordan for this mess. They turn around and confront the commissioner. She can’t comment. Taggert keeps railing.

Portia encourages him to give Jordan more credit. The doctor asks her about the school report and whether it makes her more likely to be found guilty in the criminal trial.

Jordan says it likely won’t even be entered into evidence and encourages them to have faith. Taggert stomps off and Portia asks her to have a drink.

jordan trouble with taggert general hospital abc

Jordan says she knew Curtis was out of town and wanted to make sure no unsavory people were trying to take advantage. Portia knows that Curtis will always be family o her and she’s glad she has her back.

They wonder if Curtis and TJ have found Marshall.

Taggert bumps into Sonny by the bathrooms, who assures him he knows Trina is innocent.

When Marcus returns to Portia, he tells Jordan they are good and he trusts her. After he leaves, Jordan tells Portia what a great support system Trina has.

Jordan flashes back to hearing Portia mention the truth about Trina’s father. When she asks about this, Portia claims she wasn’t thinking straight and doesn’t like to remember her brushes with death.

As Corinthos heads back to Nina, he overhears Bobbie asking Carly about her test results. He stops and asks if she’s sick. Bobbie leaves them to it. Carly brushes this off but he’s sure she’s hiding something.

He cares. She says it’s none of his business, but she’s not sick.

Bobbie corners Nina at the bar, who doesn’t think they should be speaking. Bobbie encourages her to call off her petition before it’s too late. Michael will keep coming for her.

“Let him,” Nina says. Bobbie says she was the first to see through Nelle and now she sees where she got it from. Nina points out she’s hardly Mother Theresa herself.

Bobbie hasn’t wrecked any homes lately. She lectures her about all the things she’s done. None of the goes over well.

bobbie tosses drink in nina face GH

Nina tells her Carly turned out “every bit as twisted as her prostitute mother.” Bobbie throws a drink in her face. Nina says she will pay for this. Sonny rushes over and gets between them.

Bobbie assures Carly she’s okay. She just couldn’t stop herself. Carly says it was the least of what Nina deserves. She’s going to give her hell tomorrow.

bad guys stab marshall general hospital abc

In Brooklyn, Marshall and TJ are cornered in an alley by a pair of thugs. When TJ refuses to give up his clarinet, they fight with the two men. Marshall gets cut with a knife.

Before TJ and Marshall can be killed, Curtis pops up and chases one thug off and knocks the other out. He calls 911. The paramedics arrive with Molly.

molly marshall hospital general hospital abc

At the hospital, Curtis assures TJ that he was brave and did right by Marshall. A doctor comes out and asks them about Marshall’s medical history. They don’t know much.

TJ worries his grandfather won’t wake up. Curtis tells him not to go there. They realize they still no nothing about Marshall. They are surprised when he informs them that Stella and his mom went along with Marshall’s choice to disappear.

They can only hope he will tell them what he has been hiding. A nurse comes out with Marshall’s stuff. Curtis gets permission to visit him.

When Curtis sits beside his father, he closes his eyes.

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finn gregory violet onto something GH

At Kelly’s, Finn and his father discuss Liz’s belief she’s being haunted. Finn is thinking that Violet might be onto something and Liz could be harassing herself.

Gregory thinks that’s absurd but Finn says it fits the facts. His father still can’t see why she would torment herself and her sons. The doctor wonders if it’s connected to a sleeping aid she was prescribed.

finn with gregory general hospital abc

If this is true, his father warns she could be dangerous. It means she already attacked Chase. Finn gets Violet take off her headphones and explains he needs to take off. Once he’s gone, Gregory tells Violet not to worry.

She shows him her latest drawing of a tea party and wonders if they should thrown one for Liz. He says sometimes grown-up problems need more than that. She asks for his brownie.

sam cutting paper with cam general hospital abc

When she sneaks into her house, Liz tears up a drawing. As she starts chopping it up with scissors, Cam wanders in. This doesn’t register with her at all. He’s confused by what he’s seeing.

When he speaks to her, she doesn’t respond. Finn soon arrives and Cam tells him what he’s seen. She sits and stares with her scissors. The doctor tries talking to her and she snaps out of it when he takes the scissors away.

“How did I get here?” she asks. He explains she snuck out of Laura’s and he went looking for her. Cam explains she was cutting up the picture. She doesn’t remember any of this.

sam wakes up with scissors general hospital abc

Liz asks him what’s going on. Finn suggests that maybe she is the person they have been looking for. Cam refuses to believe it but Finn thinks it was all unconscious and done while sleepwalking.

Leaping up, Liz finds this hard to accept. If it’s true, is she the one who set fire to Franco’s studio and attacked Chase? The doctor hugs her and tells her it will be okay.

“What’s wrong with me?” she asks. He promises they will find out.

At the gatehouse, Michael and Wiley play with toy trucks and Willow complains about how exhausted she is from studying. She’s been trying to nap but can’t sleep so Wiley offers to read her a story.

willow asks if michael is wrong GH

They decide to read two bedtime stories together. After they have put their son to bed, Michael admits he felt bad calling it a night. Willow worries what will happen at the hearing tomorrow.

He says worrying won’t do them any good. She is still concerned that Nina might win and how needy she is. Michael promises they will stop Nina.

She tells him how much he and Wiley mean to her.

millow kissing general hospital abc

He vows they will hit Nina back twice as hard as she hits them. That makes them love each other even more. They head up to their room and have sex. After that, he tells her they will make everything okay.