EJ Wants Tony and Chad to Help Him Takeover DiMera Enterprises and Overthrow Jake As CEO

In the Friday, June 18, 2021, full episode recap of Days of our Lives, Kate returns home to the mansion and plays a game of cat and mouse with Jake and Gabi, Sami tells Lucas she’s staying in Salem, and Lucas moves into the pub. In case you missed out, on Thursday’s Days of our Lives episode, Ben set fire to his divorce papers.

Jake brings Gabi coffee and she’s cold to him. They argue about Kate returning home and Gabi’s concern that Kate can’t manage without him. “Just go,” she says, stopping the conversation from going further. Gabi accuses him of wanting Kate. Jake says if she had told him why she left Salem in the first place, he’d have gone into hiding with her. “It has always been you.” She wants to believe that. They kiss. “Looks like somebody brought in a couple of dogs in heat,” Chad says, walking in. He thinks they should tell Kate the truth. So does Gabi. The brothers argue. Jake will tell Kate as soon as he deems it appropriate. He goes. Chad and Gabi argue about whether Jake wants Kate. Chad grins and tells Gabi that Kate isn’t as helpless as she thinks. He covers and taunts her that Jake fell for Kate because of her strength. He tries to make Gabi doubt their relationship and Gabi lashes out and takes off to Jake’s room, where she flashes to sex with Jake.

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gabi white jumpsuit days of our lives

At the hospital, Kate flashes to telling Chad that she doesn’t want Jake back. She just can’t wait to stick it to him. To herself, she says she can’t wait to make them suffer. Anna wanders in and they catch up.  Tony appears with pink lilies. They greet each other and she comments on the lilies. Anna asks how she knew what they were. She covers. They talk about how Andre faked blindness to toy with John and Kristen. Kate thinks he was kind of brilliant way to get back at them. She turns down their offer to take her home since Jake’s on his way. She hopes Gabi hasn’t tried once more to bed Jake. He finally shows up and she acts thrilled to be with him. He tells her that he and Gabi know where they stand. Kate’s glad. She doesn’t want it to be uncomfortable or for Gabi to feel bad that they’re spending so much time together.

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John brings coffee to Marlena at the townhouse. John smirks and thinks that Sami and EJ had a lot of “talking” to do, meaning sex, but Marlena heard him talking and EJ left in the middle of the night. She tells him about Sami and Lucas kissing. John’s surprised. They haven’t been together for a long time and constantly butt heads. Marlena says Lucas stood by her when she was in jail for Charlie’s murder. Trauma seems to have brought them together. “How close?” Marlena ponders. In her bed, Sami dreams she’s woken up to Lucas. They kiss and she wakes up for real, shocked to see EJ in her bed. “Were you expecting someone else?” She says it’s disconcerting. They haven’t shared a bed in a while. He could tell she had a “very enjoyable dream,” and asks about it. She lies that it was about him. He kisses her hand and asks why they didn’t make love last night. She reminds him he pushed her away in the past. EJ calls it unfair to her and wants to get back on track. She wants that too. They profess their love and kiss and he moves in for more and she pushes him away. She wants more. The messy parts too. “I want everything, EJ.” He nods. They dress and he’s packed her stuff. They’ll move into the DiMera mansion. He relays that he wants to take the business over. She would rather focus on their marriage without distractions. This confuses EJ. “There’s a lot of drama in Salem,” she says. EJ comes out as John says to Marlena that maybe they shouldn’t worry about this closeness between Sami and Lucas. “What’s this about Sami and Lucas,” EJ asks. Marlena covers and brings up Allie, happy they’re there to support her. EJ talks about getting back into the family business.

ej sami bed no sex days of our lives

Related: Next week on Days, torn between two lovers

Lucas greets Roman at the pub. Roman offers to help him take Kate home but Lucas says Jake’s already doing it. In fact, Lucas was given the boot from Gabi. Lucas asks to rent the room upstairs. Roman says it’s fine. He’s still family and always will be. Lucas is grateful. They have coffee and Roman hopes Allie and Henry will come by more often because of it. Lucas will try to ensure that happens. Roman asks him to dinner and includes Sami. Lucas tells him Sami left Salem last night. Roman denies that. Lucas gets upset that EJ’s back and calls Sami selfish. Roman had no idea and notices how upset Lucas seems. Did something happen between them? Lucas skirts the question and goes to the mansion to get his things. Marlena and John arrive and discuss EJ’s return and fishes for information, while telling them he thinks Lucas has feelings for her. John and Marlena give each other a look.

roman talks Lucas sami days of our lives


EJ and Sami stroll into the mansion and EJ greets his brother. Sami goes to find a room though Chad seems to think they’re filled up. EJ yells at Chad for abdicating his “throne” and letting that “low life mobster” take over DiMera. Meanwhile, Jake brings Kate upstairs. Gabi’s laying on his bed and Kate asks, “Gabi, what are you doing here?” Kate admits she could smell her perfume. Gabi lies that Harold left her drycleaning in the room. Kate stakes her claim with Jake and says she knows they had sex but hopes Gabi doesn’t think it’ll happen again. When Gabi leaves the room, she grabs Jake’s ass. Once she’s gone, Kate asks for a hug and while they’re hugging, she smirks and asks him to make love to her. Downstairs, Tony and Anna appear as EJ and Chad discuss taking Jake down together. It warms Tony’s heart. Lucas sees Sami in the foyer later and she tells him she’s staying in Salem. He thinks it’s for him and grins wildly. Sami cringes as Lucas asks if she told EJ it was over because of him. Sami reveals she’s staying because of EJ. In the lounge, EJ tells his brothers they need to rescue Fatha’s company from the “Grease Monkey in Chief.” Anna doesn’t want Tony in on this. Tony smiles. He’s never been happier not being a part of this sort of thing. Chad needs time to consider his next move. EJ says not to take too long. If they’re to overthrow Jake, they need to do it soon. EJ later walks in on Sami telling Lucas not to get any ideas. He questions them.

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